Hidden Opportunities: Exposing false claims by Australian Govt’s Bureau of Meteorology

New report responds to Senator Birmingham’s apparent reliance on false claims by the Australian Government’s Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). The Senator’s letter dated December 18th, 2014 to Malcolm Roberts is refuted by overwhelming empirical scientific evidence, as outlined in excerpts from the report, below. false claimsMoreover, key players in the climate alarm narrative are exposed as beneficiaries of related financial scams.

Data shows that the much publicised “97{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} consensus of climate scientists” claiming human carbon dioxide (CO2 ) causes catastrophic warming is really “0.3{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}” with none having empirical scientific evidence for their claim. 
Concerns expressed in the body of the August 2010 report on UN IPCC processes by the world’s peak scientific academic body, the Inter Academy Council undermine all 800 UN IPCC confidence and likelihood statements. 
UN IPCC science reports contain no empirical scientific evidence of human causation. Atmospheric temperature measurements show no warming for almost 20 years and ground-based measurements prove no significant warming in natural warming-cooling cycles since the start of measurements in 1660. 
Empirical data prove human CO2 cannot effect global temperature or climate variability and show temperature changes cause changes in CO2 levels, the opposite of the UN IPCC’s core claim. 
Responses from CSIRO, BOM and academics funded by ALP-Greens commissions contain no empirical scientific evidence of humans causing climate variability yet official reports and statements by a small closely connected group imply such evidence. 
BOM fabricated warming by ‘adjusting’ past and recent temperature data. Former CSIRO Chief Executive Megan Clark was on major international bank boards while advocating a CO2 ‘trading’ scheme aiming to create trillions of dollars in profits for those banks. CSIRO ‘scientists’ funded by taxpayers and speaking at international conferences advocated unelected global governance.
Unfounded climate claims and advocacy for CO2 ‘trading’ schemes are traced to Maurice Strong, founding Secretary-General in 1972 of the UN Environmental Program that sponsored the UN IPCC and director of the Chicago Climate Exchange trading CO2 credits. He initiated and drove the UN’s Rio Declaration Agenda 212 for twenty first century unelected global governance signed in 1992 by Paul Keating’s Labor government. 
ALP and Greens’ party policies include UN Agenda 21 and evidence proves senior ALP-Greens MPs fabricated global warming using misrepresentations and misappropriation of taxpayer funds to legislate their CO2 tax and ‘trading’ scheme. 
Climate Change Minister Greg Combet directed tens of millions of dollars to Australia’s largest wind turbine operator owned by the union movement’s Industry Super Holdings Pty. Ltd. that he directed prior to entering government.  

Myths exposed 

 “97{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of climate scientists claim human CO2 causes catastrophic warming” is really a 0.3{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} smattering, all with no empirical scientific evidence of cause. Statements in 2008 by Kevin Rudd, the Greens party and the UN IPCC that “4,000 UN IPCC scientists claim human CO2 caused warming” is really only 5 UN IPCC Reviewers endorsing the core claim of human CO2 as cause.
UN IPCC does not rely on scientific peer review as claimed. It bypasses, manipulates and prevents proper scientific peer review. CO2 is not pollution. It’s natural and essential for life. Other key points include:
■ Human CO2 is not causing catastrophe. Empirical scientific evidence on ‘extreme’ weather events show no process change in natural variability
 ■ The ‘target’ of limiting future warming to two degrees (2ºC) was fabricated 
■ The ‘Greenhouse effect’ relied on by the UN IPCC was dismissed by contemporary science and the American Meteorological Society in 1951 
■ The science is not settled that human CO2 causes climate variability. Instead, statistical analysis of data shows no process change has occurred in entirely natural climate variability
■ Freedom of Information request on CSIRO Chief Executive and Bureau of Meteorology confirm no evidence of human causation was given to members of parliament from 2005-2013
■ All three agencies have no empirical scientific evidence of humans causing climate variability
■ All three agencies contradict empirical scientific evidence
■ BOM tampered with temperature recordings to convert cooling into warming 
■ CSIRO scientists advocate global governance at international conferences
■ Former CSIRO Chief Executive Megan Clark’s conflicts of interest as a director on boards of two international banks benefitting from CO2 ‘trading’

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