Hard evidence of plandemic fraud

In the video at the link below her bio, Czech molecular biologist, biochemist, molecular geneticist, molecular microbiologist Dr. Soňa Peková, MD, PhD explains in layman terms that SARS Co-V2 virus originates from a lab, and Americans and others are trying to refute that fact, but it has been verified by next gen sequencing.

She explains results of her lab’s analysis using the latest next generation nucleic acid sequencing to study samples of SARS-Co-V2 from 30,000 people.

The covid vaccines damage human immune systems, and, used as they are against heterogeneous, multi-variant virus, results in antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) making the virus more dangerous.

Last, and IMHO most important, as a designer of PCR kits she explains that the PCR probes and primers used in the commercially available, EUA-approved PCR kits produce high false positives and this has been used fraudulently to hype this “plandemic” which otherwise would have passed like a mild flu season.

She has evidence that multiple different strains of SARS-CoV2 have been introduced, evidently intentionally, into the Czech population which otherwise had a very low rate of virus infection.

She will be testifying at the International Criminal Court at the Hague in the case filed against the criminal perpetrators of the “plandemic.”

To see the video, click here: budbromley.blog

Header image: Dennik En

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Comments (4)

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    Brian James


    February 14, 2022 Embalmer Reveals 93% of Cases Died from the Vaccine

    Anna Foster is an embalmer with 11 years of experience in Carrollton, MO. In this exclusive interview, she reveals that 93% of her last 30 cases died due to clots from the COVID vaccine.



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    Tom O


    A fascinating statement –

    “She explains results of her lab’s analysis using the latest next generation nucleic acid sequencing to study samples of SARS-Co-V2 from 30,000 people.”

    Yet not a single health agency was able to come up with a single purified sample that the virus existed? Why do I seem to find a conflict of facts here? It would suggest that she had samples of something, but was in really C-19’s virus? A good question.


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      Jan Zeman


      With Next Gen Sequencing it is not so hard to sequence the whole genome of the virus RNA and compare it with other genomes and see what differences are there. And with 30k samples sequenced and seeing they very closely overlap it is quite clear the RNA genome of the virus definitely exists.


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    Maurice Lavigne


    I would not expect any of our mostly government controlled labs to conduct genetic sequencing and report on the chimeric origins of SARS COV-2. Would you? Of all information that needs to be suppressed in support of this pandemic, this would be a high priority. Despite this, I have seen a few reports that mapped the insertion of four proteins. Also, the severe symptoms I have observed in my circle of acquaintance were sufficiently distinct from normal flu to suspect a new virus.


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