Health Secretary Levine blocked release of damning federal report on fluoride
Concealing Operation Dumb-Down: 52 of 55 studies find fluoride associated with reduced cognitive ability (Updated 4/5/23)
To conceal harms of an apparent “well poisoning” effort, US Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine tried to prevent Americans from seeing a government report demonstrating brain-damaging, intelligence-lowering effects of fluoride — forced into public water supplies for decades without informed consent — until a court ordered the report’s release.
According to Fluoride Action Network (FAN), a plaintiff in the case:
After a 6-year long systematic review of fluoride’s impact on the developing brain, a court order has led to the National Toxicology Program (NTP) making public their finalized report that was blocked by US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) leadership and concealed from the public for the past 10 months.
The NTP reported 52 of 55 studies found decreases in child IQ associated with increase in fluoride, a remarkable 95 percent consistency.
Strong evidence fluoride harms the brain
From the report’s abstract:
In adults, only two high-quality cross-sectional studies examining cognitive effects were available.
The literature in children was more extensive and was separated into studies assessing intelligence quotient (IQ) and studies assessing other cognitive or neurodevelopmental outcomes.
Eight of nine high-quality studies examining other cognitive or neurodevelopmental outcomes reported associations with fluoride exposure.
Seventy-two studies assessed the association between fluoride exposure and IQ in children.
Nineteen of those studies were considered to be high quality; of these, 18 reported an association between higher fluoride exposure and lower IQ in children.
The 18 studies, which include 3 prospective cohort studies and 15 cross-sectional studies, were conducted in 5 different countries.
Forty-six of the 53 low-quality studies in children also found evidence of an association between higher fluoride exposure and lower IQ in children.
Yet Levine didn’t want you to see the report.
Levine’s attempted coverup
Fluoride Action Network observes:
As a result of months of legal motions, subpoenas, and extensive negotiations with the U.S. Department Of Justice (DOJ) — which is representing the EPA in court — our legal council was successful in getting the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to agree to publicly release the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) completed multi-year systematic review of fluoride’s impact on the developing brain.
After being served a subpoena by our attorneys, the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) — a branch of NIH — agreed to publicly produce their final report that was intended to be published in May of 2022.
Click Here To Read The Court Order
This victory will allow the public to finally see the report and accompanying documents that were blocked from being published by the leadership at US Health and Human Services (HHS) in May of 2022.
Internal CDC emails discovered through Freedom Of Information Act Requests by FAN indicated that the publication of the final NTP report was blocked at the last second due to interference from the Assistant Health Secretary, Rachel Levine.
One email from the CDC’s Oral Health Director from June 3rd, 2022 stated, “ASH Levine has put the report on hold until further notice.”
A plaintiff’s motion noted:
While Dr. [Rick] Woychik claims responsibility for making the decision to quash the report in May (as opposed to the unenviable task of publicly blaming his superiors), contemporaneous email communications show that the decision was made by his boss, HHS Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine.
According to a June 3, 2022 email from CDC, “ASH Levine has put the report on hold until further notice.”
Since the Assistant Secretary made the decision to put the monograph on hold, she presumably has the power to do so again in the future.
No reason to fluoridate water
Fluoride ingestion is associated with many health problems.
If desired, fluoride can be provided to children’s teeth more safely through fluoride toothpaste, which should not be swallowed, or fluoride treatments from a dentist or dental hygienist.
These topical dental treatments avoid systemic administration of fluoride through drinking water, which can produce high doses of the agent in children who consume copious amounts of water and can thereby lead to worse brain injury, especially in more susceptible victims.
Fluoride damage aimed at America
Fluoride Action Network indicates the US has been targeted:
Water fluoridation is the practice of adding industrial-grade fluoride chemicals to water for the purpose of preventing tooth decay.
One of the little known facts about this practice is that the United States, which fluoridates over 70 percent of its water supplies, has more people drinking fluoridated water than the rest of the world combined.
Most developed nations, including all of Japan and 97% of western Europe, do not fluoridate their water.
In the United States, the Oral Health Division of the Centers Disease Control (CDC) hails fluoridation as one of the “top ten public health achievements of the 20th century.”
However, comprehensive data from the World Health Organization reveals that there is no discernible difference in tooth decay between the minority of western nations that fluoridate water, and the majority that do not.
In fact, the tooth decay rates in many non-fluoridated countries are now lower than the tooth decay rates in fluoridated ones.
Does Levine want your kids dumb and infertile?
In addition to implicitly supporting the “dullardizing” of American children through a neurotoxin delivered as mass “medication” without consent at variable, uncontrolled doses in drinking water, Levine refused to tell the US Senate in 2021 whether parental consent should be obtained before confused minors are given puberty blockers or receive disfiguring gender reassignment surgery that can render them sterile.
Is Levine serving masters who want to take down America through supported policies of ethnically targeted injections, masks, lockdowns, mass criminal migration, water fluoridation producing harms Levine tries to hide, and encouragement of actions leading to infertility?
See more here
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The real question anymore is whether or not your government wants you just plain dead.
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
Question: Which one of you, including the author of this article, know the history of how dentists learned that fluoride ions decreased permanent teeth decay? Only each one of you can answer this question. So, I will wait for a response to this question and if there is no response I will assume that no one reading this article knows. Or, maybe because no one has read this article nor my comment.
Have a good day
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Editors,
“Or, maybe because no one has read this article nor my comment.” I believe someone at PSI has access to the information about this possibility. We know that Tom and I did read this article, so how many others have?
Have a good day
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It’s not the article. The reason nobody responded, is because you are directing odd questions to people you don’t know as if they were students in your classroom. It’s just one of your big turn-offs. No matter the subject, this is what you do.
This point has been raised by several at PSI over time.
These are real people who have their own minds, with no need to indulge in another persons fantasy. You need to move on.
That real enough for you? More to the point, will you take notice?
You know you can allways count on me to be blunt. I know that’s why I don’t get many replies either, but replying isn’t the same as people reading and noticing.
Worried whether your posts are interesting or not? Observe the site, which is right up your street, yes? It tells you all you need to know.
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Not interested in playing silly games with a fool.