Helix Network Myocarditis Research with Bias in Design

Many of you have heard the this false claim: “SARS-CoV-2 infection causes more myocarditis than COVID-19 vaccination.”

It is false because hospitalized COVID-19 patients trigger ICD-10 codes based on troponin testing that allows codified data to be analyzed and report as myocarditis.

These cases are not clinically adjudicated and confirmed with exam, ECG, echocardiography, or cardiac MRI. Autopsy studies of fatal COVID-19 infection have not found myocarditis or evidence of the virus damaging the heart.

Conversely, there are hundreds of peer-reviewed manuscripts describing fatal and non-fatal myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination including cases confirmed by autopsy as published by Hulscher and colleagues. An analysis by Rose et al has demonstrated that vaccine myocarditis has a 2.9% case fatality rate.

It is curious that through the pandemic the Myocarditis Research Foundation started to advertise on social media. The site never mentioned vaccines as a cause or concern.

Now the Foundation has launched a campaign with The Helix Research Network to recruit patients with myocarditis after infection or vaccination. I noticed immediately bias in their design to propagate the myocarditis false narrative:

  1. Using ICD-10 codes instead of clinically confirmed cases
  2. Unequal recruiting windows after exposure: 14 days after vaccination versus 8 weeks after infection
  3. No mention of clinical confirmation of myocarditis or independent adjudication
  4. Study is testing genetic predisposition and not measuring mRNA or Spike protein in the body

The Myocarditis Research Foundation and this study are additional evidence of bias working to create the false illusion of vaccine safety while attempting to explain away the increase in myocarditis, heart failure, and cardiac arrest on SARS-CoV-2 infection. Investigation of funding sources to the Foundation for this study are warranted.

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Comments (2)

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    Gary Brown


    MAY 13, 2024 Detection of Positive Vaccine Bias in Reports of Serious Adverse Events

    Look for Unsupported Statements Plugging the COVID-19 Vaccines while Delivering Bad News on Side Effects. The clinical reality of COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis, blood clots, and other medical disasters seems much larger than available reports in the medical literature. Because the vast majority of academic physicians who produce the worlds universe of medical manuscripts start from a pro-vaccine position, there is undoubtedly publication bias.



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    Word problem :
    Group A and Group B each consist of 100 volunteers for covid testing, Testers have no knowledge of any volunteer’s medical or vaccine history nor of their current vital signs.
    Group A is tested via one and only one PCR test.
    Group B is tested such that “Heads you’re sick, tails you’re not” in one coin toss .
    Statistically speaking, which method likely produces the least false results?


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