Green Party Leader Admits She Has Gas Boiler, Not Heat Pump

The Green Party leader has admitted that she still has a gas boiler despite her party’s commitment to reach Net Zero by 2040. The Telegraph has the story.

Carla Denyer, the co-leader of the Greens, has insisted she is “in the process of getting quotes” for an air source heat pump.

But she told ITV that she had put replacing it “on pause” during the General Election and that she would revisit it once the campaign was over.

Ms Denyer, who is standing in Bristol Central, told ITV’s The Leader Interviews: “At the moment I have a gas boiler and I’m literally in the process of getting quotes for replacing it with an air source heat pump.

“I’ve had to put that on pause during the General Election as you can imagine, but I, yeah, literally have quotes in my email inbox.”

The Green Party has pledged to invest £9 billion over the next five years for heat pumps and other heating systems to be put into homes and other buildings.

The party will also campaign for house builders to include “low carbon heating systems such as heat pumps” in all new homes “where appropriate”.

Its manifesto reads: “Our energy bills are far too high because we have the worst-insulated homes in Europe.

“We would bring down bills by reducing the loss of heat from homes, because the cheapest bill is the one you don’t have to pay.”

Heat pumps have been criticised for failing to properly warm larger, older properties and for being noisy, as well as being expensive.

A report in July 2022 by the Climate Change Committee found the running cost of a heat pump is 10% higher than that of an average gas boiler, equating to £100 more a year.

Heat pump installation typically costs between £10,000 and £15,000, compared to £2,000 to £4,000 for replacing a gas boiler.

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Comments (6)

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    ” At the moment I have a gas boiler and I’m literally in the process of getting quotes for replacing it with an air source heat pump. ”
    I literally don’t believe her. She still has the boiler because : a) it literally provides more heat than a pump, b) heat pumps are over-priced and literally nobody wants to buy one and c) as a leftist and a climate cultist, lying to the population is literally her profession and her religion, so there is literally no reason to believe literally anything she says.


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    Carbon Bigfoot


    Someone should ask her how she will get her Domestic Hot Water (DHW) because the heat pumps don’t solve that problem. I suspect she will retain the gas boiler (her DHW source) because an Electric Hot Water Heater will add significantly to her electric utility bill. Since she has gas service, she could instead replace the boiler ( making it look like she is complying ) with a gas (DHW) hot water heater or instantaneous GAS- fired DHW water device. The PLOT THICKENS!!! Don’t let her off the hook!!!


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    Self preservation in action. Want it to happen, to others first, but place me last in the queue in case it changes and saves me.
    To outright refuse, is to lose meaning of life for these people. Living a little white lie perhaps?


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    Net zero is a fraud. It is a physical impossibility. CO2 id not a pollutant or a climate driver.


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    Net zero is a fraud. It is a physical impossibility. CO2 is not a pollutant or a climate driver.


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    Kevin Doyle


    I recommend Carla Denyer practice what she preaches.
    Give it all up! No source of heat, warmth, washing clothing, drying clothing, cooking food, transportation, no more jet flights, no more farming with diesel powered tractors to bring her organic avocado toast, nor any other life-sustaining items.
    She really is a brain-washed, mentally ill twit.


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