Greedy energy giants sell us wind electricity at wholesale gas price
The UK is facing an unprecedented energy crisis with a £100billion bailout set to blow the country’s bank balance – and all the while renewables firms are finding huge profits literally blowing in the wind
One of the UK’s leading energy experts has explained why the UK is facing an unprecedented energy bill crisis despite having more wind farms than ever before.
Dr Benny Peiser, the director of Net Zero Watch, said the price of electricity is determined by the price of gas on the international markets. As a result, renewables companies are making record profits selling energy that is generated by the wind.
He added that consumers effectively had to pay for both wind farms – which are subsidised to the tune of £400 per household per year – AND a back-up gas-fired system for those days when the wind is not blowing.
He told the Scottish Daily Express:
“It’s a lot of hot air. The cost of wind energy hasn’t really dropped significantly despite all the PR because it is based on auction prices and contracts.
The price of electricity from wind is determined by the price of gas so wind farm companies are currently getting record high prices.
They say they will just take the highest possible price which is the gas price.”
Mr Peiser added:
“Renewables only generate electricity for very short periods when the wind blows or the sun shines.
Most of the time Scotland and the rest of the UK is relying on conventional energy so you need a back up system for when there is no wind.
As a result, we have to pay very, very high prices.
If a gas-fired power plant is only being used half the time because wind is given preferential treatment then when it is being used the owner will ask for astronomical sums.
When wind is backed up by conventional energy the prices go through the roof and that cost is added to the average energy bill.
The more wind farms we have the more expensive the costs will be. This was happening long before the gas price went up.”
Scotland is already virtually self-sufficient in terms of ‘renewable energy’ due to the vast number of onshore wind turbines installed over the past 15 years, although that only applies when the wind is blowing steadily at the right times of day.
Asked if the drive to build more and more turbines would eventually push down the cost of electricity, Dr Peiser was adamant that it would never lead to lower bills.
“There’s no evidence that these wind turbines are getting cheaper and a lot of evidence to show the more we have the higher the costs,” he said.
“They have been saying that costs will go down for 30 years but it hasn’t happened yet. I think it’s unlikely and in my view impossible because you can’t have an energy system with renewables alone.
“What do you do on days when there is little wind or no sun? How do you power a country like Britain with wind and sun alone? You need two systems; one renewable and one whole system that powers the country when there’s no wind.”
And he said that successive SNP governments in Edinburgh have encouraged wind farm building despite the fact they were well aware it would not drive down the cost of electricity.
He said:
“They knew that at the end of the day they would not have to sort out the mess, it would be English subsidies that will save the Scottish Government from disaster.
This is a utopian dream which is not going to work. It is very expensive as we are finding out now and the next Prime Minister and the one after that will struggle to get a grip.”
However, he went on to explain that nuclear power cannot be used to back up renewables as nuclear plants can only generate a steady constant supply.
“You have to have a power plant that you can turn down and turn up, you can’t do that with nuclear so it has to be coal or gas,” he said.
Dr Peiser said the UK is going to have to “throw the sink at the energy cost crisis and get more gas and oil out of the ground“. He added: “The future will be nuclear but in the short to medium term we need more gas.
“We are in a pickle, we are in a complete mess and the government and ministers haven’t got a clue what they are doing. Energy companies don’t care, they are making money left, right and centre.
Everywhere in Europe is the same. In Poland and Germany they have got coal but everybody is building renewables. It is a utopian dream which is going up in smoke.”
The expert said that wind farm subsidies add “£11billion a year to our energy bills” and if they were scrapped “it would save £400 a year off the energy bill of every single household in the UK“.
He added: “If the next PM was going to cut subsidies for renewables, nobody would build wind farms anymore, they are just not profitable on their own.”
See more here scottishdailyexpress
Bold emphasis added
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Robert Beatty
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Well, if wind energy is so cheap, but is not constant, why not use wind energy to pump water for use in hydro generation? This has a 70% cycle efficiency, but provides base load power when required. The efficiency of the wind turbines can also be increased by using fuselage turbine designed units. ( ) This saves the bird strike problem as well, because the blades are enclosed. We finish up with two systems running in parallel and complimenting each other, rather than having the wind cannibalising the existing base load power supply.
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What have you been smoking ?
In case you didn’t know Australia committed to the exact idea you are promoted some 5 years ago.
To date its cost is more than double its original estimate without the extra transmission lines included.
The environmental devastation is huge – originally so called “Greens” were calling for more water from the original Snowy scheme because the once mighty Snowy River was dying – but all that is sacrificed on the altar of so called Bullshit renewable energy.
The “world’s biggest battery” – Snowy 2 – will only return less than 50% of the energy inputs in pumping – but these joules are “Free” right -LOL !
And if you want to see what a disaster for the environment hydro can be research Lake Pedder in Tasmania – one of the most iconic natural beauty spots drowned by the Tasmanian Hydro Authority.
The so-called “Greens” led a fight against the proposed Gordon below Franklin scheme in the ’80s but Lake Pedders environmental values dwarfed this area.
Hydro is not environmentally friendly by a long shot.
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“Well, if wind energy is so cheap, but is not constant, why not use wind energy to pump water for use in hydro generation?” Because the idea is stupid.
You need to realise the that the amount of turbines that would be needed would exceed the surface area that would be needed to store the water you would need to pump and the other thing is the capacity factor of wind turbines.
The other issue is the wind doesn’t blow on demand and electricity is needed n demand.