How China’s Gorbachev Was Flushed in 1989

To this day, many people are still unclear as to the nefarious role that Hungarian mega speculator-turned philanthropist-turned color revolutionary George Soros has played in international affairs over the past 40 years.

Sadly, many of those who have woken to the systematic carnage created by the elderly sociopath tend to make the mistake of either 1) assuming that the man has run an international conspiracy to rid the world of nation states all by himself or 2) believe him to be a stooge for the “evil Chinese Communist Party” which seeks to overthrow the western Christian-based order.

A recent short video which opened Mike Lindell’s recent Cyber security symposium was brought to my attention recently which encapsulated this belief and has been amplified across nearly all conservative press over the recent year. The trope has taken many forms and has been spread widely among a certain category of conservative-minded citizens of western nations who recognize that a disturbing global behavior-modification program is afoot which threatens to uproot thousands of years of traditional values.

The problem with those who acknowledge the existence of conspiracies to dismantle nation states and enslave much of the world population is not that they are wrong to be paranoid, or even that a color revolution just transpired within the USA itself. However, by deflecting attention away from the causal hand of British intelligence which has been at the heart of nearly every major historic manipulation suffered by the USA from 1776-present,

China has been made to appear as some shadowy global supervillain using their Soros-affiliated assets managing the western deep state in the pursuit of global hegemony and the overthrow of “Christian values”.

The fact is that China is not only the first nation to successfully identify and purge Soros’ evil while the rest of the world was sleepwalking into a post-nation state order over 30 years ago, but remains one of the most invaluable pathways for a world of cooperation which western nations must join with if they are to liberate themselves from the oncoming dark age.

To restate the point: While other countries were busy letting Soros’ armadas of Open Society foundations infiltrate them at every level, China had the wits to see the evil agenda for what it was and when a color revolution was attempted at Tiananmen Square by those same agencies which were ushering in a new age rape of the Soviet Union and dismantling of western representative democracy, China lost no time to remove Soros’ right hand man in China in 1989 who had managed to reach the apex of political power as General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and heir apparent to the ageing Deng Xiaoping.

Soros’ man was named Zhao Ziyang and during the 1980s, western press had already become accustomed to calling him “China’s Gorbachev”.

Here he is being honored by Reagan in 1984.

A few words about Zhao

Zhao Ziyang was still a teenager when the Long March had occurred in 1934-35, but soon found himself rising within the CPC administration becoming a party leader of Guangdong Province in 1951 and managing a broad program of torturing peasants who were suspected of hoarding food during the great famine of 1958-61. Certain forces with influence seemed to appreciate that sort of thing at the time and his star rose even higher becoming Guangdong’s Party Secretary.

But a couple of years into the Cultural Revolution Ziyang found his luck run dry, as he became the subject of attacks by Red Guards working for four years in a mechanics factory in Hunan. Upon his surprising rehabilitation in 1972, Ziyang again found his star rising as he was made First Secretary and Revolutionary Committee Chair in 1973.

In 1975, he was appointed Party Secretary of Sichuan Province, where his penchant for de-regulation and market-driven economics were put to use in reforming agricultural policy during the early years of the opening up under Deng Xiaoping.

Zhao’s star rose incredibly fast during this period. By 1977, he was made Politburo Member, finding himself acting as Premier of the State Council from 1980 to 1987 followed by a stint as Secretary General of the CPC until his dishonorable ouster in 1989.

Today we have become accustomed to hear creepy transhumanists like Klaus Schwab and other technocrats giddily praise the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the merging of humans and machines, Artificial Intelligence’s “inevitable” replacement of human thought and the automation revolution which will supposedly render most of human labor redundant under a new “useless class”.

However these ideas are not new and were alive and vibrant in the mind of Zhao Ziyang, who was profoundly influenced by transhumanists like Alvin Toffler (author of Future Shock and the Third Wave) whose concepts of a post-industrial new age in many ways serves as a bible for the Great Reset agenda now underway.

Speaking at an October 9, 1983 conference in Beijing, Zhao said:

“Whether we call it the Fourth Industrial Revolution or call it the Third Wave, [these writers] all believe that Western countries in the 1950s and 1960s reached a high degree of industrialization and are now moving to an information society.… At the end of this century and the beginning of the next century, or within a few decades, there will be a new kind of situation in which breakthroughs in new technology that are happening now or will happen soon will be used for production and for society.

This will bring a new leap in social productivity and thus a corresponding set of new changes in social life. This trend is worthy of our attention and must be carefully studied, based on our actual situation, in order to determine the next ten to twenty years of our long-range planning.… For us and for the future of the Four Modernizations, this is both an opportunity and a challenge.”

The Battle for the Four Modernizations

The policy known as the Four Modernizations referred to by Zhao above was first formulated by China’s great nation builder Zhou Enlai in 1963 as a multigenerational outline designed to guide China’s emergence into the new millennium as modern technologically advanced nation. Zhou Enlai’s plan hinged on an over-all economic and industrial revolution driven by breakthroughs in 1) Industrial productivity, 2) Agricultural productivity, 3) Defense and 4) Scientific/technological progress.

By the time Zhou died in 1976, followed soon thereafter by Mao Zedong, it became increasingly clear that the Gang of Four that had attempted to reset thousands of years of history within the decade of 1966-76 would not remain in power for long and Zhou’s program increasingly became the driving force of China’s long term development strategy.

With Zhou’s close ally Deng Xiaoping taking the helm of the Communist Party in 1978 (after jailing the Gang of Four), conferences among the Central Committee of the CPC were convened to make the Four Modernizations a reality with Deng stating:

“We should select several thousand of our most qualified personnel within the scientific and technological establishment and create conditions that will allow them to devote their undivided attention to research. Those who have financial difficulties should be given allowances and subsidies… we must create within the party an atmosphere of respect for knowledge and respect for trained personnel. The erroneous attitude of not respecting intellectuals must be opposed. All work. Be it mental or manual, is labor.”

Deng Xiaoping and Zhou Enlai in 1963

Deng’s choice to uplift the Marxist concept of labor from merely material forces to embrace creative mental labor was brilliant and pointed China in a new and vibrant direction that would allow the Asian giant to emerge as an economic powerhouse within a few generations. However, whenever matters of scientific creativity and non-linear projections into the future are discussed, there is often much space for debate and interpretation as to what philosophies and pathways will best advance those non-linear objectives.

It is here that ideologues of the new Malthusian revival then sweeping the western world came into play, and a life-or-death battle between open vs closed system theories of governance took place.

Kissinger’s Slave Labor Vision for China

Henry Kissinger’s program to open up China that began in earnest in 1971 at the height of the Cultural Revolution was premised on an ideological commitment to a post-nation state world order.

In Kissinger’s mind (and fellow Trilateral Commission members who took control of U.S. policy as modern Helmsmen over the dead bodies of JFK and his brother), the Chinese which largely found themselves in the First Industrial Revolution (of agriculturally-driven peoples) in 1971 should remain in a static condition as poor and uneducated workers in order to serve as zones of cheap labor to produce goods purely for export to western consumer markets.

Those western consumer markets would not need those industries they once enjoyed which were now being exported under Kissinger’s program since the west had achieved its supposed “limits to growth” under the industrial paradigm (which Futurist Alvin Toffler labelled the “Second Wave”). Under the new age of “post-industrialism” (Toffler’s Third Wave), humanity was expected to have “evolved” into an information-driven society.

Describing his thesis in 1978, Toffler spoke of the emergence of the Third Wave and obsolescence of industrial civilization saying:

“This era is now screeching to a halt. Industrial civilization is now in a state of terminal crisis, and a new, radically different civilization is emerging to take its place on the world stage … We are swiftly entering a new, more sophisticated state of evolutionary development based on far more advanced yet more appropriate technologies than any known so far. This leap to a new phase of history is bringing with it new energy patterns, new geopolitical arrangements, new social institutions, new communications and information networks, new belief systems, symbols, and cultural assumptions…

Thus it must generate wholly new political structures and processes. I fail to see how it is possible for us to have a technological revolution, a social revolution, an information revolution, moral, sexual, and epistemological revolutions, and not a political revolution as well …. In this sense the breakdown of government as we have known it-which is to say representative government… is chiefly a consequence of obsolescence. Simply put, the political technology of the industrial age is no longer appropriate technology for the new civilization taking form around us. Our politics are obsolete.” 

Kissinger’s role as a neo-Malthusian was known to all, as his infamous National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM-200) of 1974 had already transformed American foreign policy from pro-development to pro-population reduction with the assumption that the computer models used in the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth (1972) were somehow based in reality despite their total rejection of creative reason and technological progress.

Among the top remedies to population growth, NSSM-200 listed birth control and the withholding of food. Kissinger asked: “is the U.S. prepared to accept food rationing to help people who can’t/won’t control their population growth?”

Kissinger’s report didn’t mince words:

The U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries. That fact gives the U.S. enhanced interest in the political, economic, and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States…. Although population pressure is obviously not the only factor involved, these types of frustrations are much less likely under conditions of slow or zero population growth.”

Kissinger, Toffler and other devotees of the Club of Rome had no shortage of followers among the new breed of statecraft emerging in Deng Xiaoping’s China. These neo-Malthusians who preferred to look at humanity from the filter of mathematics and computer modelling wasted no time in infiltrating as many positions of influence as possible in the State Council and attempted to coopt the Four Modernizations towards anti-human ends.

This is taken from a very long article. Read the rest here:

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