Greenland COOLING Since 2001
Greenland’s ice sheet kicked off 2017 gaining about eight gigatons of snow and ice, which is well above what’s usually added to the ice sheet Jan. 1 for the last 24 years, according to Danish meteorologists.
In fact, Greenland’s ice sheet has been gaining ice and snow at a rate not seen in years based on Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) data. DMI reports the Greenland ice sheet’s “mass surface budget” has been growing significantly since October.
Greenland’s “surface mass budget” for winter 2016-2017 is already more than two standard deviations higher than the northern ice sheet’s mean snow and ice accumulation over the last 24 years. DMI data shows the ice sheet added 8 gigatons of ice and snow Jan. 1, well above the standard deviation for that day.
Greenland’s booming snow and ice gains come after the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) found the northern ice sheet had an “above average” melt season.
NSIDC found “near-average to below-average coastal snowfall levels that exposed bare ice earlier in the melting season, combined with warm and sunny conditions at lower elevations, led to high overall ice loss from runoff.”
Greenland “had a high early-season melt area, the pace slowed in mid-July relative to the warmest years,” NSIDC reported. Early 2016 saw an incredibly strong El Nino warming event.
Greenland’s extraordinary ice sheet gains also come as Arctic sea ice levels stand more than two standard deviations below normal. Arctic sea ice coverage shrank in November, setting a record low, due to “unusually high air temperatures, winds from the south, and a warm ocean.”
DMI notes Greenland’s ice sheet “snows more than it melts,” but adds that “calving of icebergs also adds to the total mass budget of the ice sheet.”
“Satellite observations over the last decade show that the ice sheet is not in balance,” according to DMI. “The calving loss is greater than the gain from surface mass balance, and Greenland is losing mass at about 200 Gt/yr.”
Human made Co2 emissions rise and temperatures fall around the world. Showing no correlation and that natural climate variation is the right science denied by the CAGW hypothesis of Michael Mann and Al Gore. The facts are getting in the way of their fear mongering from distorted data and computer models. Real observations prove climate change cannot be stopped with the Paris Accord and carbon taxes as there is no catastrophic warming to stop. Greenland is poster child denying the fears of unprecedented warming. Here are the observed facts.
“While we were celebrating our Independence Day on July 4th, Summit Station in Greenland may have experienced the coldest July temperature ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere at -33°C (-27.4°F). Much of Greenland has been colder-than-normal for the year so far and has had record or near record levels of accumulated snow and ice since the fall of last year. The first week of this month was especially brutal in Greenland resulting in the record low July temperature and it also contributed to an uptick in snow and ice extent – despite the fact that it is now well into their summer season.” https://www.vencoreweather….
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Andy Rowlands
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Greenland cooling makes perfect sense as we enter the solar minimum.
Dillon Lanius
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Can you share any citations from DMI on the current mass balance of Greenland’s ice sheet?
Andy Rowlands
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If you have a look at the link below, Electroverse shows a lot of information on the right hand side of the screen, including the DMI Greenland SMB per day –
Michael Spencer
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It’s so alarming! It’s -44C at Summit Station right now, and all ‘the experts’ know that ice melts really fast at that temperature!
Oh woe! I doubt we”ll even have 12 years …..