GRAVIPOWER “Start over on Gravity”

The nature of gravity is arguably the most intractable conundrum cosmic science is facing. Gravipower is the latest component in a PSI series reviewing the possible connection between black hole V616 Monoceros and the Earth’s force of gravity. However, the separation distance is calculated to be about 3,500 light years, which recognises that when gravity reaches Earth it is a weak force, but it is a very strong force near the black hole.

The paper starts with two lists of what is known and what is speculated. Knows include:

Mass bodies are attracted to each other as demonstrated by Lord Henry Cavendish in his gravity measuring experiment.

Gravity is all pervasive, but strongest between more massive bodies.

Telescope observations support black hole existence, and have identified associated cosmic rays.

A further dozen items are listed as speculative. All are considered in a technical discussion which refers to recent discoveries at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and recent research which isolated infragravity waves under the sea:

For the past few decades, something is becoming increasingly clear: Earth constantly hums, even though we can’t hear it. The first attempt to detect this hum was made in 1959, but it wasn’t until 1998 that a paper was finally published proving it. Earth expands and contracts constantly, ever so slightly. This is known as “free oscillations”, and they register as a background vibrational signal – or hum – in the absence of any other seismic activity. Now, for the first time, scientists have been able to record our planet’s hum from the bottom of the ocean.


Gravipower uses this data to develop a test machine consisting of a rotating steel disc with timing and revolution measuring monitors. The equipment was capable of measuring small variations to gravitational attraction created by introducing very low frequency electromagnetic wave forms. Frequency variations were provided to the test machine through an inductor-capacitor tuned circuit (LC Tank circuit).Tests conducted in the frequency range from 0.01Hz to 1.0Hz show the 0.1Hz frequency simulation, with a wave length of 3,000,000 Km provided the best ability to retain test equipment speed. This appeared to be ‘in tune’ with incoming electromagnetic gravity strings (EGS) as illustrated in the graphical summary.

The report concludes:

Black hole V616 and our solar system some 3,500 light years distant, have an electromagnetic association described as a Gravisphere.

Our solar system is sufficiently far from V616 for EGS lines to be substantially parallel and show so little measurable variation in polar force, that they are commonly regarded as having a constant G value, but this appears to be an incorrect assumption if applied to star systems significantly remote from our solar system.

The operation of gravisphere elastic links causes EGS energy to flow, which results in additional mass forming within mass objects. Examples cited include the expanding Earth, and graben structures on the Moon.

Read more at:


PSI “Gravity: When Push Comes To Shove?” Published on May 2, 2018 Written by Raymond HV Gallucci, PhD, PE

A Constant Universe. Editions 1-4 by Robert Beatty,{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}20Universe.pdf

Gravispheres – what’s the matter with dark matter? By Robert Beatty

Click to access PROM-Gravispheres.pdf

Click to access BigBangOrSteadyState.pdf

Click to access GRAVISPHERES.pdf

Click to access GRAVIMASS.pdf{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}26S…50..883I    (90MB)

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