HHS Proposes Formal Debarment of EcoHealth Alliance

To my pleasant surprise, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) actually accepted the House Select Subcommittee’s recommendation to formally debar EcoHealth Alliance, Inc

As stated in the official press release:

“HHS will immediately commence official debarment proceedings and implement a government-wide suspension of U.S. taxpayer funds to EcoHealth — including a hold on all active grants.”

It seems to me that this marks a major shift in U.S. federal agency policy with respect to EcoHealth Alliance.

The decision also opens up a fraught can of worms for the HHS and the NIH (a division of HHS).

Brad Wenstrup and his Congressional Committee have acknowledged and articulated the evidence that EcoHealth and its collaborators in the US and China are responsible for creating the Covid virus.

HHS’s acknowledgement that this evidence is sufficient to warrant debarring EcoHealth Alliance implies that the U.S. government is now formally recognizing the true, manmade cause of the COVID-19 Pandemic instead of trying to sweep it under the rug.

SEE FULL PRESS RELEASE from the House Oversight Committee.

See more here substack.com

Header image: dspacedirect.org

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    From the press release:
    “HHS has begun efforts to cut off all U.S. funding to this corrupt organization”

    Why now? After four plus years of Eco-Health running experiments and programs that government agencies are forbidden to, for the government and with taxpayer money?
    They did the same thing with Detrick and universities to avoid regulations and scrutiny. Worked too, no one mentions Detrick.

    This story has another angle, I assure you.


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