How Geologic Factors Generate El Nino And La Nina Events
There is an enormous amount of data that proves El Ninos and La Ninas significantly alter the Pacific Ocean’s temperature, influence Earth’s atmospheric temperature, reverse equatorial trade winds, and change our climate
It may come as a surprise that armed with all this information scientists still don’t know what generates El Ninos and La Ninas.
This article will show that massive amounts of heated fluids, cooled fluids, chemicals, and various gases emitted from seafloor geologic features located at a non-moving/fixed location in a far western part of the Pacific Ocean, i.e., the “Source Point”, generate and maintain both El Ninos and La Ninas.
Figure 1. Comparison of the 1997 – 1998 El Nino and La Nina events. Note that each has the same Source Point and temperature distribution patterns. (Image credit NOAA and some labeling by J. Kamis).
Source Point
All El Ninos and La Ninas originate in the exact same deep ocean seafloor area which is located east of Papua New Guinea and west of the Solomon Islands (Figure 2). The Source Point covers 150,000 square miles, which is a mere 0.23 percent of the Pacific Ocean’s 64,092,958 square miles.
The Source Point’s area is one of the most geologically active regions on Earth because it is home to the junction of five extremely active major fault systems, the second largest ocean floor lava plateau on Earth, hundreds of ocean floor volcanoes, and a tremendous number of ocean floor hydrothermal vents.
Figure 2. Ocean floor geology of the El Ninos and La Ninas (Image credit Schmidt Ocean Institute, some labeling by J. Kamis).
Generation Of El Ninos and La Ninas
- When an enormous deep-earth molten lava chamber that is far beneath the Source Point becomes active, it super-pressurizes gases within the lava in the chamber, primarily CO2. The pressurized lava then pushes upward through lower-pressure rock layers eventually spilling out onto the ocean floor where it creates and fuels many types of geological features. This process marks the beginning of an El Nino.
- The ocean floor’s geological features then begin emitting massive amounts of extremely hot fluids, chemicals, and gases into the lower ocean layer. However, these emissions don’t increase the temperature of the ocean layer beneath the Source Point area. This is because the temperature of the heated fluids, chemicals, and gases also act to melt massive deposits of vertically and horizontally oriented ice-bearing rock layers—layers generated before the emergence of the lava pocket activity. These layers are typically very thick and stretch for miles away from the Source Point.
- It takes a significant amount of time until the emitted heat melts a large portion of the icy rock layers.
- Once the icy rock layers melt, the emissions of heated fluids, chemicals, and gases begin to greatly increase the temperature and chemical composition of the ocean water. The heated water gets transported eastward by ocean currents that act to form an immense, heated, three-dimensional area that extends from the Source Point to South America. However, the three-dimensional area still has pockets of cooler water. In time the area completely warms to the same temperature. This is now a fully formed El Nino.
- When the activity of the deep-earth lava pocket diminishes, the temperature of the fluids, chemicals, and gases it emits from the lava pocket also decreases. At some point, the decreasing temperature reaches a tipping point that is conducive to reestablishing all the icy rock layers to their original extent. The cool water gets transported eastward by ocean currents that act to form an immense, heated, three-dimensional area that extends from the Source Point to South America. However, the three-dimensional area still has pockets of warmer water. In time, the area becomes completely cooled to the same temperature. This is now a fully formed La Nina.
- When the lava chamber becomes totally inactive and no longer emits fluids chemicals or gases, the El Nino and La Nina phases end.
Helium Gas Emitted from The El Nino and La Nina Source Point
Figure 3 is a map showing the concentration of helium gas in seawater across a large portion of the Pacific Ocean. The presence of helium gas plumes is a very strong indicator that the gas was emitted from an erupting volcano.
Note that the source point of the helium plume in Figure 3 perfectly matches the Source Point of the El Nino and La Nina. This is very convincing evidence that the generation of all El Ninos and La Ninas is the result of geological activity.
Figure 3. Ocean Surface Helium Gas Plume that emanates from the ocean floor Source Point of El Ninos and La Ninas. (Data and map credit NOAA and Luton 2017).
El Nino Volcanic Eruption Analog
Figure 4 is a photo of volcanic ash being expelled from an erupting land volcano. The fixed source point, “V”-shape pattern of the ash, and its transition from high ash concentration to no ash construction is an analog of an El Nino.
Figure 4. Photo of a volcanic eruption from space taken by NASA’s Endeavour Space Shuttle (image credit NASA’s Space Shuttle Program, some labeling by J. Kamis).
Three-Dimensional Time-Lapse Video Illustrating an El Nino and a La Nina Generation
Figure 5 is a snapshot of a three-dimensional time-lapse video illustrating that El Nino and La Nina begin at the Source.
The downward-pointing Heat Spikes are formed by emissions from the hot lava pocket. As you watch the video it becomes apparent that both the El Nino and La Nina form in bursts.
Eventually, the cumulative effect of the bursts generates a fully formed El Nino or La Nina.
Figure 5. Development of El Nino warm phase and La Nina cool phase (Source: YouTube screencap see here). (Some labeling by J. Kamis).
Side Effects vs Root Cause
Scientists attempting to decipher what force or forces generate and maintain El Ninos and La Ninas use the vast amount of atmospheric and oceanic data to formulate their conclusions.
Utilizing this data scientists have found correlations of trade winds, ocean currents, climate phenomenon, and climate to the formation of El Ninos and La Ninas. it shows these correlations are side effects of geologically induced El Ninos and La Ninas.
This is not to say that all changes in trade winds, ocean currents, climate phenomena, and climate are related to geological forces. Rather, during El Ninos and La Ninas, changes in the above parameters are caused by geological forces.
High-Resolution Mapping of Earth’s Ocean Floors
Oceans cover 71 percent of the earth yet the number of geological features present on its ocean floors is not well known primarily due to the lack of high-resolution elevation mapping.
High-resolution elevation mapping is needed to image the limited height and width of ocean floor geological features. It would seem that these small ocean floor features would have little effect on the temperature, chemical composition, amount of CO2 rising into the atmosphere, and amount of methane gas rising into the atmosphere.
The opposite is true.
Modern research studies have concluded that emissions from thousands of small land geological features have an underestimated effect on climate.
A University of Cambridge study concluded that climate models should be updated to include the climate effect of land volcanic activity. They attribute this underestimation to a lack of including the thousands of small land volcanic features.
You may ask how is all this relevant to the generation of El Ninos and La Ninas. The answer is that higher resolution elevation mapping of the ocean floor in the Source Point area will likely find hundreds of heretofore undiscovered active volcanoes and hydrothermal vents.
These additional features geological may add credence to the idea that geological activity generates El Nio’s and La Ninas.
The primary source of data that measures the temperature, pressure, and salinity of the upper and middle ocean layers is the ARGO Buoy System.
As of 2015, the ARGO system forms a worldwide network of 3,881 autonomously operating buoys. Each buoy can vary its depth from the ocean surface to 6,562 feet and vary its geographic position.
When the buoys descend to a depth of 6,562 feet, they record their GPS position, ocean floor temperature, ocean floor pressure, and ocean floor salinity, which is then stored in an onboard computer.
When a buoy rises to the surface it transmits its GPS position, ocean floor temperature data, ocean floor pressure data, and ocean floor salinity data to satellites. This data is utilized to construct low-resolution three-dimensional maps of temperature, pressure, and salinity at 6,562 feet. The maps are low resolution for several reasons.
Earth’s oceans cover 139,700,000 square miles, which means there is only one ARGO buoy every 36,000 square miles.
In other words, the ARGO buoys are widely spaced and therefore don’t provide enough data to resolve how geological features are present in our oceans.
The current estimate of how many geological features are present on ocean floors is 3,000,000. Once the elevation of all of Earth’s ocean floors is mapped in high resolution, this estimate will be substantially higher.
Other Evidence that El Ninos and La Ninas are Generated by Geological Forces
- The rare occurrence of three La Ninas in a row termed a Tripple La Nina, occurred from 2020 to 2023. This event was immediately followed by a still-developing El Nino. The amount of energy needed to cool and then maintain the below-average temperature across a huge portion of the Pacific Ocean for three years is immense. A greater amount of energy is required to quickly increase the temperature of a huge portion of the Pacific Ocean into a warm El Nino phase. This large amount of energy can only be supplied by energy emissions from a deep earth molten lava pocket.
- The amount of energy needed to generate an El Nino within an ocean floor geologically active area measuring 20 by 30 miles has here been very roughly estimated. The known energy released from a 20 by 30 miles portion of Yellowstone’s Pitchstone volcanic Plateau is roughly the same amount needed to form an El Nino. Interestingly, Yellowstone and the El Nino Source Point are both associated with deep earth molten lava pockets.
- El Ninos do not occur in a predictable historical pattern, rather they occur randomly. This is indicative of a geological origin such as volcanic eruptions which are not predictable.
- El Nino-like events do not occur elsewhere in the Pacific or other oceans. Why? If they are atmospheric in origin, there should at least be one other El Nino location.
- Historical records indicate that the first human-recorded El Nino occurred in 1525 observed by Spanish explorers. Other studies suggest strong ancient El Ninos ended Peruvian civilizations. The main point here is that strong El Ninos are natural, and not increasing in relationship to global warming.
- El Ninos often occur in “bundles”. Typically, the first El Nino in a bundle is of lower intensity, subsequent El Ninos are progressively more intense, often ending with a high-intensity El Nino. This El Nino bundle pattern is remarkably like the progression of well-monitored and well-understood land-based volcanic and tectonic events, which typically build through time to a final large volcanic eruption or tectonic event.
- The ocean surface shape of all El Nino Sea Surface temperature anomalies is identical. If El Ninos were the result of global atmospheric warming, there should be some variance in shape.
- Ocean warming acts strongly affects ocean coral reef systems, often referred to as “coral bleaching”. I believe that the alteration of coral reefs is a natural and necessary effect caused by geologically induced El Ninos. Effects that fit into the Natural Selection Theory developed by geologist Charles Darwin while visiting the geologically active Galapagos Island Rift System region. Take for example the U.S. Forest Service’s “Forest Fire Suppression Policy” that reigned supreme from 1900 until 1995. During this time, forest fires were considered extremely dangerous and harmful to both the public and forests. Foresters claimed that these monstrous walls of destruction that raged through our beautiful forests killing humans, animals, and plants, and destroying homes were unnatural and needed to be suppressed. Today’s forest management policies are quite different. The new policies are built on the premise that forest fires are necessary agents of natural selection.
- El Nino-warming and chemical changes of Pacific Ocean seawater have a strong influence on Pacific Ocean phytoplankton distribution by enriching the ocean with iron, phosphorus, etc. Geological emissions from active ocean floor features are known to emit these minerals.
- All El Nino/La Nina computer prediction models loaded with atmospheric and shallow oceanic data consistently fail, likely because they are modeling the “side effects” of geologically warmed/cooled oceans and not the “cause” of the El Nino/La Nina event. All of these models, including the current model, do not have the ability to project the timing of occurrence, magnitude, frequency, generation by heat pulses, and “bundling” patterns more than a few months in advance.
- El Nino/La Nina events are associated with geological seismicity or volcanism in the point source area (Guillas 5-28-2010).
- It is evident the generation of an El Nino is immediately followed by the generation of a La Nina proving that one cycle and not separate events.
Significant amounts of data and information gathered from varying scientific disciplines prove that the generation of El Ninos and La Ninas is the result of fluids, chemicals, and gases emitted from ocean-floor geological features.
Features that are located in a small geographical area in the far western portion of the Pacific Ocean.
James Edward Kamis is a retired Geologist with forty-two years of experience. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from Northern Illinois University and a Master of Science degree in Geology from Idaho State University. More than forty-six years of research have convinced him that geological forces significantly influence, or in some cases, completely control climate, and climate-related events as per his Plate Climatology Theory and latest book.
Note from Author
Special thanks to Thomas Richard of Climate Change Dispatch who has posted all of my articles concerning Plate Climatology Theory for ten years and counting. And thanks to John O’Sullivan at the Principia Scientific website who has also posted many of my articles concerning Plate Climatology Theory.
See more here climatechangedispatch
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Jerry Krause
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Hi James Edward Kamis,
You began “There is an enormous amount of data that proves El Ninos and La Ninas significantly alter the Pacific Ocean’s temperature, influence Earth’s atmospheric temperature, reverse equatorial trade winds, and change our climate.”
Relative to your suggestion that these generally unpredictable abnormal events change the Earth’s climate I disagree. They merely change the earth’s normal weather for a brief period of time. And my opinion is that the weathers of La Niña events are just extreme NORMAL weathers. For another observed fact is that weather conditions can vary significantly and normally from one year to the next at certain locations. So that these certain locations seem to have a climate of NORMALLY VARIABLE WEATHER.
Have a good day
Herb Rose
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El Nino gets its name because it occurs around the time when the sun crosses the equator. Geological events follow no such pattern.
Herb Rose
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Another problem with the theory is the Pacific Equatorial Current that flows westward from South America towards your source point. This current is a result of the rotation of the Earth and the inertia of water. Why doesn’t the current push the hot water west?
Richard Greene
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There is no evidence that heat released by underseas volcanoes and vents is sufficient to cause a measurable ocean surface temperature change.
There is no evidence (measurements) of deep ocan temperatures to show the underseas heat releases are increasing or decreasing temperatures below 2000 meters — the measured trend of heat releases is unknown. Measurements of mid-ocean seismic activity are not an accurate measurements of the total heat released by underseas volcanoes and vents..
If underseas heat caused El Ninos, why would they not happen in every year?
If underseas heat caused El Ninos, that would not explain La Ninas
In the very long run, the ENSO cycle does not increase atmospheric heat, as Ell Ninos are offset by La Ninas.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Richard,
I tend to agree with your comment for Richard Feynman in his first lecture at Caltech taught “If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only one sentence passed on to the next generations of creatures, what statement would contain the most information in the fewest words? I believe it is the atomic hypothesis (or the atomic fact, or whatever you wish to call it) that all things are made of atoms—little particles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling upon being squeezed into one another.”
And I know I haven’t considered what happens when water molecules are squeezed so they begin to resell on another. At what depth in the ocean might this happen? And how might the physical properties of water change?
Have a good day
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There has been much misunderstanding about El Nino events published by meteorologists and associated bodies. The main error has been the suggestion the Western Pacific warm water pool spills over to the Eastern Pacific, driven by a reversal of the Trade Winds. Utter garbage.
El Nino clearly originates from warm water that appears to be upwelling close to the Peruvian-Ecuador border and carried westward along the equatorial current, then dispersed Northwestwards and Southeastwards near Micronesia.
The source of the present El Nino’s warm water upwelling appears to have switched off
in early September.
This three month animation clearly illustrates heat source areas and dispersal, and the heat source switching off.
Some previous El Ninos co-relate with lunar cycles. The moons gravity is known to flex and stress tectonic plates.
I am picking a dip in global UAH temperatures troughing in January 2025 of around 0.5 to 0.7 degrees C. The moon ain’t going anywhere.
James Edward Kamis has always written informative articles but this one is based on the debunked theory of the equatorial current going the wrong way.
Be Happy.
Herb Rose
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Hi Matt,
The Pacific Equatorial Current is always flowing east. It is just traveling 5mph slower than the rotation of the Earth. The current is caused by the inertia of water and it is deep, not just a surface flow. Since the surface of the current is exposed to the sun for longer, it gains more heat. This warm surface water’s flow is restricted by islands of Indonesia and the Philippines and accumulates as a pool of warm water on the surface. The current continues to flow under the warm water and is eventually directed upwards by the land pushing the warm surface water east. I do not believe the east coast of the Pacific is more geothermal active than the west coast but that is just an impression. I would also guess hat because El Nino occurs when the sun crosses the equator that the sun is more of a factor than the moon.
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Hi Herb if you spent five minutes studying the reference in my comment you would not be wasting my time with comments that defy simple observation.
Herb Rose
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Hi Matt,
Why are you identifying this as an El Nino when it appears to be a localized summer warming at the equator off South America? El Nino is where warm water in the Coral Sea flows east in December. What is causing the even greater warming around Japan?
JerrY Krause
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Hu MattH and Herb,
Herb wrote about the “Pacific Equatorial Current” and you wrote “The main error has been the suggestion the Western Pacific warm water pool spills over to the Eastern Pacific, driven by a reversal of the Trade Winds. Utter garbage.” Whether or not if the reversal of the Trade Winds is Utter garbage, is ”the warm water pool which spills over to the Eastern Pacific“ a portion of the “Pacific Equatorial Current”? I admit I am confused due the lack of detailed definitions.
In the latter portion of the 1990s I had written a several page essay about the sloped equatorial Pacific Ocean caused by the normal east to west prevailing equatorial winds toward the large and small islands which somewhat separate the Pacific Ocean from the Indian Ocean. And if common knowledge that these islands normally have almost daily extreme afternoon thunder storms.
Now as I write this, I have a prediction to support my idea of the sloped Pacific. Measurement of tides along the coasts of these islands should disclose that the sea levels decrease during El Niño events at the equatorial west coast of South America.
Matt, please check out my prediction.
Have a good day