How Britain Reconquered the USA
Earlier this week, I had the pleasure to speak with my friend Patrick Timpone, host of Radio One News on the topic of the British re-conquest of the USA. This topic took us into a deep dive of world history with a focus on the rise of the Round Table Movement in 1902 and the Cecil Rhodes/Milner networks that ran roughshod over the 20th century.
If you have not yet discovered that the USA as we know it has been hijacked by operations centered NOT in Russia or China as many have been duped to believe, but rather in the bowels of the City of London… then this show is for you.
Or access the interview on my BitChute channel here.
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , a BRI Expert on Tactical talk, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and in 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation .
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Joseph Olson
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There is NO difference between communism, fascism, marxism, nazism, progressivism, or socialism, they are all rebranded FEUDALISM. There are only two systems of social organization, either you have Free Speech, Private Property and rule by informed consent, or you DO NOT. No system remains in the middle zone for long, as totalitarians are insatiable.
End feudalism, support World Freedom Day on March 20, 2021 in a nation near you.
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You speak the truth!
Doug Harrison
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I know that my recommendation doesn’t amount to much but I am driven to say that this is the work of one of the great brains of today. I really don’t have time to sit through 2 hour videos but I saw and heard all of this one. Breathtaking!