Happy New Year to All Our 60,000 International Readers!

2020 has been an awful year. But it is also a watershed and if you watched my video interview this week with Dr Elsa Schieder you will know that here at Principia Scientific International we are feeling upbeat about what is coming in 2021.

The conduct of policymakers and the pharmaceutical industry during the global pandemic is now going to be cast in the harsh light of statistical analysis now we have seen the back of 2020.

COVIDGATE is being exposed to the masses as people are seeing adverse reactions to the vaccines, including death. In December, WHO Finally Admits COVID19 PCR Test Has A ‘Problem’ and news is spreading that up to 95 percent of tests are giving false positives. Even the New York Times is now conceding that nine out of ten tests are wrong.

The final numbers are coming in for excess mortality over the year and putting some context to the figures by comparison to previous years. We will be posting some eye-opening analysis on all the data that should anger everyone who has suffered needless over the last nine months of lockdown.

The horrific impacts on the population of Britain has been carefully summarized month by month by our own Andy Rowlands. While our own internationally-renowned pharmaceuticals testing expert Dr Saeed Qureshi has been outstanding with his expert analysis proving that no laboratory in the world has yet isolated and empirically established the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

So effective have been the challenges even the CDC and some governments have now come clean to admit they have no actual proof that COVID-19 even exists.

As we posted yesterday, it is very evident, at least in the UK, that the government’s own data proves that the actual number of infections classified as COVID-19 was a little over 13,000. This exposes the Big Lie that Britain suffered more than 50,000 deaths from this alleged deadly coronavirus.

We are delighted that our coverage of the pandemic fraud has attracted a huge number of regular new readers and we would like to encourage them to read back over our posts related to the man-made global warming fraud, which has all the giveaway hallmarks of the COVID fraud.

Already a massive court victory against the pandemic fraud has happened in Portugal and in the U.S. the FDA is getting hammered and CDC are going down, and other countries are seeing real action.

Lawsuits are being filed and are progressing here, here and here and a Great Awakening of the general public, not noted for their understanding of science matters, is moving nicely ahead.

They say the darkness is greatest just before the dawn and we have witnessed some awfully dark times this year. But be assured that many good people working hard behind the scenes care deeply about their public duty to preserve our freedoms and expose science fraud and corruption wherever we find it.

We are excited about the coming months with new video interviews scheduled and greater outreach happening with elected officials who are now coming on board with what our work offers policymakers.

If you haven’t already done so, or if it’s been a while, please do consider making a donation to help support our mission. We rely hugely on grassroots donations and every dollar counts.

About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

Please Donate Below To Support Our Ongoing Work To Expose The Lies About COVID19

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

Please DONATE TODAY To Help Our Non-Profit Mission To Defend The Scientific Method.

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Comments (15)

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    All the best for 2021 John O’sullivan.


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    The same to you John!
    And to all PSI contributors and commentators as well.
    Have a great 2021!


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    Happy New Years


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    Hi John – just posting a link to a succinct breakdown by Catherine Fitts. I think you will find interesting.

    I advocate bradbury pound or equivalent i.e. greennback
    or we all face ruin!


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    Joseph Olson


    We now have a perfect 2020 vision of the faux science, fake history, medical mafia tyranny that has been directing our planned, dystopia future. We must now act to FREE all humanity from this brutal insanity. The DOMINION (fake election) dictator down under has declared that “protest is illegal” in the BitChute video “Police & Labor State Government Abuse Human Rights of Victorians”

    It is time for 2021 ACTION. (link below to avoid moderator deletion)


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    Alan Stewart


    Paddy Chaefsky and Peter Finch – “I’m mad as hell etc.” Start screaming out your window. This is for your children. COMPRENDO??? I would rather have Hitler and Stalin’s armies marching in to my town. 2020 is the Manchurian Candidate Syndrome being used. Mind control and it works


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    Andy Rowlands


    Happy New Year John and all PSI readers, and thanks for the mention John 🙂


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    There will be more evidence of the hysteria and madness infecting academia. Academics hallucinating deadly phantoms and devils from gases that are part of this planets natural order for life. All the while the specter in a UN cloak of ‘sustainability’ destroys wealth and livelihoods, and the political wraith that is ‘zero carbon’ rips out the soft compliant underbelly of nations.

    “Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.”

    I wish everyone a “Happy New Year” as the madness continues.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Founders and Readers,

    Do not overlook “60,000 International Readers!” We know this has happened because of the significant efforts of one person: John O’Sullivan. Congratulations John!!! And thank you!!!

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Thanks for the work you do. Without this website I’d be very very uninformed.
    Praying for your success and prolonged growth !! I send thousands of people on telegram many of the important vital essays here.

    May God protect you and all who work for you.


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    Zoe Phin


    Happy New Year, John!

    I got 56K views from 16K “visitors” in 2020. What is your 60K metric? Let’s bring that number up!


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    John O'Sullivan


    Thanks all, Your feedback is very gratifying and humbling. Zoe, the 60k metric is based on site visits on our better days. Would love to bring it up!


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      Zoe Phin


      Ah, so on a good day you get what I get in a year! Nice!


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        John O'Sullivan


        Zoe, I sent you an email on this. Check your inbox : )


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