How Hospitals Cheat by Doctoring COVID Death Certificates

henry ealy

In a new video, Dr. Henry Ealy explains how hospitals made huge profits by listing the patient’s cause of death as Covid, even if they died from something else or had serious comorbidities.

Take for example a patient who has had COPD for 10 years and then contracts Covid. Covid would be put down as the cause of death (COD), and any comorbidities listed as contributory factors—if at all. 96% of all death certificates for Covid had on average 4.0 comorbidities.

Per CDC guidelines, those comorbidities are then listed as contributory factors on the death certificate. According to Dr. Ealy:

“In Santa Clara County, California, and in Alameda County, California, they did a partial audit, and it lowered their [COVID] death certificates by 22% and 25%. Why? Because hospitals were counting everything they could as COVID… When [they] put COVID down, [they] get more money for it.”

With all these deaths being listed as Covid deaths, the justification for the CDC’s draconian measures and public health policies. When it’s pointed out that it’s never been done this way, you’re told to be quiet as hospital administrators continue their creative, profitable accounting.

This is Medicare/Medicaid fraud authorized by the Health and Human Services dept., Ealy explains. “They are using our own money against us.”

h/t Joe O.

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Comments (4)

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    Russ D


    As a Cancer survivor of 12 years now, I stay alive by avoiding doctors, eating right and exercise. I have lost all faith/respect for the medical profession when it comes to treating disease. They are NOTHING but a FAILURE……….PERIOD!!!!

    The Medial profession is good for emergencies, trauma and injuries………..ONLY!!!


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    When the idiotic leftist government gives away money for nothing, everybody and their brother tries to grab some, even by illegal means. Billions of covid dollars have gone overseas. There is absolutely no control of or following where this money goes. It’s a free-for-all.


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    Andreas Dinkelacker


    A very detailed study. Thank you!

    No doubt that charges were laid and a full fraud court case is underway?

    Ever considered the cost of setting up and maintaining CoViD-19 wards? How would you want to pay for this?


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