Growing Concerns Over COVID-19 False Positives Test ‘Flaw’

Elon Musk is one of many criticizing high levels of false positive COVID-19 tests. Musk says that HALF of the tests showing positive for coronavirus are FALSE. Below is a snapshot of the growing evidence that something may be seriously amiss. tells us:

The state’s Department of Public Health said that its state laboratory found a “flaw” in one of its testing systems and that 90 of 144 people who were tested for the virus between June 15 and June 17 received false positive tests. 161 specimens were collected and a total of 91 of those showed false positives.

Many of those who received the false tests were nursing home residents.

The state said that it reported the flaw to the test manufacturer and the FDA. It has taken “immediate steps” to make sure patients have been notified – hopefully more than just forwarding them a copy of this article. 

Even more alarming, the State Department of Health said the flawed numbers came “from a widely-used laboratory testing platform that the state laboratory started using on June 15.”

Acting Commissioner Deidre S. Gifford said: “We have notified the healthcare facilities for everyone who received a false positive test result from our state laboratory. Accurate and timely testing for the novel coronavirus is one of the pillars supporting effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Adjustments have been made to ensure the accuracy of future tests, she said. Additionally, she said all positive tests will be further reviewed by “multiple laboratory scientists” and retested using another method. We wonder how many other states are administering tests from the same “widely-used” platform…


PSI Editor’s note: Other reports revealing growing concerns questioning the reliability of COVID-19 testing include:

Principia Scientific’s Opinion:

As with any infectious disease, we expect ever more of the population to have COVID-19 (coronavirus infection).  Our bodies plus the atmosphere around us contains billions of viruses.

It is accepted medical practice that herd immunity will develop and as time passes all such viruses mutate and become less deadly. The lockdown (mass quarantine) and social distancing was only ever intended to ‘flatten the curve’ so hospitals and medical services would not get overrun. The data shows they never did. 

The notion of a vaccine being the solution is dubious at best, since the common cold (which is a corona type virus) has yet to see a vaccine, and every year the flu vaccines are hit or miss.  The sooner this overblown ‘pandemic’ runs through society (while protecting only the most vulnerable) the better it will be for us all.

About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (4)

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    Finn McCool


    Great summation, John.
    In Scotland the “test” results for the 27th July were, and I quote:
    “3 new confirmed cases of COVID-19; this is 0.1% of newly tested individuals.”
    Which means, of course, that 3 out of 3,000 “tests” were +ve.
    The probability of these 3 people actually being “infected” is less than 2%.
    Three people! But that must be down to the effectiveness of masks right? 🙂
    A “spike” in cases was reported on the 21st July. 22 cases.
    Poor Krusty became the first cat in the UK to test +ve for “Covid19”. Believe it or not, some eejit on BBC Scotland actually advocated socially distancing yourself from your cat!
    I was asked to write down my name and phone number at a restaurant last week. Apparently, despite GDPR, it is part of the ‘Test and Trace’ initiative, or maybe they found out that I owned a cat.
    I wonder if they will ever find Otis P Driftwood. Mobile 5318008618 A bit of calculator humour.


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    E. Nichols


    Great article and succinct, the CDC testing procedures readily acknowledge the tests can yield both false
    positives and negatives. Moreover the serological tests are deceptive because the antibodies can result from exposure to other coronavirus induced colds or flus. The number we are told daily are bogus and the number of cases are treated as if all the reported cases are deaths. The case fatality rate is much lower than reported because of the vast number of people exposed and the purposely distorted numbers. Thanks again John as usual fake science masquerades as science to the media and governments.


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