Graphene oxide causative or etiological agent and how to lessen it
Yesterday’s video with Dr Ruby on Stew Peters’ show has gone viral. A Serbian subscriber saw it and put me onto the source, a group in Spain called “La Quinta Columna” (“The 5th Column”), who put out this video by biostatistician, Ricardo Delgado. It is an excellent Spanish-language resource, along with, which did the English-language translation of this video (upon which I improved, slightly).
Delgado and his team of scientists have concluded that the symptoms of “COVID-19” are, in fact the symptoms of graphene oxide poisoning and that the graphene oxide nanoparticles discovered in the Pfizer vials by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid at the University of Almería are also found in surgical masks, thus confirming of the suspicions of a British doctor. Surgical masks produced by Shandong Shenquan New Materials were taken off the market in Spain by the national health authority, Sanidad last April, due to the discovery of graphene oxide.
In addition, the 5th Column confirms graphene oxide is found in the testing swabs used in both the PCR and the antigen tests, as well as in all the flu shots after 2019.
The Fifth Column is providing information vital to your health, physical integrity and of your environment.
The masks being used and currently marketed contain graphene oxide. Not only the ones withdrawn at the time, as indicated by the media, the testing swabs used in both PCR and antigen tests also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles.
All major COVID vaccines, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc. also contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles.
These findings are the result of analyses by electron microscopy and spectroscopy, among other techniques used at various public universities in Spain.
The anti-flu vaccine contains graphene oxide nanoparticles, as do the new anti-flu vaccines, as well as the new intranasal anti-COVID vaccines that they are soon to be released. All contain enormous doses of graphene oxide nanoparticles.
Graphene oxide is a poison that causes blood clots. Graphene oxide coagulates the blood. Graphene oxide alters the immune system by disrupting the oxidative balance in the body’s glutathione reserves.
If the dose of graphene oxide is increased by any route, it provokes immune system collapse. And subsequent cytokine storm.
Graphene oxide accumulates in the lungs and causes bilateral pneumonia by means of its uniform dissemination in the pulmonary alveolar tract.
Graphene oxide causes a metallic taste in the mouth. Perhaps this is starting to make sense to you.
Inhalation of graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and as a result, the loss of the sense of taste and partial or complete loss of the sense of smell.
Graphene oxide acquires powerful magnetic properties inside the body. This explains the magnetic phenomenon that millions of people around the world have already experienced, after various routes of administration of graphene oxide, of which the vaccine is but one.
In short, graphene oxide is the alleged SARS-CoV-2, the “novel coronavirus” that supposedly caused the disease known as COVID-19.
This is the real reason why we’ve never had real isolation and purification of the novel coronavirus, which is a fact that is recognized at the highest levels of most health institutions in several countries when they were directly questioned about this.
COVID-19, the disease is the result of introducing graphene oxide by various routes of administration. Graphene oxide is extremely potent and strong in aerosols, as is the alleged SARS-CoV-2.
Like any material, graphene oxide has an “electronic absorption band”. This means that it absorbs a certain frequency that excites and oxidizes this material very rapidly, which attacks our bodies’ natural antioxidant glutathione reserves.
This frequency is in the bandwidths of the new 5G network. That is why the deployment of these towers never stopped during the pandemic. In fact, they were among the few services that were maintained, along with the heightened state security around them.
We suspect during the 2019 anti-flu campaign, graphene oxide was introduced in these vials, since it was already being used as an adjuvant. With the subsequent 5G technology trials in different parts of the world, the COVID-19 disease developed in the interaction of the external electromagnetic fields and the graphene oxide now in their bodies.
Recall that it all started in Wuhan. This was the first pilot sample city in the world for the 5G technology trial in late November 2019. There’s a coincidence in space and time. Both the pangolin and bat soup episodes were used for distraction.
The purpose for the introduction of graphene oxide is even more obscure than you might imagine. Therefore, it is More than enough for you to assimilate this information and “reset” everything you thought you knew about the disease up to now.
From the highest governmental institutions telling the population to protect themselves and even forcing them to ingest something that could potentially make them sick with the very illness, itself.
Now that we know that the causative or etiological agent of the disease is actually a chemical poison and not a biological agent, we know how to attenuate it: By increasing glutathione levels.
Glutathione is a natural antioxidant present in reserves in the human body.
A few details will serve for you to fully understand everything that was poured into the media.
Glutathione is found in extremely high levels in children. Therefore, the disease has hardly any impact on the child population. Glutathione levels drop considerably after 65 years of age. This is why COVID-19 is more prevalent in the elder population. Glutathione levels are very high in the athletic population. This is why only .22% of athletes had the disease.
You will understand now why countless studies in practice have shown that treatment with N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), which is a precursor of glutathione or glutathione administered directly cured COVID-19 disease very quickly in patients, plain and simple because glutathione the levels were raised to cope with the administered toxicant called graphene oxide.
The discovery made here by the 5th Column suggests an ongoing full-scale attack of state bioterrorism – or at least with the complicity of governments – against the entire world population, constituting crimes against humanity.
It is therefore absolutely essential and vital that you make this information available to your medical community, physicians, nursing and health services in general, as well as local and regional media and press and those around you.
The 5th Column estimates that tens of thousands of people will die every day, in Spain alone when the government implements the switch to 5G technology.
Bearing in mind that it is not only the elderly in nursing homes who are vaccinated with that flu vaccine with graphene oxide but as you know, a large part of the population has been vaccinated – or “graphenated” with gradual doses of graphene oxide.
The body has a natural capacity to eliminate this toxin [graphene], reason for which they are recommending to take 3 doses [of the vaccine] yearly and every year from now on, to maintain the high level of the graphene in your bodies.
We have each and every one of the proofs of what has been described here and as long as the justice system isn’t working, people will continue to be pushed off a bottomless cliff. If you are watching this audiovisual material, you will understand that for more than a year, you have been totally and naïvely deceived by the highest institutions. Only now will you understand all of the inconsistencies that you have observed on your television news.
To complement this valuable information, you can access or our Telegram channel La Quinta Columna TV, where over 100,000 are already aware of the truth and are not part of the mass deception. Please make this video go viral and let’s stop among all of us the destiny that awaits us, the fruit of the Agenda 2030 roadmap. It’s up to us.
To publish I had to disable all links in the above article and alter the link. Add h t t p and no spaces. forbidden knowledgetv .net /graphene-oxide-in-jabs-masks-and-swabs/
Why jab 6 month infants?
WHEN: Glutathione is found in extremely high levels in children. Therefore, the disease has hardly any impact on the child population.
Links to 6 month old infants in covid jab trials blocked so please search.
Glutathione foods can be divided into two categories: foods that contain glutathione molecule and foods that stimulate glutathione production and/or upregulate the activity of glutathione enzymes.
What is your desired outcome?
Of primary concern now are food shortages, persecution of people who do not consent to the jab, and survival. Do you have a plan? Do you have a network of like minded people? Please inform people wiling to listen.
Translated from Spanish here:
Header image: Die Welt
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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So my wife has been double jabbed with astrazenica.
I have NAC 1500ui pills.
Can i save her?
Mark Tapley
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Hello Alan:
I don’t pretend to know about how effective the NAC will be but it is known that most supplements don’t work as well as nature does. It is known for instance that D3 supplements although helpful, are not as good as the sufficient action of sun light with the the natural cholesterol from the liver. The human stomach is really not very efficient (unlike that of cattle) and only a small amount of most supplements is absorbed.
Tell your wife to eat a LOW carb diet focusing on High quality saturated fat supplemented with animal protein. Red meat is the best. Do HIT and stop taking Rockefeller CDC blood toxin graphene oxide poisons. Her body will then take care of itself as God intended.
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check for 5g activity in the world here:
Mark Tapley
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Hello Itsme:
Looks like the Zionist syndicate is moving right along with their program of enhancing the graphene oxide neurotoxin with the 5G network. All while the goyim focus on the Rand and Fauci gain of function show, along with the new “variants” for the non existent virus they have no sample of. Just put up some more of those “green energy” wind mills and solar panel crap and the livestock will be all set. For Agenda 2030-21.
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This makes so much sense. We have been poisoned during various phases of the fake pandemic. Not sure how 5G ties into all this, but I would bet it isn’t for our benefit. Time to round up the bastards and do justice.
Mark Tapley
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We now have not only circumstantial evidence of this latest crime against humanity by all the countries in cooperation and control by the Zionist crime syndicate going back to the Rockefeller documents of 2010. We also have the actual physical evidence of the before us. This is the same network that has been at work to establish one world global tyranny now for well over a hundred years.
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The same old tired nonsense against 5G raises its deformed head again.
Look – 5G is a class of technology. It ‘s NOT a new and unique frequency spectrum. 5G covers all the previous frequency spectrums too. 5G overlaps the 2G,3G & 4G spectrums.
There’s an enormous amount of nonsense being talked about 5G having NO factual basis whatsoever. Forget mind control, AI injections, nanobots, and similar tripe. It’s all flat-earther style nonsense. The technologies, while dreamed of, don’t actually exist yet and realistically won’t for decades. People have to separate fantasy from reality.
Denis dombas
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Perhaps you should get some real info instead following MSM propaganda.
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I am going to dispute that there is no potential link between 5G and Graphene Oxide.
The author puts the case for further urgent study well. He is hypothesising
“Like any material, graphene oxide has an “electronic absorption band”. This means that it absorbs a certain frequency that excites and oxidizes this material very rapidly, which attacks our bodies’ natural antioxidant glutathione reserves.”
In principle I agree with this assertion the absorbtion of electromagnetic radiation by organic molecules has been studied and documented resulting in a change of state from a starting state to a finished state in which reactions can and do occur. I see no reason why Graphene Oxide alone should not be subject to electromagnetic radiation absorbtion at a frequency unique to it.
“This frequency is in the bandwidths of the new 5G network.”
Pity no proof is provided.. Crucial ommission.
“That is why the deployment of these towers never stopped during the pandemic. In fact, they were among the few services that were maintained, along with the heightened state security around them.”
Proof needed
“We suspect during the 2019 anti-flu campaign, graphene oxide was introduced in these vials”
Proof needed
Remarkably though a patent for the use of Graphene Oxide as an adjuvant and carrier was issued to a Chinese agency in 27 Sept 2019 China applies for coronavirus patent “Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier”
Article Link:
It is entirely possible Graphene Oxide was introduced in other experimental ‘vaccines’ of which we are yet to hear.
“…, since it was already being used as an adjuvant. With the subsequent 5G technology trials in different parts of the world, the COVID-19 disease developed in the interaction of the external electromagnetic fields and the graphene oxide now in their bodies.”
I have to agree with the possibility. I have seen studies where electromagnetic radiation in the 4g and 5G frequencies have penetrated the body and therefore could cause a change of state in Graphene Oxide molecules within the body.
I must reject your assertion that there is no possibility of a link between 5G electromagnetic radiation and Graphene Oxide excitation.
I think the use of graphene oxide as a carrier and adjuvant for mRNA had been thought through thoroughly and the potential for interaction with naturally occuring and man made factors had been precisely understood before it was released.
If it was a monstrous inhuman crime is in progress
If it wasn’t we are dealing with criminal negligence on a heinous scale worthy of inprisonment for all concerned.
The granting of immunity to the Pharmacuetical companies does not shield them if they knew.
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Graphine and other bio-tech interface is easily searchable as a heavily invested two pronged R&D. There are established fact that are associated with potential applications.
Many articles are PR to attract investment, couched in various social virtues, but still as investment and narrative shaping for a platform in and through which to fund and shape our future.
The same was done for Genetics – which hit a brick wall in terms of expected applications.
The same was done for virology/vax which remains a key narrative for the building of genetic and nanoparticulate biotech investments/applications.
That they don’t work is not a short term problem, for the disease can be factored as a call for more investment against a growing threat etc.
By the time shit hits the fan, the core stakeholders have repositioned to take opportunity from the crash.
Much of what we think of as ‘control’ is a spanner in the works/wrench in the gears.
The interesting adjunct to all of this is that the body is electro-magnetic – as is the Universe of which it is a nested expression.
Cowan with Manel Ballister reveals the nature of the helical heart as a field of resonance for body and terrain.
Aligning in truth is not a technique so much as a release of strategies for defending an out of balance state against healing.