How 3 Billionaires Pushed ‘Critical Race Theory’ Into America’s Schools

Ever since the pandemic-related school closures began and kids were being sent home to do their work, the topic of Critical Race Theory was being injected into their educational system, something of serious importance to parents.

That’s because, upon seeing their children’s curriculum, many parents were shocked at what was being taught.

However, how did we get to the point where school systems were overtly trying to “dismantle whiteness” or teaching kids that “Math was racist?”

To answer that question, we spoke with Luke Rosiak, an investigative reporter with the Daily Wire, as well as the author of “Race to the Bottom.

During our conversation, he reveals the three billionaires pushing this curriculum, its origins, and how it took root in our schools.


h/t Joe O.

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Comments (3)

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    Do they name names in the video?


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      There are plenty Dan:
      Glen singleton, 5:15 10:20
      Philanthropic foundations inc Gates, 11:40
      Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford, 12:40
      Kelloggs, 13:22

      I would watch everything after the Kelloggs reference at least.


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        Thank you Howdy.


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