How Should We Consider Those Who Aired Hate Towards The Unvaxxed?
I was greeted this morning by a Tweet reminding me of the pure vitriol, contempt, and threats of reprisal for the “unvaccinated” those who made the wise choice of declining Covid vaccination
Remember the novel vaccines were originally Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen.
All were genetic with no data on how long the genetic code would stay in the body, how long the lethal Spike protein would be produced, and with no assurances that the vaccine would protect against severe outcomes including hospitalization and death.
The real victims of vaccine propaganda were those who rolled up their sleeves.
I responded with a perspective from clinical practice:
“Everyday without prejudice or malice I take care of vaccinated with neuropathy, blood clots, heart damage and help families cope with vaccine cardiac arrest.
I don’t blame them for their unhinged, hateful propaganda—they are the ones sick and dying not the unvaccinated.”
At this time there are no apologies, no requests for forgiveness from media anchors. So many people around the world were victims of an effective PSYOP engineered by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex and facilitated by the group psychological phenomenon of mass formation psychosis.
If those spewing propaganda said they took the vaccines, we should believe them. If they are not telling us they are on their ninth shot by now, we should assume they are declining any more injections in quiet, shameful regret.
In clinical practice we are seeing new blood clots and hearing about cardiac arrests two years after the initial series of mRNA vaccines in 2021. More disease will occur in the now silent, vaccinated.
Each person who propagandized and was in the mass formation themselves, evidenced by their personal vaccine card, will have to reconcile the unwise health choice of getting injected with pseudo-uridinated synthetic genetic code, loading their bodies with long-lasting viral Spike protein engineered in a Chinese biosecurity lab.
I have not found a single vaccinated person who is declining Base Spike Detoxification with the combination of Nattokinase, Bromelain, and Curcumin.
Albeit, many patients out of my circles are likely seeing doctors and pondering together the source of mysterious nerve damage, strokes, heart disease, blood clots, and weird immunological problems.
According to HHS and all major medical societies at this time, COVID-19 illness before or after vaccination is to blame for the new problems, not the the long-lasting vaccine pumping Spike protein into their tissues, organs, and bloodstreams.
See more here
Header image: Newsweek
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I couldn’t care less about the vaccine loving clowns that hate me because I am an anti/non/never vaxxer. That is their best…hating other humans for not doing the stupid things they do or believe in. Who cares about these retards?
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I obtained my PhD from one of the best universities in the world, but eventually lost my position there for questioning how the Covid PCR protocol publication managed to pass the peer-review process in less than one day.
To phrase it differently, this scenario is like your 90 years old grandmother challenging Usain Bolt to a 100m race and beating him by several seconds. The likelihood of this occurring is zero. Imagine that all sports experts would mock you if you contested the result, even though the facts are clear.
The same scenario played out across all global ‘elite universities.’ Despite the availability of facts and data, no institution dared to analyze them and draw conclusions that diverged from the political mainstream.
The paramount question is why did not a single ‘elite university’ dare to remark that:
▪️These Covid vaccines are ‘gene therapies.’
▪️These gene therapy vaccines contain bacterial DNA contamination, which has led to cancer in other gene therapy trials.
▪️These gene therapies do not prevent infection.
▪️These gene therapies do not halt the ‘spread.’
▪️These gene therapies have not been shown to have any clinical benefit.
▪️These gene therapies have caused the most confirmed direct deaths in the history of any medical product.
▪️These gene therapies do cause serious adverse events (SAEs) at a rate of at least 1 in 800, and are based on a sequence that has never been validated.
▪️These gene therapies are solely a reaction to the PCR test pandemic fraud of 2020.
▪️These gene therapies contain highly inflammatory liposomal nanoparticles (LNPs).
▪️These gene therapies did not stop excess mortality.
So what are these ‘elite universities’ actually good for? Indoctrination? Creating modern slaves burdened with tens or hundreds of thousands in tuition fees?
One thing is for sure – schools and universities are no longer bastions of critical thinking, but rather tools of the elite to avoid critical thinkers. Those who think critically are weeded out, like me, while those who constantly support the current narrative are promoted to professorships.
Brave new world!”
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You left out that given the previous track record of deceit, lack of due process, recalls, dumping on stressed national groups, the question about the big Pharma producers of the vaccines was and is: “Would you buy a used car from these companies?” Then why a VACCINE?
Richard Greene
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If you really believe there was no pandemic in 2020, then I would have fired you too. That is the position of tin hat conspiracy theory nutters.
Deaths following Covid shots can only be confirmed with autopsies, and they will sometimes be inconclusive. That you think post-shot death claims are “confirmed” is nonsense.
Covid shots are not extremely expense sive gene terapy. They are an experimenta; medication that is not safe and not effective. They do not qualify for the traditional definition of a vaccine.
You may have a Ph.D. but it does not show in your data free beliefs.
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Very well said Richard!
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Hello Richard. Your integrity and honesty in presenting truth is deeply appreciated by me and countless critical thinkers. Academics and professionals who do not speak out are cowards and their credentials are worthless. I have lost respect and trust in medicine, academia, and government.
Thank you for your sacrifice in the name of what used to be called science.
Richard Greene
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In the US the VAERS data showed in Spring 2021 that the Covid shots HAD A HUGE, UNORECEDENTED AMOUNT OF SERIOUS NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS.
Developing a shot in 9 months with only 2 months of testing is a very risky process. The typical vaccine takes 10 years with a 98% failure rate.
Forcing people to take vaccines by threatening them about losing their jobs is fascism, not science.
And forcing people to wear worthless masks is anti-science.
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Zero empathy from me for those who took the shots even my family who refused to believe I was right about the entire covid fraud. The family attitude saddens me but the rest, too bad.
Richard Greene
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The wife and I decided to avoid the shots in late 2020. A very risky rushed development process was the reason.
I decided on a homemade “vaccine” of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc and quercetin food supplements to boost our immune systems.
So far after, after 3.5 years:
No Covid infections
No Omicron
No influenza
No common colds
Many vaccinated people we know have had respiratory infections, mainly Omicron, which is no big deal, and some Covid19 infections too. All were post-vaccine infections
No one died or needed hospitalization, but that was also true for Covid19 infections that friends had in 2020. These friends are in the 50 to 75 years old range — not youngsters.
Mad Celt
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Myself? I just chuckle as they continue to drop like flies. When nature can not weed out the idiots, fools and ignorant fast enough mankind steps in to help out.
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So much respect for the good Dr here. If the rest of the medical community had half of his integrity we wouldn’t even be talking about this. I have no malice toward the people who went and got the shot but i do have a hatred for the ones that thought they were better than the rest of us. It certainly opened my eyes to who would have turned in Anne Frank! Never again will I trust any of them or the medical system.
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As for me I never went near the shot. Those that took it are paying the price. Enough said.
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I laughed when they tried to split the population on vax/unvaxxed lines. I said it then, I will never be jealous of a vaccine idiot. I will never be jealous that I didn’t allow someone to mutilate my genes and bloodline.
Splitting the population on that was never going to work. Only idiots took it.
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Pitty the fools, nature has a way of removing the unfit from the gene pool. The progeny of the future will be the descendants those who were not mentally weak.
Joseph Olson
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Metastasized Malignant Megalomania ~ an extinction event brought on by monopolists in control of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, famine, disease, pestilence and war, and simultaneously using those threat vectors against all humanity.
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My, such cold, hard hearts around here.
Because of this:
“I don’t blame them for their unhinged, hateful propaganda—they are the ones sick and dying not the unvaccinated.”
This: “Everyday without prejudice or malice I take care of vaccinated with neuropathy, blood clots, heart damage and help families cope with vaccine cardiac arrest.”
Means nothing other than self interest. The former quote destroyed the good intention of the latter, showing the true intent.
“At this time there are no apologies, no requests for forgiveness”
Apologies and requests eh? Since when, is a request for forgiveness the way it is done? Not able to give of oneself without “payment”?
“Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do”. It doesn’t just mean Christ.
Tipping the balance. Now you may be aware of why Humanity is in a hole, if so many people feel the same way…
Saeed Qureshi
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Please stop spreading false information that there is a spike protein and it is causing injuries and death. Otherwise, provide a reference showing that spike protein has been isolated and that there is a validated analytical test to monitor it. There is none!
It is fake science, the one that suggests that there is a virus!