Here’s Why You Should Skip the Covid Vaccine

Peter Doshi, associate editor of the British Medical Journal and assistant professor of pharmaceutical health services research at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy warns:

“The world has bet the farm on vaccines as the solution to the pandemic, but the trials are not focused on answering the questions many might assume they are.”

The new Covid vaccines will make billions of dollars for the big pharmaceutical companies, but here’s what they won’t do:

  1. The vaccines will not cure Covid
  2. The vaccines will not prevent people from contracting Covid
  3. The vaccines will not prevent Covid-related hospitalizations
  4. The vaccines will not prevent Covid-caused deaths

Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “If the vaccine does not protect me from getting Covid (or dying from Covid), then why should I take it?”

And the answer is: “You shouldn’t. It makes no sense at all, especially in view of the fact that new vaccines pose considerable risks to one’s health and well-being.

“Risks,” you say? “No one said anything about risks. I thought this wonderful new Covid cure was entirely risk-free; just take the jab and– Presto– life goes back to normal.”

Wrong. There are risks, significant risks that the media and the medical establishment have papered-over with their ridiculous Happy Talk about “miracle” vaccines. But all of this is just public relations hype designed to hoodwink people into injecting themselves with a dubious substance that does NOT do what it’s supposed to do, and which DOES pose serious long-term risks to one’s health.

So, let’s dig a little deeper into this question of risks and see what are the experts saying. Check out this excerpt from an “Open Letter From: UK Medical Freedom Alliance To: The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization… for COVID-19 in the UK.”:

“It is worrying that recent Parliamentary discussions seem to not attach proper weight to any concern about vaccine risks and the right to informed consent, while focusing solely on strategies to increase the uptake of vaccines in the general population.

Inadequate Assessment of the Public Health Risk from a Covid Vaccine

In a recent letter to the British Medical Journal (BMJ), physician Arvind Joshi warned against the disaster that could result from this misguided policy and outlined the serious risks involved to the public and other serious issues that are being taken if a Covid Vaccine is rushed out without thorough and adequate safety and efficacy testing:

“Adverse effects like Subacute Sclerosing Pan Encephalitis, Ascending Polyneuritis, Myopathies, Autoimmune Diseases, and rarer chance of triggering development of malignancies are most dreaded possibilities.“...“The rush for the Vaccines should not lead to disaster.” (Note: There is a more comprehensive list of potential ‘bad outcomes’ in the link to the article.)

Virus-vectored and genetically engineered vaccines could undergo recombination or hybridization with unpredictable outcomes.…Previous attempts to develop coronavirus and other vaccines e.g., RSV and dengue, have been hampered by the problem of ‘antibody dependent enhanced immunity’(ADEI), which has led to severe illness and deaths in the animals and human subjects involved in the trials28. This phenomenon only becomes apparent after vaccination, when the subject is exposed to wild virus at some point in the future. Worryingly, the Covid Vaccine trials have not been conducted in a way to exclude the possibility of this serious sequalae occurring months or years after vaccination...

Late onset adverse vaccine effects such as Subacute Sclerosing Pan Encephalitis (SSPE),Ascending Polyneuritis, Myopathies, Autoimmune Diseases, Infertility and Cancers cannot be ruled out with short duration trials.” (“Open Letter From: UK Medical Freedom Alliance To: The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization… for COVID-19 in the UK.”)

It’s all very technical, but the truth is plain to see: There are serious risks associated with taking the Covid-19 vaccine. Most vaccine recipients will experience only minor aches and pains but some will undoubtedly get quite ill and permanently damage their health. No one really knows for sure because there have been no long-term trials. The Covid vaccine has been fast-tracked from Day 1. So, the question is: Do the benefits outweigh the risks. And, in this case, they clearly don’t. The chances of getting violently sick or dying from Covid are very slight, (IFR is 1 in 400) while the (potential) adverse effects from the vaccine are spelled out above. Why would anyone roll the dice on a vaccine that does not prevent one from contracting Covid, does not protect one from hospitalization, and will not prevent one from dying? That’s just not a good tradeoff. Here’s more from an article at Forbes:

“Prevention of infection must be a critical endpoint…(But) Prevention of infection is not a criterion for success for any of these vaccines. In fact, their endpoints all require confirmed infections and all those they will include in the analysis for success, the only difference being the severity of symptoms between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Measuring differences amongst only those infected by SARS-CoV-2 underscores the implicit conclusion that the vaccines are not expected to prevent infection, only modify symptoms of those infected“…

“We all expect an effective vaccine to prevent serious illness if infected. Three of the vaccine protocols…do not require that their vaccine prevent serious disease only that they prevent moderate symptoms which may be as mild as cough, or headache.” (“Covid-19 Vaccine Protocols Reveal That Trials Are Designed To Succeed”Forbes)

Can you see what’s going on? “Prevention” is not even a primary objective. The standard for success in these trials is whether the vaccine mitigates Covid symptoms in people who test positive. But who cares about symptoms? What people care about is dying. That’s why people are so eager to get vaccinated, because they think it will eliminate the threat of dying.

This is a critical point, and one that is well worth mulling over.


Because it helps to illustrate how the vaccine campaign is built on a foundation of lies and deception. For example, when the drug companies boast that their product is “95% effective”, it does NOT mean that– if you get vaccinated– you will be immune to Covid. It doesn’t even mean that you won’t get violently ill and die. All it means is that the vaccine reduced the symptoms of some of the people in the trials who tested positive.

Did you know that?

Of course, you didn’t. You thought that if you took the vaccine, you’d be protected from Covid, because that is the logical assumption that anyone would make. Most people equate vaccines with immunity. The drug companies know that which is why they’re exploiting people’s ignorance and deliberately obfuscating the truth. They want people to continue to believe that vaccination is a protective shield that will save them from sickness and death. But it’s not. It’s a bunch of baloney.

Bottom line: Vaccine “effectiveness” is not measured in terms of “preventing infection”. It relates to the vaccine’s impact on symptoms. Here’s more from Forbes:

“One of the more immediate questions a trial needs to answer is whether a vaccine prevents infection. If someone takes this vaccine, are they far less likely to become infected with the virus? These trials all clearly focus on eliminating symptoms of Covid-19, and not infections themselves….

It appears that all the pharmaceutical companies assume that the vaccine will never prevent infection. Their criteria for approval is the difference in symptoms between an infected control group and an infected vaccine group. …

A greater concern for the millions of older people and those with preexisting conditions is whether these trials test the vaccine’s ability to prevent severe illness and death. Again, we find that severe illness and death are only secondary objectives in these trials. None list the prevention of death and hospitalization as a critically important barrier….

These protocols do not emphasize the most important ramifications of Covid-19 that people are most interested in preventing: overall infection, hospitalization, and death. It boggles the mind and defies common sense that the National Institute of Health, the Center for Disease Control, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, and the rest would consider the approval of a vaccine that would be distributed to hundreds of millions on such slender threads of success.

It appears that these trials are intended to pass the lowest possible barrier of success.” (“Covid-19 Vaccine Protocols Reveal That Trials Are Designed To Succeed“, Forbes)

The author is right, isn’t he? If the vaccine doesn’t prevent infection, it’s not worth taking. Period. And yet, all these high-falutin organizations are on-board with this farce. It’s a disgrace. We’re not even talking about a “low bar” for success here. We’re talking about “no bar”. If people are concerned about symptoms, they’d be better off taking an aspirin and leaving it at that. There’s no need to inject themselves with some hybrid cocktail that no one has the slightest idea of what the long-term effects might be. That’s just reckless.


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Comments (8)

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    It’s easy to understand why organizations such as the cdc will pull a stunt like this, if there are no pandemics then they are not necessary. They would lose a lot of money. They would have only a small number of people to look into things that turn up occasionally. A pandemic means that all eyes are on them, funding skyrockets. After they release a “vaccine” they are heroes well worth the money. The reality is, we typically don’t need the cdc. We certainly don’t need their made up pandemics.

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    Charles Higley


    As there is no Gold Standard culture of this virus, no vaccine is possible that is aimed to provide immunity to this virus. Simply impossible.

    Furthermore, the admission that the vaccines might only lessen coughs and mild symptoms means that their vaccine is based roughly on coronaviruses in general (most of which cause mild or no symptoms) and far from what is desired by the governments and people.

    Vaccine researchers are reluctant to admit that you cannot make an effective vaccine against a virus that mutates rapidly. Thus, they think that a gene therapy strategy, called a “vaccine” which it is not, might work, but it would have to be against a general coronavirus protein because they do not have a pure C-19 culture to work from.

    This is also why the PCR and antibody tests are worthless and detect viruses of the new flu season, and no one admits that the viruses of last season are gone.

    Where do people think these vasetly higher numbers of “cases” this Fall are coming from? Really? It’s an epidemic of testing with a bad, high-false-positive test that gas-lights the public into thinking this “novel” virus does not follow the known patterns of infection and immunity. They want the public to think that immunity only last a couple of months and that you can get sick over and over. However, one can indeed catch different virus during one flu season or different viruses from two different flu seasons.

    It is telling that they are saying that C-19 has changed and now has a much faster onset and very short sick phase—we used to call it ” the 24 or 48-hour flu bug.” It’s a new flu season and new viruses of the same overall family of viruses. Now they call everything Covid-19 and panic, imposing regulations that do not work on the whole population.

    This is all a socialist/police state power grab and nothing less. Inuring the people to giving up their true rights is the goal. Get ready for rolling lockdowns and more regulations throughout the winter. The key weapon is the bad PCR test and the myth of effective vaccines that cannot do what they say. When the vaccines effectively fail, they will panic again and reinforce and expand lockdowns and regulations because they will claim that they have no idea what is happening, so we all have to panic and suffer.

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    Clair Ramsdale


    One of the things people are predicting is that we won’t be allowed to board flights, it gain entry to various places unless we are vaccinated in order to protect others. But if the vaccine doesn’t stop you getting covid, then you can still pass it on presumably. Therefore the vaccine is also worthless in terms of preventing transmission on flights ext.

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      judy Ryan


      This is the really scary part. They are forcing a form of self isolation on people like us. They dont want us to communicate and meet. I recently went to a conference and met up with many people just like us. It was fantastic and empowering . It was run by an organisation named LibertyWorks in Australia. We need more organisations like this. Maybe PSI can organise some. What happened to the one meant to be in Texas in November. Did Covid19 stop it?

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    Maurice Lavigne


    The playbook is obvious. Once a sufficient percentage of the population is vaccinated the number of covid 19 cases will drop and the number of influenza, pneumonia etc will rise and return to normal.

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    Gillian Clarke


    I’m eighty one and had the vaccination at Peterborough hospital Saturday 12th, no after effects, there were dozens of elderly having the vaccination… I think everyone should have it and not take the risk of getting infected.. if doesn’t work I will still have peace of mind …

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      Finn McCool


      Gillian. It is your choice to accept a ‘vaccine’ for your own peace of mind. That is your right and I have no say, or interest in your decision.
      It is not your right to decide ‘that everyone should have it’.
      It is not the right of 650 men and women in Parliament to dictate to me or any other person that I ‘should have it’.
      It is not the right for non-elected ‘scientists’ or ‘NHS chiefs’ to dictate to me or any other person that ‘I should have it’.
      I see no difference between Goebels methods and those of the 77th Brigade. Perhaps you are familiar with them?

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