How Safe is Too Safe? How Safe is Dangerous?
Everywhere you shop, there is a shower curtain or sheet of Plexiglass that could no more stop a virus than it could stop smoke. Then there is the hand sanitizer, and the obsessive washing, and the bleaching of shopping carts, and doing the do-si-do at the convenience store.
There are the people who stand back when you pass, like you’re strolling by waving a sharp sword. There are the people who drive with a mask and a visor when alone in the car.
Dear Friend and Reader:
With the Unites States election now over, maybe we can think about things that make a difference in our lives. First, whoever is declared the winner and takes office on Jan. 20 is tasked with doing his part to ensure that the United States remains a free society.
That includes not only the freedom to move around and do what you want, but also the freedom to make personal health choices, and have food to eat.
The new president’s role is not merely about getting a claimed pandemic under control. It is making sure we have lives worth living — the ones we’ve worked for all these years, dutifully contributing two days’ salary each week to support the government, and sacrificing life and limb in war upon war.

For the past nine months, the world and in particular the United States have been obsessed with what is claimed to be safety. We are wrapping our lives around obsessive-compulsive germophobia, fit for psychiatric diagnosis. Along the way, a prison-like mentality has taken hold throughout our society.
This has us lingering somewhere between a cloudy day in East Germany and an episode of Black Mirror. The readiness with which people have sacrificed their liberty to promised safety has been astonishing, particularly given that the sacrifices are real, and the safety is not.
Around the world and throughout much of the United States, people have submitted to mandatory masks and social distancing, and to lockdown and quarantine orders for healthy people for the first time in history. We have seen small community businesses devastated, while Target, Walmart and Amazon thrive. New York City culture, composed mainly of restaurants and theaters, is gone. This has mostly been accepted without any proof of effectiveness, all in the name of safety.
There are curfews coming back, as if a virus runs on a schedule. There are discussions of whether a “snack” is a “meal” for the purpose of what beverage you can drink, allegedly to create safety from the virus. I am not following the logic of any of this.
Everywhere you shop, there is a shower curtain or sheet of Plexiglass that could no more stop a virus than it could stop smoke. Then there is the hand sanitizer, and the obsessive washing, and the bleaching of shopping carts, and doing the do-si-do at the convenience store. There are the people who stand back when you pass, like you’re strolling by waving a sharp sword. There are the people who drive wearing a mask and a visor when alone in the car.
We have been told to wear masks when having sex, and better yet, (as reported over the summer) to have sex through a hole in the wall. Yes, health officials in both Vancouver BC and in New York City suggested that “glory holes” were protection against the virus. I wish I was kidding. Then it would be funny.

Fine and Imprisonment for Failure to Quarantine
Visit New York for vacation or to see family and you’re supposed to quarantine for two weeks, or face a $10,000 fine and two weeks imprisonment — when a person is healthy and has no known exposures. That’s a long time to hole up in a midtown hotel or your cousin’s house.
In England, you cannot meet with a friend in your home, if they don’t already live with you. You are supposed to socialize only within your ‘support bubble’. The government has regulated all social activity by fiat. Despite a claimed pandemic that is supposedly killing so many, deaths in England are down 11% from 2019.

Ordinary social events are being raided in the United States and elsewhere. New York City has been terrorizing Hasidic Jews.
Private homes are being invaded as well — for things like writing a Facebook post suggesting people go to a protest. New Zealand announced it is implementing camps for people who test positive, and by one report, for those who refuse to be tested, even though they have no symptoms. [Note, we know that some of these are in hotels, but involuntary detention is involuntary detention.]
In the U.S., the CDC recently released a plan for creating what it calls ‘Green Zones’ to keep us all safe. These range from confining people to a room in their home, or separating them from their family and taking them to camps in their community, such as in a converted school.
In New York, a law just passed the State Assembly giving local health departments the ability to rip individuals or groups from their homes and detain them if they are suspected of carrying a disease. Not actually sick. Not actually contagious. Merely suspected of being a carrier. Could you get more vague than that?
And all for what? A supposed illness with the same infection fatality rate as the seasonal flu (which has mysteriously disappeared). I often note the rhetorical device of using coronavirus, as mere influenza could have never evoked such terror. I had literally never heard the word until 2020. Novel indeed.
We are in an environment where rational ideas are not welcome. because they threaten the basis of fear. Anyone who suggests that some or all of this is wrong or even questionable risks being called a psychopath who wants to kill grandma. Many live as if there is a mandatory requirement to be anxious all the time, and attack anyone who seems even meekly serene about the presumed virus.
If you’re not nutso bonkers terrified, you must be careless and are therefore a health risk (to them). If you use science to question claims of government officials, you must be up late every night reading Q-Anon. If you care about the law, you risk being called a subversive.
I would, however, encourage you to do your own reading (which takes time) and to set aside the whole notion of a “conspiracy theory” and strive to understand the basic science behind this issue. That begins and ends with the PCR test. It is both the most important issue to understand, and the easiest.

Welcome to Planet PCR
Currently the world is held hostage by a bunch of people working various agendas (from governors, to leaders of NGOs like the World Health Organization, to those who proffer vaccines), and state-controlled media that cannot admit it was wrong. They have help from an artificial intelligence (AI) device called the PCR, or what you might think of as the virus dream weaver.
What you see on the news described as the “case count” is the count of PCR positives — not of cases of disease.

We live in the age of virtual and enhanced reality, and that is just what the Polymerase Chain Reaction is. I know this concept will sound like I read about it in a trashy science fiction novel with a cyborg on the cover in the back of the used bookstore down the street, but please, allow me to explain.
Based on computer programming, the PCR machine identifies fragments of genetic material (using primers, like what you type into a word search window), and makes more of it. Unlike word search, which can tell you accurately how many times the word “oxymoron” appears in a document, the PCR adds a little extra. Or a heck of a lot extra. It is so sensitive that according to Kary Mullis (photo, right), its inventor, PCR “can find anything in anyone.”
Once started, the machine chugs along in what are called cycles, which double the amount of sought-after substance each time. The thing can be set for any number of cycles, though the usual range is 25 to 40. By the time you get to the higher end, the amount of genetic material found has been multiplied into the trillions.
If you set the PCR with a low cycle threshold, such as 25, you will get very few positives. If you set it at the higher end, you will get a great many positives. It seems most jurisdictions in the United State are using 40 or more cycles, which is going to create grossly disproportionate number of positives. In case anyone is wondering why the U.S. “pandemic” is allegedly so out of control, we might ask how many cycles are used in other countries.
So this ‘test’ is fully customizable, which is fantastic if you use it as a research tool (as it was intended) but deceptive if you claim it diagnoses anything, or that whoever gave the sample is sick. Using what the PCR finds and calling it a diagnosis is as ridiculous as finding half a hoof-print and claiming to have the whole unicorn.
In one lively incident, the PCR informed its masters that there were 146 cases of pertussis (whooping cough) at a large medical school in New Hampshire. This caused a massive disruption of life, contract tracing, 4,500 people getting injected with a vaccine and an actual health scare as so many in hospitals are vulnerable. When the samples were sent for proper confirmation, there were no cases, as in none whatsoever.

The Test that Tests for Nothing at All
It is well known and documented in all of the published technical literature that the PCR ‘test’ does not identify live virus, or infection, or infectiousness, or contagiousness, or illness. You might ask what it does identify then. I told you — fragments of genetic material called nucleotides, which match codes that are programmed into a computer. And evidently a bunch of other things, like pawpaw fruit and motor oil.
The ‘test’ identifies some genetic code that allegedly matches the PCR’s digital code. It is a device that is believed to hunt for a few molecules of any biological substance in the world. Then it goes to town making more of what is looking for — by a factor of a trillion or more. To state that a different way, this device can find two molecules of something and at a cycle threshold of 45, create approximately 35,500,000,000,000 of them. This stunt all takes place in approximately a quarter of a drop of water.

Then the result ends up on the front page of The New York Times, where they claim that 99,000 “confirmed cases” of sudden acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) have been diagnosed in one day. In reality, the PCR cooked it all up with enzymes and heat.
I mention the Times in particular because that’s the newspaper that has twice this year and once in 2007 published extensive articles about the problems with using the PCR as a test for anything. Invented in 1983, the controversial history of this device goes back to the mid-1990s, at the peak of the AIDS era — when it was causing similar problems.
In one lively incident, the PCR informed its masters that there were 146 cases of pertussis (whooping cough) at a large medical school in New Hampshire. This caused a massive disruption of life, contact tracing, 4,500 people getting injected with a vaccine and an actual health scare as so many in hospitals are vulnerable. When the samples were sent for proper confirmation, there were no cases, as in none whatsoever.
The Times covered Covid and ran its count of “confirmed cases” through the entire crisis, into August without admitting it knew about the problems with the PCR. It never admitted it had reported that an outbreak could be “confirmed” by the PCR when there were no cases.
Then mysteriously, an article appeared on Aug. 29, 2020 which admitted that 90% of these PCR positives might be wrong. The newspaper played it off as a situation where people were being tested too late, to claim that the case count still had relevance. But they know that’s not true. The newspaper aptly noted that when a “case” is “positive,” the cycle threshold is not discussed.
Notably, there are many documented sources of false positives with the PCR. To name a few, they include cold viruses, past SARS infection, other coronaviruses (there are many), according to one published paper, “all Asian viruses,” healthy genetic material, and cross-contamination at the time of sampling or in the processing lab.
“It’s very frustrating for the patients as well as for the physicians. Somebody comes in and they repeat their PCR and it’s like 37 cycle threshold but you never can culture virus from a 37 threshold cycle. So I think if somebody does come in with 37 or 38 even or 36 you got to say you know it’s just it’s just dead nucleotides.”
— Anthony Fauci, virus czar at the National Institutes of Health

The article quoted scientists incredulous that the 40 CT result (as used in New York) could be called a positive. One source in the story said that a CT of nothing more than 25 should be considered positive. However, for a test that can generate 100% false positives, zero cycles would seem to deliver the most accurate reading.
“I’m shocked that people would think that 40 could represent a positive,” Juliet Morrison, a virologist at the University of California, told the newspaper.
In a July interview, Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease czar at the National Institutes of Health, talked about the PCR problem. “If you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more, then the chances of it being replication competent are minuscule,” he said.
He’s saying you can’t take the stuff the PCR cooks up and actually make someone sick with it. You can’t grow some more in a lab. It is inert. He explained further:
“It’s very frustrating for the patients as well as for the physicians. Somebody comes in and they repeat their PCR and it’s like 37 cycle threshold but you never can culture virus from a 37 threshold cycle. So I think if somebody does come in with 37 or 38 even or 36 you got to say you know it’s just it’s just dead nucleotides.”
Frustrating to doctors and patients? What about frustrating to the whole world, which is being held hostage by the misuse of this device?
Back in early January, a German researcher named Christian Drosten wrote the PCR primers from the codes of known viruses, and gave instructions for the supposed test that included a cycle threshold of 45. He was not taking any chances; I guess he didn’t want to miss a single dead nucleotide. In the U.S., the Aries-Luminex PCR, one of the top four devices used, is set by default at 45 cycles. Thinking this is medically relevant is like amplifying electrical static so loud that it shakes the windows and expecting to hear Carole King.
These modes of proof are the scientific foundation of virology — the thing that distinguishes it from a religion. These are not mere technicalities; they are the elements of proof, which are necessary when a society is making a “scientific” claim that it is using to justify extreme measures against its population.

The Case of the Mimicked Human Specimen
In the document above, the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admits that it does not have a sample of the virus. The way they say that is, “since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for 2019-nCoV were characterized stocks”— that is, a lab-made pre-selected genetic sequence, to “mimic clinical specimen.”
(See more about this issue in the British Medical Journal. The question of the existence of the virus has become a topic in mainstream medicine.)
This is for the purpose of telling the PCR what to look for — to program the primer into the machine, like a word into a search field. It is in essence looking for a fake virus — one that is based only in computer code.
To find a real virus in the real population, they must use a real sample, or the whole thing is science fiction. The reason they have to mimic a clinical specimen is because they don’t have any actual specimens. The government claims that some 220,000 people have died from a virus and they cannot get an actual clinical specimen.
So they tell the PCR to look for something else, a virus that nobody can actually be infected with because it’s just some code off the shelf in the gene bank database. Read that document below carefully! Don’t let the technical jargon get in the way. All it says they take some stock virus, mix it with human cells, sequence that, tell the PCR to look for it and then when it finds that, call it “Covid positive.”
I am actually laughing writing this. That’s how ridiculous it is to call this a “outbreak.” They are looking for a virus that cannot exist naturally in the population because the PCR primers come from a lab. So when it finds something, it has to be something other than 2019-nCoV because they never found the stuff in nature, that is, in sick people. Don’t worry, my head is spinning too.
The Scientific Foundation of Virology
Virology is a science, which means that it has methods that must be used and standards that must be met to establish proof of its claims. This includes isolation and purification of a virus, so that it can be tested and proven to be dangerous, or not (most viruses are harmless). Yet the federal government by its own admission has no measurable quantity of SARS-CoV-2 (see graphic above).

The United States is claiming that a virus has killed more than 220,000 people but admits that it has no actual virus from patient samples.
Classical modes of proof are the scientific foundation of virology — the thing that distinguishes it from a religion. They are called Koch’s postulates and Rivers’ postulates, virology’s special scientific methods proving that a claimed agent causes a disease.
Dr. Tom Cowan is the best source for an explanation of the isolation and purification issue and why it is so important. For a coherent, short presentation on Koch’s Postulates and viruses, please see this presentation by Dr. Andrew Kaufman.
They are not mere technicalities, or dusty relics of another century; they are the elements of establishing the truth, which is necessary when a society (that is, the government) is making a “scientific” claim that it is using to justify extreme measures against its population. They are also necessary when considering measures to mitigate the outbreak, for example, a vaccine.
How is creating a vaccine is even possible when by the federal government’s own admission, the virus has not been isolated or purified?
It is true that scientists claim that SARS-CoV-2 exists. Yet The assertion of a scientist is not the same as scientific proof. Science is a method of arriving at the truth, not the claim of an authority figure to be taken on faith.
I am wondering why we even need a vaccine for a claimed disease with a survival rate of around 99.8%. That would be classified as a nonlethal illness — which only kills when a person is already very sick and near or beyond the average life expectancy. By one reading, this is all about the vaccine.
A survival rate of 99.8% is different from the disease we were promised, that could infect up to 70% of the population and kill 2.2 million healthy Americans. We remember that, right — the false calculation of Neil Ferguson that led to the lockdowns? We were told that it was not a matter of when, not if, everyone was going to be infected.
This all leads to a question: If SARS-CoV-2 is not proven to exist, and if the tests are not picking up anything that leads to sickness, then what is making people sick? That needs to be studied, not covered over with a virus that has not been properly identified.
This is a crucial question and sadly, there are a lot of possibilities. People get sick every day, and respiratory illnesses are common — and every disease state ascribed to causation by SARS-CoV-2 existed before the outbreak is said to have begun. This is crucial: there is no new disease, rather, there are only old diseases that are being blamed on a virus that cannot be tested for, and which the government admits it does not have a sample of.

The Health Information Blackout
In the midst of a supposed health crisis, we’re not being told anything about how to take care of our health or nurture immunity. We are only being ordered to stay apart and cover our faces until Corporate America comes to the rescue with another product — one that they’re planning to force-inject despite a person’s state of health, philosophy of health or religious views.
Through this year, I’ve learned many things about how to boost immunity and ward off viruses, which include getting rest, reducing stress, eating well, drinking water, proper breathing, and use of specific vitamins (C and D) as well as zinc and melatonin. It is well established science that zinc deactivates coronaviruses, whether in supplement form, gargling or lozenges. Why aren’t people being told about this? Why isn’t this on CNN every hour of the day and night?
When the president of the United States was hospitalized for Covid, C, D, zinc and melatonin was one of the protocols he was given — and it’s available for ten bucks at the local CVS or Rite Aid. Some might think that “nutritional health” is voodoo, but if so, why is it administered by captains and colonels at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center? Were they brainwashed by holistic health propaganda on
It seems to be that any product that might get in the way of a vaccine or patent medicine has been banned from public knowledge. In the middle of a “pandemic,” I have seen multiple notices that the U.S. Congress is taking up a measure to ban homeopathy — a form of medicine that has helped many during this crisis. Restricting other forms of medicine is historically about driving business to conventional medicine and drug companies.
A similar situation exists with masks. We are told over and over again how effective they are, something most people evidently believe. We are not told that they are depriving our brains of oxygen (dangerous, particularly for children). While surgeons do wear masks, we are not told that extra oxygen is supplied to operating rooms to compensate for the loss.

Of Law and Medicine
This week, we learned that Purdue Pharma, who got millions hooked on OxyContin (that is, opioids), will be dissolved, as it cannot pay $8.3 billion in fines for the damage that it caused society. Many still look to the pharmaceutical industry as the paragons of virtue.
A similar situation exists with masks. We are told over and over again how effective they are, something most people evidently believe. We are not told that they are depriving our brains of oxygen (dangerous, particularly for children). While surgeons do wear masks, we are not told that extra oxygen is supplied to operating rooms to compensate for the loss. We are not told that masking forces people to re-breathe bacteria and viruses that we need to exhale to stay healthy. [Also please see this essential video.]

We are not told that the mask activates the immune system because it’s a foreign object interfering with a bodily function. Wearing a mask is like running your car’s exhaust into the passenger cabin.
There is no discussion of the toxicity of plastic masks, which include particulates, Teflon, phthalates, dyes and many chemicals. All we see is endless propaganda that masks “work” with no acknowledgment of the other sides of the issue.
There is not one study anywhere demonstrating that a surgical mask or cloth face covering blocks a virus — which is exactly why we are using it.
Last week an article appeared in The Guardian, a left-leaning British newspaper. It profiled Jonathan Sumpton (photo, right), a former justice on the country’s Supreme Court. He said something to the public I have thought many times this year.
“The ease with which people could be terrorised into surrendering basic freedoms which are fundamental to our existence…came as a shock to me in March 2020,” he said.
“The British public has not even begun to understand the seriousness of what is happening to our country. Many, perhaps most of them don’t care, and won’t care until it is too late. They instinctively feel that the end justifies the means, the motto of every totalitarian government which has ever been.”
How many times have you heard “whatever it takes” or “better safe than sorry”? This is being used to justify everything — no matter how dangerous, toxic, pointless or intrusive of privacy and personal boundaries.
When I ventured to criticise [the police] in a BBC interview for acting beyond their powers, I received a letter from the Derbyshire police commissioner objecting to my remarks on the ground that in a crisis such things were necessary. The implication was that in a crisis the police were entitled to do whatever they thought fit, without being unduly concerned about their legal powers. That is my definition of a police state.
— Lord Sumpton, former justice of the British Supreme Court
Governing by the Power of Public Fear
Lord Sumpton summed it all up when he said: “The government has discovered the power of public fear to let it get its way.”
“I do not doubt the seriousness of the epidemic,” he added, “but I believe that history will look back on the measures taken to contain it as a monument of collective hysteria and governmental folly.” (I would like to explain the PCR to him. He might want to litigate the issue.)
The UK government’s advisory board, called SAGE, cautioned earlier this year that, “Citizens should be treated as rational actors, capable of taking decisions for themselves and managing personal risk.” This is not the approach that was taken, however. That’s not what a lockdown is.
People take health risks voluntarily every day, and subject one another to them. I don’t believe anyone has a right to spray Roundup on my food, on their land or in public parks. It causes non-Hodgkins lymphoma. But to live in society, I have to live with those potential dangers and avoid them if I can.
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Charles Higley
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” If SARS-CoV-2 is not proven to exist, and if the tests are not picking up anything that leads to sickness, then what is making people sick?”
The flu season is a salad of viruses, including influenza and coronaviruses. One can be infected by any combination of the viruses and thus present with a wide and varied rage of symptoms. Instead they blame these various symptoms on one mythical virus. Thus, for all purposes, there is no Covid-19.
It is also convenient to stop testing for influenza because then you can blame everything on the myth and you have more cases of illness to support the crappy PCR test, which is sure to test positive if you have influenza or other coronaviruses or even the common cold.
A friend of mine recently tested positive for C-19 and has a fever and some lung issues. Quarantined for two weeks. My wife found out that he recently started using a C-Pap machine at night and has yet to clean it even once. Yeah, blaming the mythical unicorn is shorting out doctor’s diagnostic brains and giving them a pat answer for everything. This will kill people.
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The PCR test is the modern equivalent to the witchfinder general. There were always witches to be found. Torture any woman enough and they would confess. The problem is humanity has never stopped believing in nonsense if it explains how we can control what we do not understand.
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“With the Unites States election now over, maybe we can think about things that make a difference in our lives. First, whoever is declared the winner and takes office on Jan. 20 is tasked with doing his part to ensure that the United States remains a free society.” That’s what someone delusional and propagandized to the hilt would say. Governments are police State governments, as was the plan since the Trilateralists ‘announced’ it in the late 70s. They are, as Peter Phillips points out in his recent book, “Giants,” enforcers for transnational capitalism, period.
Carbon Bigfoot
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ARBY the election is not over by a long shot. in 2000 it took 36 days to decide the votes in ONE STATE-Florida.
Evidence of MASSIVE FRAUD has occurred in States of Pennsylvania (my), Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada and Georgia. I predicted this with be settled in Congress in February. Grab your popcorn and poll up a chair.
Saeed Qureshi
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Thank you for such an informative write-up! I have been expressing similar views for some time i.e. scientifically speaking pandemic and its (viral) basis simply do not add-up. I have a feeling that the creators of the pandemic and its associated hysteria are worried sick as well for creating this false monster and desperately seeking a way out of it by creating and promoting the solution – vaccine. I am sure they know it well that this is the only way to get them out of it. One more lie to cover the previous one. Will it save them? I have my doubts!
Rick Moffett
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One of the most frustrating things about this great con job is that not one news station (including Fox, Newsmax, and OAN) is reporting the illegitimate PCR test and the fact that the vaccine is NOT what it’s being advertised as, and it also has not been tested properly!
For more good COVID info – visit
Herb Rose
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Everyone should wear a Guy Fauxes mask and turn a symbol of submission and acquiescence to stupidity and corruption into a symbol of resistance. We need to show the slime ball politicians that we will not let them ruin our health, our lives, our economy, and our children’s futures to satisfy their political agenda. The masks are uncomfortable but just as ineffective at preventing the spread of a virus as the current masks. Gauze can be added to the interior to make them more comfortable and comply with the idiots mandates. Enough is enough and we have endured to much of this nonsense. I would not advocate that Fauci, Brix, and the perpetrators of this illegal campaign be hung, beheaded, and drawn in quarters as Guy Fauxes was but I would not be particularly upset if it happened
Tom O
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A mostly good piece. Why mostly? Because of this repeated statement – ” the state-controlled media is saying.” The simple fact of the matter is that it is ass backwards. Because of the media’s fear campaign, even politicians that want to be responsible are forced into the pretense of the severity of the fairy tale virus.
If a responsible politician wanted to NOT lock down, the people were so frightened by the constant fear-mongering of the media that it would probably create an immediate campaign for recall, and politicians do not live to not be in office. So it is media controlled government, not state-controlled media.
Although many have awakened to the reality of the fairy tale, the media still pushes the virus as if it was like the plague in Biblical Egypt where you had to mark your door or you would lose your first born son. Only today, the mark is a face cover and a 6 foot radius circle around you, but the fear is nearly the same.
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Regarding State-controlled media, I would say it is and it isn’t. The first thing to recognize is that in a Corporatocracy, corporations comprise the ‘head’ and ‘governments’ the body. But, as with divisions in society generally, in which police forces are given operational jurisdiction, so too, Within the corporatocracy (dominated by the US), police State governments (like the US) have the task of protecting the powerful special interests who in fact make the decisions (in areas of investment) that in turn decide what government policy, in all police State governments, will be. If a particular corporation or CEO gets slapped down by the government, that does ‘not’ mean that corporations and the powerful special interests behind them are not in control. (And it’s not exactly State-controlled media when the corporate media is in alignment with the State, which can only be.) The special powerful interests whose investment decisions determine ‘government’ policy, everywhere, are, collectively, our true, global, un-elected, fascist ruling class. Peter Phillips’s (imperfect but very good) book “Giants,” looks at all that. He will leave the reader in no doubt about the fact that governments today are nothing more than glorified, fascist, police forces.
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Safety … That’s precisely what we need to talk about.
The fact that Covid-19 is a crock of shit has been demonstrated over and over, very little in the official narrative adds up. Proving that Covid-19 is a hoax from the medical viewpoint is beating a dead horse.
What needs to be addressed is the right that governments the world over have usurped to determine what is a threat to safety (which in this case is a bullshit pandemic) and consequently impose totalitarian measures over the population. This is what we need to address, the right of the government to cancel individual freedom for the sake of collective safety, whether the threat is perceived, real, of fabricated. The argument must be made that neither public health authorities nor any other government authorities simply do not have the power to take away people’s freedom under any circumstances.
In the country, where I live, all this crap has been foisted on people based on a vague provision that allows the Health Ministry to impose measures to protect public health. I’d imagine that it’s similar elsewhere. That surely doesn’t extend so far as to ruin entire sectors of the economy, to imprison people, all the bullshit that’s happening.
Criminal complains need to be made for abuse of official powers and crimes against humanity against all government m-effers who have been part of this.
We must stop treating what is happening as a medical issue and start treating as a treasonous attempt to reshape the world, including all the detrimental aspects associated with it. The way it is, no factors other than medical considerations are taken into account. We need to bring legal, economic, and other considerations into the open. Using an official, legit platform. Otherwise, we’re fucked I’m afraid.
Personally, I intend to file a criminal complain for abuse of power and crimes against humanity at the national level. Hopefully, the person who gets to review it will have cojones to prosecute. if it’s rejected, off it goes to the EU courts which has jurisdiction to hear complaints rejected at the national level.
Let’s all do that. One ruling in our favor anywhere would be a precedent, and this whole scheme might go down like domino chips.
Not a whole lot of other options left, I’m afraid.
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A quibble with the format, if I may. The intro, an excerpt from the main body of the article, doesn’t look like an intro. Even when they look like they might be the intros that they are, I’m not a fan of that style. Just give us the article or blog post and be done with it. I sometimes use such intros to my blog posts but my blog posts are presenting multiple sources and the intro is clearly an intro.
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“There are curfews coming back, as if a virus runs on a schedule. There are discussions of whether a “snack” is a “meal” for the purpose of what beverage you can drink, allegedly to create safety from the virus. I am not following the logic of any of this.”
This may help: “Bioscecurity Theatre: The Corbett Report” /
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“Once started, the machine chugs along in what are called cycles, which double the amount of sought-after substance each time.” I STILL have not read a single clear explanation for what the PCR test does. Is it even a ‘test’? What does “double the amount,” above, mean. Magnify? Does it literally caused a duplication of elements examined? Why is the word “amplification” used? Is sound involved? Why do scientists screw with English? (I can think of a few reasons.)
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“We are not told that masking forces people to re-breathe bacteria and viruses that we need to exhale to stay healthy.” Virus is a concept and a hoax. We produce exosomes (identical to viruses, because that’s what they are) and they are beneficial. They help our bodies to detoxify. The concept of viruses is that they are external to us and harmful and always seeking to harm us. But we are not to worry. The while knights of big pharma are there to protect us – for a a profit – from the dragons of invisible monsters that seek to destroy us.
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“Last week an article appeared in The Guardian, a left-leaning British newspaper.” The Guardian is fascist, not Left or Left-leaning. Good grief! This is what you get from Conservatives whose religion is capitalism and whose minds can’t come to grips with the reality that their ‘chosen’ religion is at the root of much of the world’s misery. Targetting a fake Left doesn’t let capitalism/fascism off the hook. Sorry.
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I was going to use this article in my next blog post. Articles don’t have to be perfect in order for me to find them good and useful. But there’s too much wrong with this article for me to be able to use. Eric is the camp of those pushing back against Covid 1984, which I belong to and which is a good thing, and I agree with much that he and those who quotes say, but there’s too much easy acceptance of foundational beliefs that the fascist authorities are happy to see us accept and that’s not a good thing. I don’t want to encourage them.