Helical Solenoid Model of the Electron

The peer reviewed journal Progress in Physics publishes a study that anticipates a new feature of the electron that is not predicted by Quantum Mechanics. This prediction is the existence of a Electron Toroidal Moment with a value of 10^(−40) Am3.

Extracts appear below of the paper, ‘Helical Solenoid Model of the Electron#


Oliver Consa, Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Campus Nord, C. Jordi Girona, 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, Spain.

E-mail: [email protected]


A new semiclassical model of the electron with helical solenoid geometry is presented. This new model is an extension of both the Parson Ring Model and the Hestenes Zitterbewegung Model. This model interprets the Zitterbewegung as a real motion that generates the electron’s rotation (spin) and its magnetic moment. In this new model, the g-factor appears as a consequence of the electron’s geometry while the quantum of magnetic flux and the quantum Hall resistance are obtained as model parameters. The Helical Solenoid Electron Model necessarily implies that the electron has a toroidal moment, a feature that is not predicted by Quantum Mechanics. The predicted toroidal moment can be tested experimentally to validate or discard this proposed model.

Quantum mechanics (QM) is considered the most accurate physics theory available today. Since its conception, however, QM has generated controversy. This controversy lies not in the theory’s results but in its physical interpretation.

One of the most controversial interpretations of QM was postulated by Bohr and Heisenberg. The “Copenhagen Interpretation” described QM as a system of probabilities that became definite upon the act of measurement. This interpretation was heavily criticized by many of the physicists who had participated in the development of QM, most notably Albert Einstein. Because of its probability features, Einstein believed that QM was only valid for analyzing the behavior of groups of particles and that the behavior of individual particles must be deterministic. In a famous quote from a 1926 letter to Max Born, Einstein stated, “He (God) does not play dice with the universe”.

A major flaw in QM becomes apparent when the theory is applied to individual particles. This leads to logical contradictions and paradoxical situations (e.g., the paradox of Schrödinger’s Cat). Einstein believed that QM was incomplete and that there must be a deeper theory based on hidden variables that would explain how subatomic particles behave individually.

Einstein and his followers were not able to find a hidden variable theory that was compatible with QM, so the Copenhagen Interpretation was imposed as the interpretation of reference. If we assume that Einstein was correct, and that QM is only applicable to groups of particles, it is necessary to develop a new deterministic theory to explain the behavior of individual particles.


3.6 Nucleon model
By analogy to the theory underlying the Helical Solenoid Electron Model, we assume that all subatomic particles have the same structure as the electron, differing mainly by their charge and mass.

Protons are thought to be composed of other fundamental particles called quarks, but their internal organization is beyond the scope of this work.

The radius of a nucleon is equal to its reduced Compton wavelength. The Compton wavelength is inversely proportional to an object’s mass, so for subatomic particles, as mass increases, size decreases. Both the proton and the neutron have a radius that is about 2000 times smaller than the
electron. Historically, the proton radius was measured using two independent methods that converged to a value of about 0.8768 fm.

This value was challenged by a 2010 experiment utilizing a third method, which produced a radius of about 0.8408 fm. This discrepancy remains unresolved and is the topic of ongoing research referred to as the Proton Radius Puzzle.

The proton’s reduced Compton wavelength is 0.2103 fm. If we multiple this radius by 4, we obtain the value of 0.8412 fm. This value corresponds nicely with the most recent experimental radius of the proton.

This data supports our theory that the proton’s radius is related to its reduced Compton radius and that our Helical Solenoid Electron Model is also a valid model for the proton. The current of a nucleon is about 2000 times the current of an electron, and the radius is about 2000 times lower. This results in a magnetic field at the center of the nucleon’s ring that is about four million times magnetic field is inversely dependent with the cube of the distance.

This implies that while the magnetic field inside the neutron’s ring is huge, outside the ring, the magnetic field decays much faster than the electric field. The asymmetrical behavior of the neutron’s magnetic field over short and long distances leads us to suggest that the previously identified strong and weak nuclear forces are actually manifestations of this huge magnetic field at very short distances.

3.7 Spin quantum number
In 1913, Bohr introduced the Principal Quantum Number to explain the Rydberg Formula for the spectral emission lines of atomic hydrogen. Sommerfeld extended the Bohr theory with the Azimuthal Quantum Number to explain the fine structure of the hydrogen, and he introduced a third Magnetic Quantum Number to explain the Zeeman effect. Finally, in 1921, Landé put forth a formula (named the Landé g-factor) that allowed him to explain the anomalous Zeeman effect and
to obtain the whole spectrum of all atoms.

Read the full paper at http://www.ptep-online.com/2018/PP-53-06.PDF

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    Joseph A Olson


    “Confirmation of the Helical Travel of Light Through Microwave Waveguides” by Robert Ashworth, Physics Essays, volume 11, number 3, 1998

    Not only does this “Helical Model for Photons” solve the duality problem of particle verses wave for light, but this may well solve the Hubbell apparent “red shift” without a big bang. Everything we are allowed to “know” is Elitist filtered, directed narrative, misinformation.

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