How a Real Greenhouse Leaks Heat – like a sieve leaks water
We’ve all heard or read about how our atmosphere is supposed to mimic a real greenhouse and how that is supposed to make our earth warmer through the emissions of human generated carbon dioxide.
Now we have a real-life example of how a real greenhouse leaks heat like a sieve leaks water. The breakdown of a boiler in a professional greenhouse in Edinburgh is causing concern about the special plants and flowers grown within that greenhouse.
Here is the entire article about that event – – from which I quote:
- The glasshouses, which cover 4,000 sq ft and house 3,000 species, need to be at a temperature between 22C and 24C.
- Although the temporary heaters are only managing to keep the glasshouses at a temperature between 12C and 14C, experts at the site said they were hopeful they could keep the plants alive until the heating system was fixed.
Let me repeat a part that quote: “ temporary heaters are only managing to keep the glasshouses at a temperature between 12C and 14C” – that’s some 10 degrees C less than the boiler achieves and I am sure that no expense was spared in placing temporary heaters inside the greenhouse.
Maybe now you will understand why so many scientists state that our atmosphere does not operate like a greenhouse and that there is no such mechanism as the “greenhouse effect”.
Here is a brief list of scientific papers that describe the correct way in which our atmosphere operates, which is just like a real greenhouse actually: it leaks heat like a sieve leaks water.
Any atmosphere on any planet will always be warmer at the surface of that planet than at the top of that atmosphere, but that has nothing to do with a “greenhouse effect”.
Earth’s atmosphere is a giant cooling mechanism that prevents us from frying at well over a 100°C at the equator during the day with that cooling assisted in a big way by the evaporation of water into water vapor which in turn slows down the rate of cooling at night time. |
Marshall Rosenthal
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Here’s another NEWSFLASH! Professional “greenhouse” gardeners pump extra CO2 into the atmosphere of the greenhouse to get better growth, more vegetables and larger and prettier flowers. Is this the poisonous polluting gas the greenies are so afraid of?
Alan Siddons
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I would add that an overtaxed boiler could heat a greenhouse more effectively if the air were dry. The presence of water vapor in such an enclosure serves only to suck up the heat with little payback in terms of temperature. But wait — isn’t water vapor a heat-enhancing greenhouse gas?