How Stupid is Australia?
While many nations are re-opening from ‘lockdown’ and building new coal-fired power stations, Australia, with one of the world’s richest mineral supplies, remains shackled AND shutting down ALL coal plants to ‘save the planet.’ Who is to blame? Corrupt politicians or the stupid people who vote for them?
It seems tree-hugging Australians are so out of touch with the rest of the civilised world the brainwashed populace actually believes shutting down SIX coal plants will counteract the effects of over FIVE THOUSAND active plants globally.
But if Aussies want to sacrifice their economy and the well-being of future generations on the altar of environmental virtue signaling so be it.
A major factor in the dumbing down of Australia with Big Green nonsense is the mass indoctrination of the people via the press and education system.
We reported on this last week with An Australian Teachers’ Guide To Indoctrinating The Young.
Here are a few extracts:
“The national primary-school English teachers’ association has launched a climate propaganda blitz on the 5- to 14-years-olds placed in their care.
The teachers’ just-released manual spruiks intermittent wind and solar and demands an end to coal-fired electricity and fossil fuels.
As notes to the manual say:
Chapter 9 is a call for action. Without students taking personal action to mitigate climate change, there is no point to this book.”(P4)
It’s an error-ridden 174-page blueprint that quarantines kids from any acknowledgment that costly wind and solar farms must be backed up by 24-7 baseload power.
The blueprint would have kids chanting North Korean-style “an Earth-focused school or class ‘anthem’ at assemblies. (This) is a great way to build emotional attachment to the planet” (P154). The authors suggest such lyrics as:
Earth is getting warmer, oceans rising higher
Storms are growing stronger, floods and fire
We know about the dangers, know there must be changes
The future is in our handsThe blueprint is called Teaching the language of climate change science and is issued by the Primary English Teaching Association of Australia (PETAA) for its 3,500 members and teachers generally.
One author is Julie Hayes, retired principal of Cowandilla Primary School, SA, which has been “a Climate Change Focus School” for the past 20 years. The co-author is Dr. Bronwyn Parkin, a literacy-linguistics specialist at Adelaide University. Both are listed as PETAA directors.
The indoctrination was poorly vetted by a 20-person academic panel. Its only card-carrying climate scientist was Professor Chris Turney of UNSW.[1] Turney’s wife, Annette, a tutor and Ph.D. student at Wollongong University, was a co-panelist, which seems a bit in-group.[2]
Turney is famous for leading the “ship of fools” expedition to the Antarctic in 2013 to spruik global warming there. The ship got stuck in the ice that wasn’t supposed to be there and the climate scientists and joy-riders had to be extricated by a series of rescue vessels at huge expense and disruption to real science down there.”
The icing on the cake of this stupidity is that the ‘Mother country,’ the UK is opening up again to virtual normality on July 19th, as PM Boris Johnson tells Brits to ‘learn to live’ with Covid-19.
A clue as to why Britain is now suddenly reopening may be the millions of (non-masked) demonstrators recently protesting in London against the insanity (photo, below). It seems peaceful protests do change the political climate when a critical mass is reached.
But Australians are set for another 18 months of insane lockdowns. We know the nation ‘Down Under’ was once a British penal colony, but this is making the Aussies a laughing stock to the rest of the world.
About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI). John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.
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Mark Tapley
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Australia has fallen farther and faster than most countries into the clutches of the Zionist global warming scam rolled out by Rockefeller shill and U.N. bankers big shot Maurice Strong of the Club of Rome. Another elitist program for the masses by the same bunch that are now running the fake virus, fake numbers, fake test and new blood toxin injection campaign.
The goal is to impose upon the whole world the long planned U.N. program euphemistically termed the. Sustainable Development Initiative Agenda 2030-21. This is just a repackaging of Marx (Moses Mordecai Levy) communist manifesto in which all land, water, capital and resources go into the pockets of the Zionist elite and as WEF big dog Klaus states: you will own nothing.
Those Zionist operatives now pushing this over 50 year old fake narrative with the help of the Jew controlled MSM may take note of an historical fact. In the Bolshevik (Judaism) Soviet Union, once everything had been plundered, the elite then turned upon each other. One other thing. When this new system that you strive for does come to power, environmental extremists will no longer be needed. All political activists like you, will then become enemies of the state.
Dr. Vernon coleman etplans the program:
Tom Jules
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Be careful how you brand Zionists, there are 2 definitions (- see . Most Jews / Israeli’s are not Zionists in the sense you mean. Better replace Zionists with Illuminati ( – these are the people working towards the New World Order. Many are not Jews.
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Well said John!
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Australian politicians are a pretty dumb bunch of individuals. Australia’s Chief Scientist once told them that no matter what action Australia takes to fight global warming, it will have no discernible impact on global temperature. But the overpaid political idiots, knowing this, simply continue with the global climate con.
As for Australia’s covid-19 problem, that is also down to dumb Aussie politicians and bureaucrats making it all up as they go along, when they really don’t have a clue about implementing good C-19 healthcare policy.
What should have happened in Australia is early treatment of infected individuals. This should have been allowed using effective medications like Ivermectin, HCQ treatment, etc. But the bastards banned such treatment.
Australians are a tolerant people. But even they have had enough of these political bastards and all their lockdowns and mask mandates, and the police state tactics. Most Australians have actually had enough of seeing incompetent politicians destroying local economies and all that goes with that.
Australians are at a tipping point… ready to turn against all these political idiots buggering up the country.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Mervyn:
There is no stupidity here except on the part of gullible simps like you. the Australian puppet actor politicians, just like the fake Dem. and fake Rep. aIPAC shabbas goys here in Jewmerica know the Zionists are running the show and also their own little political careers. Its been that way for a long time. They all know that the herd can only be driven so much at a time. And since all the MSM, schools, academia and “entertainment” are in the elite’s pocket they are gradually molding the younger goyim to be even more docile domesticated livestock on the global planation.
The politicians also knew when they ordered their fake PCR tests back in 2018 long before they introduced the fake virus that there would be plenty of brainwashed idiots like you, that would believe their long planned medical fear campaign. And you refer to them as dumb. The political operatives will back off for now so as not to stampede the cattle. Once things stabilize on the fake climate change and fake virus front, they move ahead further. Thats what the Frankfurt School always taught. See below how these agendas make the Davos elite even richer as you head down the road to ruin.
T. C. Clark
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Things are about the same in Canada….USA….UK….N.Z. S. Africa is pretty much gone. Time to separate? Time to allow the realists and fantasy land zealots move apart?
Tom Jules
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Our Pollies are not dumb – just taking back-handers from BigAg, BigChem, BigPharma, etc who have about a hundred lobbyists running around the Parliaments doling out the cash) and dare not cross the MSM like Tony Abbot for fear of losing their seats. Many are also aspiring to positions of even more power in the coming New World Order, just like Turnbull the Turncoat, Helen Clarke from NZ, etc. Hence their obedience to the Illuminati & BigBiz who own and /or control the media, including the left-wing, globalist Australian Brainwashing Corporation (ABC). We do have a couple of smart Trump-like Patriots such as Craig Kelly and Malcolm Roberts.
Michael Ryan
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In Australia you can be made to take vaccine under a bill passed in 2015? If you don’t a $66,500 fine and/or 5 years in jail.
So what did they know in 2015?
New effort to vaccinate is to have businesses give the ‘Jibby-Jab’ to their staff, prizes and other incentives to ensure we all are injected. Now the person in charge of the concerted effort to inject Australians with an experimental vaccine is Lieutenant General John Frewen.
Shortly Australia will make it compulsory to have ‘Jibby-Jab’ and with Military in charge, the Freedoms we all once enjoyed prior to March, 2020 are gone.
Probably time for a revolution. Peaceful of course. Don’t wear clothing that suits halloween or they will call it an insurrection.
Roslyn Ross
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Again, not true, but please provide links to the regulations to which you refer?
If you mean No Jab, No Play, that simply means parents who do not vaccinate their children cannot claim childcare benefits. Clearly it does not affect those who have the money to do without such benefits. But sure, let’s see your sources for these regulations.
Roslyn Ross
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As an Australian I can only say, a somewhat exaggerated view. The tendency to exaggerate should be avoided if Principia wants people to believe what it claims to represent.
Michael Ryan
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Hi Roslyn,
was hoping to have interview up which deals with your comments. Tomorrow.
Australia can still get EVERYONE COVID-19 vaccinated by Christmas, according to a former health department secretary.
Mandatory Vaccinations
Workplace Vaccinations. What about adverse effects after the jab. This is the throttled data from US.
Hope this helps,
Roslyn Ross
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Thanks but it does not negate my comment.
Michael Ryan
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Hi Roslyn,
Biosecurity Bill, 2015 and updated 2017. Probably updated since then too. In Australia you can be made to take vaccine under a bill passed in 2015? If you don’t a $66,600 fine and/or 5 years in jail.
Elizabeth Hart
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Hi Roslyn and Mike, yes, under the Biosecurity Act 2015, refusers of Covid vaccination in Australia could be at risk of five years imprisonment and/or a $66,600 fine.
See my BMJ rapid response on this matter, published in October 2020:
Five years imprisonment and/or a $66,600 fine for refusing coronavirus vaccination? | The BMJ
Roslyn Ross
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‘Could’ is the operative word Elizabeth. The 2015 Act is to cover all possibilities and is one of thousands which ‘could’ do all sorts of things, but generally it does not happen. I am sure one could trawl through British, American and various other legislations and find similar, ‘potentially’ tyrannical regulations.
Such Acts are prepared to cover all bases and should never be taken as ‘written in stone.’ Let us agree, that pulling it up for Covid is to take it to an extreme, which, while possible, is not likely and was never put together for Covid.
There are many extreme positions regarding Covid, and Principia falls into that trap at times, it is critical to retain a balanced and reasoned approach to the situation and all possibilities.
How likely is it in Australia, given the clear ‘resistance’ of many Australians to Covid genetic vaccines, that ANY Government who wishes to be re-elected, and they all do, would even attempt to bring in such severe punishments for those who exercise their democratic right to say No to a medical treatment? Snowballs in Hell likely.
Possible avenues for coercion could be removing benefits, hitting pensions, increasing taxation for the unvaccinated, but those also fall into the ‘not gonna happen’ category in an age of poll-driven politics.
So, I consider it irresponsible to wave such ‘fear flags’ in the first place. Yes, we need to protect our rights and freedoms but fear-mongering and demonising Government hinders a just cause.
Michael Ryan
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Hi Roslyn,
I consider it irresponsible to ignore such ‘fear flags’ in the first place.
Perhaps you should read a few history books, which maybe illuminating. Of course as history is being rewritten by the minute you will need to be quick. The truth really is out there…
Of course we must allow fear-mongering from Government and the demonising of those trying to tell the truth. That would in my humble opinion hinder a just cause.
Elizabeth Hart
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Roslyn, I think it’s irresponsible not to be alert to the possibilities… The fact is, the potential is there. Who was responsible for including this draconian possibility?
We already have coercive vaccination laws for children in Australia, i.e. the No Jab, No Pay/No Play laws.
CEPI Chair Jane Halton has called for No Jab, No Play for adults in regards to the covid injections, and she has the ear of Scott Morrison as a member of the National COVID-19 Commission Advisory Board.
And Scott Morrison is the enabler of the No Jab, No Pay law, he raised the No Jab, No Pay bill while he was Social Services Minister in 2015, in response to the Murdoch media’s No Jab, No Play campaign for coercive vaccination. But it wasn’t disclosed at the time that the Murdoch media, News Corp Australia, is a corporate partner of the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, which is involved in vaccine research, including now covid-19 vaccine research with the Doherty Institute – a massive conflict of interest.
Scott Morrison is very proud of No Jab, No Pay, and very keen on coercive vaccination, as we’re seeing now with machinations underway to coax people to submit to covid injections.
The entire covid situation is bizarre, with the plan to vaccinate the entire world population against this disease which they’ve known from the beginning wasn’t a serious risk for most people.
Already over 3 billion doses have been given…and I strongly suspect many of these doses have been given without ‘informed consent’.
Most recently, Biden is planning to send out squads in the US to vaccinate door to door…
I suggest Australians should remain alarmed about the potential of the draconian Biosecurity Act 2015.
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… unfortunately the population is rather asleep … most don’t even know their rights nor the constitution … worst they sre not even willing to research … but run along consenting to the most hideous directives released by the puppets … which are not even laws … it’s a sad state of affairs … wondering what it takes to finally wake the sleep wakers up…🙏
Mark Tapley
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Hello Roger:
When that U.N. army boot starts kicking them in the ass on their way into Agenda 2030-21 some of them may get the message.
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There just aren’t words for the level of stupidity in Aus at the moment. Anyone with a functioning brain can see its a scam, makes me ashamed to be Australian.