How Many Multiverses Are There?
Like the sheathed surface of the Earth, clouds of mystery have also shrouded the universe. So to understand the idea of multiple universes (multiverse), we have to start at the beginning.
Let’s call something like our observable universe simply a universe. And beyond our horizons or the light we can see with our strongest telescopes, there are countless other universes outside our reach or sight.
But what do we call the universe that contains this myriad of individual universes? Are they identical to ours or bound by their own law of physics?
From our standpoint, we are at the first level of the multiverse. Another person in another universe would very likely believe that their universe is the first. And they’d be right.
That’s why it’s important to note that this is all part of the multiverse, a mysterious concept with even more mysterious meanings. So let’s explore what might be out there.
via YouTube
Ken Hughes
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To our knowledge, there is only the one universe. There is no evidence to suggest there are more. Isn’t one whole universe enough for some of you people?
Jerry Krause
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Hi Ken and PSI Readers.
Ken makes a very accurate observation and asks a very good question. I ask: Who is this PSI Editor (singular) who is afraid to write his name to this garbage which seems to only have the purpose to create confusion?
Have a good day, Jerry
Charles Higley
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Ah, Mr. Krause, you miss the point. Science is NOT determined by the messenger; it stands alone no matter who brings it forward.
Jerry Krause
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“Science is NOT determined by the messenger; it stands alone no matter who brings it forward.”
I ask you: Does it matter if the MESSAGE is the TRUTH or NOT???
I have studied SCIENCE for more than SIX DECADES and I have learned that accepted scientific ideas (theories) can never be considered the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. What SCIENCE can do is by reproducible observations (measurements) is absolutely prove what accepted ideas (theories) are ABSOLUTELY WRONG. Like the Earth does not STANDSTILL!!!
If one goes to the website ( I challenge you, or any other PSI Reader, to show us (me), where Nansen in 1893 began his attempt to drift his ship, frozen in the ice of the Polar Ocean at 76N latitude, to the North Pole (90N latitude) ever considered the centrifugal effect of the rotating Earth. And then read about the Mosaic Expedition begun in 2019 to attempt again to do a similar thing.
And read about the LEADS (spontaneous linear cracks in the solid thick, maybe 6ft or more, ice) for which no one proposed a cause.
What you cannot read supports my quote: “The most obvious is most difficult to SEE”.
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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This is an experiment. I repeat my comment of June 2. 2022 at 8:36pm. Emma Bradford began her series of repeated comments June, 2022 at 8:36pm and completed it at 8:40pm. I must admit that I do know how this timing system works. But it seems possible that my former comment was listed as a recent comment for at most 4 minutes. Because I really like this comment, I want to give PSI Readers a better chance to read it (as edited a bit).
Charles wrote: “Science is NOT determined by the messenger; it stands alone no matter who brings it forward.”
I ask you: Does it matter if the MESSAGE is the TRUTH???
I have studied SCIENCE for more than SIX DECADES and I have learned that accepted scientific ideas (theories) can never be considered the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. What SCIENCE can do is by reproducible observations (measurements) is absolutely prove what accepted ideas (theories) are ABSOLUTELY WRONG. Like the Earth does not STANDSTILL!!!
If one goes to the website ( I challenge you, or any other PSI Reader to show me, where Nansen in 1893 began his attempt to drift his ship, frozen in the ice of the Polar Ocean at 76N latitude, to the North Pole 90N latitude ever considered the centrifugal effect of the rotating Earth. And then read about the Mosaic Expedition begun in 2019 to attempt again to do a similar thing.
And read about the LEADS (spontaneous linear cracks in the solid thick, maybe 6ft or more, ice layers) for which no one has proposed a cause.
What you cannot read supports my quote: “The most obvious is most difficult to SEE”.
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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“I must admit that I do know how this timing system works.” should be I must admit that I do NOT know how this timing system works.
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Our knowledge? You have a mouse in your pocket? Who are you speaking for? The universe is a tall tale of NASA. There is no space or planets or a globe like the school indoctrination programs have suggested. Just a flat earth that has some sort of Firmament or dome like structure above it that rotates above the earth which has points of lights within or beyond it that are referred to as distant stars.
The Sun is simply a light source as is the Moon.
Gravity is only a theory and a weak one at that. There is an observable up and down and heavier objects displace lighter fluids like air and water. These are the principles of buoyancy and density and can be demonstrated by anyone, anytime. Unlike the guarded lies and secrets of NASA.
Nobody other than the lying charlatans of NASA have ever observed any curvature of the so called ball earth. It simply does not exist. Again, anyone, anytime can go out and make scientific observations to try to observe any curvature of the earth and none will ever be observed or found.
Before any of you confirmation bias enshrouded know it alls come out making stupid comments, do some real research into the flat earth theory. You just might learn something.
It’s not like we don’t live in a world full of lies. “They” lie about most everything. Why would the earth and space be any different? The website below has thousands of hours of solid research behind it.
Here is a good place to start:
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Will this suffice?
“Before any of you confirmation bias enshrouded know it alls come out making stupid comments, You just might learn something.”
Job 38:4-6
“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements—surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone,”
“The universe is a tall tale of NASA.”
Hebrews 11:3
“By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. ”
“By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible”
Universe, or worlds, which is plural.
Hebrews 1:3
“He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the
universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, ”
“The Sun is simply a light source as is the Moon.”
2 Peter 3:10
“But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed. ”
Heavenly bodies, not lights.
““They” lie about most everything. Why would the earth and space be any different?”
John 7:24
“Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”
Discernment is what you are missing
Peter Connett
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You can boil down the argument for the globe earth to two words.
Gravity and NASA.
On the positive side Gravity and NASA Make for a good story like a Marvel comic book. Entertaining like a good science fiction novel.
On the negative side Gravity and nasa compete with the Central banks for top dog in the money laundering business.
At least the Central banks provide some value to the people.
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blah blah blah…& the earth is flat. Magellan, idiot! I guess planes must fly over the edge & along the bottom…The world is, indeed, full of stupid people. It amazes me just how many are on this site alone…
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Jerry Krause
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Hi WhoKoo,
I find it interesting I seems to be that I am being allowed to have the last words.
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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Maybe it’s because I make so many mistakes that others feel sorry for me.
Jerry Krause
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Maybe it’s because I make so many mistakes that others feel sorry for me.
Charles Higley
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Only the bad-based Big Bang Theory with the idea of a cosmic eg beginning and the lousy infinite math of Big Bang origins allows the stupid idea that you can calculate how far it is to the nearest universe in which you wore a purple shirt today.
In the real Electric and Steady State Universe, there is only one and is that not enough. Jeez.
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Please look up Michiro Kaku. He will explain String Theory to you all and the evidence we have of multiple universes. When you start calling people names and insulting their intelligence, you just lost the argument.
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Charles Higley
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No, you just lost the argument, with String Theory There is no evidence for multiple universes particularly as NOTHING about String “theory” has ever been confirmed or even properly tested.
String Hypothesis is a BIG ZERO and all speculation, a hypothesis and not in any way a theory with any real foundation.
Climate Heretic
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There is no empirical evidence for string theory.
Climate Heretic
Duncan Adams
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I would ask this …. why would one think God would limit Himself to only one universe ?
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We need to ask an expert.
why one, why many.
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Gosh, we have no clue how the current universe works.
Now we fly off into fantasizing about non existent universes?
As it is, modern cosmology is a farce, or worse, a fraud. Dark matter, black holes and big bangs etc are nonsensical enough to beggar the imagination. Ad-hock, in-cohesive nonsense.
A bit like global warming….actually a lot like global warming…
A lot like covid, come to think of it.
Is there a pattern emerging here….
Allan Shelton
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Ronald…. I agree with you totally..
Peter Connett
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I liked your comment and concur.
The projected narrative of commonly held beliefs is like a house of mirrors. Like Plato’s cave one has to exit to see life as it is not what “we are told”.
Imo Theoretical “science” wins the blind leading the blind contest.
You can’t drag the indoctrinated out of the cave if they are happy to be there. Wasted time and potential is all it is for both parties.
Mar Tapley
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Yes Ronald there is a easily discernible patter. However it is not just emerging but rather the compilation of coordinated deception and lies for well over a hundred years. The rejection of man’s kinship through Christ to the divine Godhead by the baseless theory of evolution is a part of it. The elite’s Club of Rome “Green Energy” climber hoax, the fake virus pathogenic fear program as evidenced by the immediate capitulation of all the countries, along with the contrived wars and fiat financial plunder of the real economies are also conrtingent parts of the Zionist syndicate’s agenda that has been moving interminably forward now since the French Revolution.
Charles Higley
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Another lie is that the Sun is a hydrogen fusion engine and it takes thousands of year for light from the center to reach the surface. If this were true, why are sunspots black when the surface of the Sun is blown back? Instead of being brighter than day, they are black and not very hot. NASA has even observed water vapor colds in some sunspots. How can that be?
Because the Sun is not a fusion engine as we have been taught. It is the remnants of a supernova and our rocky planets are pieces of an asymmetric explosion. That is why the center of the Sun and Earth are rich in neutron-rich elements. Our abiotic gas and oil come from Earth’s core constantly as a main breakdown product of the nuclear decay is carbon and hydrogen. Thus, gas and oil are renewable energy sources, with only coal being partly fossil. As this methane percolates upward, it loses hydrogen to the hot melted rock and carbons come together to form chains, making gas and oil. In the process the new smaller atoms from this decay take up more volume, which explains why the volume of Earth is expanding, as even mentioned by NASA.
So, what heats the Sun? The interior is more nuclear decay, but the exterior atmosphere, a million miles out, is about a million degrees, which is much hotter than the several thousand degrees of Sun’s surface. The only thing that can heat ion plasma to a million degrees is a voltage difference, as in a broad current from a nearby star.
This is what causes our glacial and interglacial periods. Glacial periods are when a charge difference is building up between the stars and little current flows. When the voltage is sufficient, the current flows for a short period (~10,000 years, interglacial) and then shuts down again. This is just like a resistor-capacitor (RC) circuit in which no current flows while the capacitor is charging (glacial) and then discharges against a resistance (interglacial). Even the pattern of interglacial temperature peaks match an RC circuit. As the resistor heats up, current increases (to the Holocene Optimum) and then the temperature peaks cycle downward as the charge difference drops off to the final discharge point (our succession of Warm Period, Minoan, Roman, Medieval, and Modern), all forming a linear line downward, with each Warm Period peak lower than the last. Nope, no global warming here. We just do not know when the current will stop.
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Mark Tapley
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The farther the radio telescopes reach into the universe, the more of God’s infinite creation is revealed. Whether categorized as one universe or many, it is cosmic testimony to the omnipotence of the creator and his creation.:
Psalms 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork.
Isaiah 40:22:
It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers, who stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.
Romans 1:20
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Notice that Apostle Paul declares that they are without excuse.
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“It might now appear that we have learnt all there is to learn about the cosmos. . . . . . . . . . . It is always a bad idea to bet against further discoveries.” Well said.
Back in the seventies they were still able to say “missing mass problem”. Then they figgered “dark matter” was the term to use for ass-coverage because they lacked the temerity to simply say “dunno”. This led to “dark matter” for more ass coverage. What a sorry state of pretending cosmology is in for lack of the capacity to admit that great are the discoveries as yet to be made by Man.
Devin Freeman
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oops . . . last quote should read “dark energy”
Charles Higley
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The single basis for the Big Bang Hypothesis is the Hubble redshifting of light from distant galaxies and stars. Cute, but no cigar. They totally ignore that the father away light is emitted, the more gravity fields (actually EM fields) the light has to pass through, which redshifts the light to longer wavelengths. No Doppler effect is needed and distant galaxies are simply distant galaxies and they are not receding. In the same way the Universe is NOT expanding, as light is redshifted just by climbing out of a gravity well. Likewise, there are no blackholes as no blackhole model matches with the real observed Universe, besides being negated by Einstein, Oppenheimer, and even NASA. There is ample evidence that quasars are born from galactic centers, as nascent galaxies, and the redshifts are due to their electromagnetic densities.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Commenters and PSI Readers,
“Intuitive knowledge keeps pace with accurate definition.” (Lewis Elzevir, Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences, 1638)
Universe: n. 1. All created things viewed as constituting one system or whole; the creation ; the cosmos. 2. Any distinct field or province of thought or reality conceived as forming a closed system or self-inclusive and independent organization. 3. Astron. Properly, the entire celestial cosmos; the totality of the observed or postulated whole. (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary)
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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Lewis should be Louis.
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
It just happened again. What happened again. All recent comment of anyone have been erased within minutes of my previous comment from the list of recent comments. This time I do not have look at the times of these repetitive comments which have done this. This prevents makes it difficult for new readers to join, or read, the sometimes very informative comments which follow some articles.
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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And it just happened again as richjobz replaces Brian. Coincidence??? Of course, few readers can likely be aware of this form of censorship..