How Hydrothermal Vents Heat Our Oceans
One of the building block principles of the ‘climate change’ theory is that human emissions have anonymously warmed Earth’s oceans since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Former NASA scientist Dr. Roy Spencer recently posted an article (here) that he contends proves superheated fluids and gases emitted from seafloor geysers, aka hydrothermal vents, have little or nothing to do with the recent accelerated warming of Earth’s oceans.
Overwhelming amounts of reliable information taken from hundreds of research studies prove that emissions of super-heated fluids and gases from the estimated 10 million ocean floor geological features, including hydrothermal vents, are responsible for warming Earth’s oceans, not human activities.
The Hidden Power of Geology
If emissions from ocean floor hydrothermal geological features have significantly warmed our oceans, why have these forces remained mostly hidden? There are three reasons: Remoteness, Atmospheric Bias, and Insufficient Monitoring.
Seventy-one percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans, which have an average depth of 14,000 feet. The bathymetry (elevation) of Earth’s ocean floors has been measured for many years utilizing sound waves, satellites, and plum line-type methods.
However, these mapping techniques are of low to moderate resolution making it extremely difficult to identify small to medium-height geological features.
Atmospheric Bias
Scientists have for many years force-fit climate trends and climate-related events into an atmospheric context insisting that the root cause of these trends and events are related to atmospheric forces.
This force-fit process does not follow proper scientific methodology because it ignores the climate influence of many other natural forces, most importantly geological forces. Force-fitting all data, observations, and trends into an atmospheric context is here termed “Atmospheric Bias“.
Utilizing varying sources of information, it can be shown that since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in 1880, most of the Earth’s atmospheric and oceanic parameters have gradually and slightly increased during the last 140 years.
For instance, atmospheric temperatures have increased by 0.013 degrees Fahrenheit per year, sea levels have risen by 0.07 inches per year, and ocean surface temperatures have increased by 0.02 degrees per year.
These values are well within normal ranges of increase since Earth entered the post-Ice Age warming period often referred to as the Interglacial Period.
Geological forces are an important component of the gradual change of ocean and atmospheric parameters. Attributing most modern-day changes on our planet to atmospheric forces is a biased and incorrect methodology.
Insufficient Monitoring
The primary reason geological forces have remained hidden is insufficient monitoring. To properly calculate the effect geological forces have on our oceans, atmosphere and climate, it is necessary to improve the current monitoring system of terrestrial and the 10 million seafloor geological features.
Nearly all the monitoring of ocean floor geological features is done by the ARGO Buoy System. There are currently 3,500 buoys that float across all of our oceans. Their position is constantly recorded and then sent by the onboard PGS system.
The buoys can control their ocean depth, record ocean temperature, and record ocean salinity. Most believe that this is a sufficient amount of data to accurately measure the warming effect of the ocean floor’s geologic features. This isn’t the case.
The buoys only descend to a depth of 6,000 feet. The average depth of the Earth’s oceans is 14,000 feet. Therefore, the buoys do not descend deep enough to accurately record many dynamics of the ocean floor’s geologic features.
One Buoy Every 40,000 Square Miles
Earth’s oceans cover 139,700,000 square miles of Earth. There are 3,500 floating and sinking ARGO Buoys. This equates to one buoy every 40,000 square miles. Described another way, that’s 0.03 percent of the ocean surface.
There aren’t enough buoys to construct a high-definition three-dimensional map of ocean temperature and salinity.
Geologists have known for many years that all geological features such as seafloor fault segments, volcanoes, hydrothermal vent complexes, etc. turn on and off in irregular patterns.
To calculate the frequency of on-and-off periods it is necessary to leave ocean monitoring devices atop the active or dormant geological features for a long time. Currently, this is nearly impossible to achieve.
An alternative way to achieve this goal is to significantly improve the ability of satellites to measure on and off periods and develop new buoys that can descend to 14,000 feet. By integrating these two methods it will enhance our ability to record on and of periods.
The time each geological feature emits heat before turning off is an important factor in determining the total volume emitted.
El Ninos and La Ninas
Image: NOAA and some labeling by J. Kamis
The El Nino/La Nina cycle is generated by ocean floor geological forces and not by changes in earth’s atmospheric temperature as contended by those advocating the Climate Change Theory. Here are a few of the key pieces of evidence supporting this contention.
- All El Niños and La Ninas originate at the same small geographical highly geological active ocean location here termed the fixed “Source Point” (Figure 2). They also end at the same point off the coast of South America. This information indicates that they are unlike all other major weather phenomena such as hurricanes and typhoons that originate in different specific areas and end at different specific areas.
- The surface shapes of El Niños and La Ninas are long, linear, and cone-shaped. The boundaries infer that the energy source is not moving and is very powerful. Plumes of ash emanating from land-erupting volcanoes have the same long, linear, and cone shape as El Ninos.
- The Source Point’s area is one of the most geologically active regions on Earth because it is home to the junction of five extremely active major fault systems, the second largest ocean floor lava plateau on Earth, hundreds of ocean floor volcanoes, and a tremendous number of ocean floor hydrothermal vents.
- There are helium gas plumes associated with the formation of all El Ninos. The surface shape of the plumes is long, linear, cone-shaped, has distinct boundaries, and emanates from the same Source Point of El Ninos. Helium gas plumes are proof of significant volcanic activity. (see here).
- The energy needed to generate an El Nino and then convert to a La Nina is off the chart. This amount of energy needed to fuel an El Nino/La Nina cycle cannot be of atmospheric origin.
- El Ninos and La Ninas don’t occur in any other locations in the world. Why? If they are atmospheric in origin, there should be El Ninos and La Ninas. There are none.
- Computer models that are supposed to predict the beginning and end of El Ninos and La Ninas fail (see here).
Figure 3 is a time frame slice taken from a 4-dimensional video compiled by NOAA. The video provides absolute proof that El Ninos and La Ninas are of geological origin. Here are several things to observe while watching the video.
The El Nino heat source is located at the ocean floor and not the atmosphere as contended by Dr. Spencer’s article. The warmed water is expulsed in heat bursts that do not lose their definition into surrounding ocean water until they reach the west coast of South America.
Figure 3. Four-dimensional video of El Nino warm phase and La Nina Cool Phase Generation via (Video credit NOAA’s NCI Division and EOS and some labeling by J. Kamis)
Calculating the Number of Ocean Floor Hydrothermal Vents
Figure 4. Three-dimensional high-resolution image of the elevation in an expansive ocean floor region. Volcanoes are large cones. hydrothermal vents are small cones (Image credit Public Domain, Google Earth, and Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project).
Dr. Spencer’s conclusion that hydrothermal vents don’t significantly influence ocean warming is invalid for another reason. He hasn’t properly taken into account the number of vents on ocean floors.
High-Resolution Mapping Ocean Floor Elevation
A high-resolution Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project was initiated in 2017. Its goal was to map the elevation of the Earth’s entire ocean floor in high resolution.
The initiative that seeks to galvanize the creation of a full map of the ocean floor says one-fifth of this task has not been completed. When the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project was launched in 2017, only six percent of the ocean bottom had been surveyed in high resolution.
That number now stands at 19 percent. High-resolution maps will allow scientists to visualize and then count the true number of ocean floor geological features including hydrothermal vents.
To date, several other studies utilizing high resolution have found hundreds of heretofore uncounted geological features such as hydrothermal vents, large volcanoes, and fault segments (see here).
Continent Moving Ocean Floor Faults
There are three types of major ocean floor continent moving fault systems Pull Apart/Divergent (Figure 5), Push Under/Subduction, and Slide Sideways/Transform. The cumulative length of all three systems is 50,0000 miles.
Faults associated with all three systems extend deep into the Earth’s inner reaches where they tap into massive molten lava chambers. This molten lava is constantly moving upward along the open fault planes.
When it reaches the ocean floor it acts to generate huge numbers of super-heat emitting hydrothermal vents, large volcanoes, and fault segments.
Figure 5. Pull Apart/Divergent Fault System. (Image credit Public Domain)
Dr. Spencer states: “Given these various pieces of evidence, it would be difficult to believe that deep-sea hydrothermal vents — actually, an increase in their heat output — can be the reason for recent ocean warming”.
Here we have shown that his conclusion is incorrect because he doesn’t take into account the enormous amount of geological information that proves that emissions from hydrothermal vents play an important role in warming Earth’s oceans.
Numerous Climate Change Dispatch articles will give the reader additional information concerning the role of ocean-floor geologic features, including hydrothermal vents, in warming our oceans (see here, here, here, here, and here).
Plate Climatology Theory Book
The “Geological Impacts on Climate” book contains numerous examples, backed by over 46 years of integrating my observations and ideas with hundreds of research studies, significant amounts of data, and mountains of information from varying types of scientific disciplines that prove geologic forces affect climate and climate-related events.
Here are a few examples: subglacial volcanoes are melting Antarctic Glaciers, superheated emissions from deep-sea faults are generating El Ninos, and a series of super-volcanic eruptions caused the extinction of dinosaurs.
James Edward Kamis is a retired geologist who has a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from Northern Illinois University (1973) and a Master of Science degree in Geology from Idaho State University (1976). More than 46 years of research have convinced him that geological forces significantly influence, or in some cases completely control climate and climate-related events as per his Plate Climatology Theory.
Note from Author
Dr. Spencer has had a long and distinguished career at NASA. This article is in no way intended to discredit or demean him. However, his approach to estimating the impact of the ocean floor’s geologic features on the temperature of Earth’s oceans fails to take into account the significant amount of geological data and information that proves his conclusion is incorrect.
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Great work! A very interesting article. I find the NOAA images (ocean temperature during el Nino/ la Nina) fascinating. Especially in the case of la Nina in which a plume of cold surface water is nearly identical to the warm el Nino plume. I believe this may give credence to the theory.
If you imagine a giant volume of sea water sitting near the ocean floor, too deep for heat and light from the sun to reach it, it would surely lose more heat the longer it sits. The cold plume suggests something has pushed it to the surface rapidly, causing it to take the shape of upwelling warm waters. I don’t know what forces cause the displacement, maybe earthquakes, or volcanoes, but I hope it’s underwater landslides, because that would just be satisfying to me… for reasons I can’t explain.
Herb Rose
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Hi S.C.,
El Nino and la Nina are a result of the inertia of water and the rotation of the Earth at the equator. The inertia of water produces a westward flow (actually a slower eastward flow) at the equator. This causes the water to be exposed to heating rom the sun for a greater time.
In the Atlantic the equatorial flow is deflected north by the coast of Brazil creating the Gulf Stream and a circular flow.
The Pacific equatorial flow runs into the islands of the Philippines and Indonesia which act as a barrier at the surface creating a pool of warm water. Over time this water becomes hotter and the current sinks flowing under the pool. When the submerged flow reaches the dam of the islands it is forced up pushing the hot water east as el Nino.
If the origin was geothermal why would these events be occurring around the time the sun crosses the equator? Remember the Earth is not a sphere but has a greater diameter at the equator causing a downward flow towards the poles.
Herb Rose
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Hi S.C.
El Nino and la Nina are caused by the rotation of the Earth and the inertia of water. The inertia of water produces a westward flow (actually a slower eastward flow) of water causing it to be exposed to heating by the sun or a longer period of time.
In the Atlantic this flow of warm water is deflected north by the coast of Brazil creating the Gulf Stream and a circular flow.
In the Pacific the equatorial current runs into the islands of the Philippines and Indonesia which act as a barrier, producing a surface pool of hot water. The water continues to gain heat until it eventually becomes hot enough to cause the equatorial current to flow under the pool of hot water. When the current then reaches the islands it is forced up pushing the hot water eastward as el Nino.
If these were being caused by geothermal why do they usually occur when the sun crosses the equator into the Southern Hemisphere? The Earth is not a sphere but has a greater diameter at the equator so when the sun goes over the top its gravitational attraction releases the water in the Northern Hemisphere causing it to flow.
Robert Beatty
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Good, well that’s settled. So the UN can apologise to the nations of the world for the billions of dollars it incurred by distributing misleading scientific information. At the very least, nations of the world should look after their own affairs and tell the UN to stay out of the way, when appropriate.
BTW I recommend the money the UN gets annually be monitored by donor nations and adjusted accordingly.
Koen Vogel
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Hi james,
I agree with your conclusions, but your evidence needs some boosting. It would be nice to see a quantitative assessment of how much Dr Spencer is underestimating vents. He comes up with a very, very low number of how much vents contribute to warming, so there would have to be several orders of magnitude more vents.
I have some comments:
1) Your title is too narrow and somewhat misleading. The heating of the oceans is due to higher geothermal heat flux, which covers the vents, volcanos and an increase in the geothermal gradient.
2) I posted which shows the 2023 “very hot” areas occurred along linear trends that were unevenly distributed around the Earth, and overlie geothermal anomalies
3) The ENSO video starts in 1995, which is the year that Levitus also noticed a step change in Atlantic ocean heat, Arthur Viterito noticed a jump in mid-ocean ridge seismic activity, and the mid-troposphere started to warm. Not a coincidence.
4) If true then something must be causing geothermal heat fluxes to rise. I am currently writing a substack of the causes of the ending of the last glacial period, and will eventually reach the conclusion that it’s an increase in geothermal activity. It’s a long reasoning that starts with orbital inclination forcing (100 ka cycles), and works its way to geothermal changes. You can check it out here.
Herb Rose
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Hi Koen,
The Earth has two sources of heat: geothermal and the sun. Since the sun is the greater source before the Earth can lose significant geothermal heat it must lose the heat it has gained from the sun. This explains why after 4 billion years it has only lost enough geothekal heat to form a paper thin crust.
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Another inescapable fact is exposed. Ignored by our climatoids of the global waring cult. Thanks to James Edward Kamis for this.