Govt Report: Over 40 percent of Florida Covid-19 Deaths are False
A recent report in Florida shows that over 40% of the state’s Covid-19 deaths may not merit that classification.
According to Dr. Andrew Bostom at a Florid House of Representatives report covered an investigation of the COVID-19 deaths reported in Florida:
The Florida House investigators stressed that “nearly 60 percent [8,058/13.920] of the [COVID-19] records classified by the Department of Health,” had “errors,” or were “recorded in a manner inconsistent with state and national guidance.” They also provided evidence, as noted earlier, that ~10 percent [1,256] of these alleged Covid-19 deaths were misclassified.
I maintain this latter ~10 percent estimate is far too conservative, and moreover, reflects compliance with the CDC’s April, 2020 Covid-19 death certificate coding guidelines which destroyed the logical firewall between Part 1 “specific cause” of, and Part 2 “contribution(s)” to, individual deaths. Accordingly, to these 1,256 records where Covid-19 is not even listed as the final cause of death, one could add the 175 listing non-Covid-19 immediate and underlying causes, 1,345 occurring in hospice care, and the [3,697-246=] 3451 that somehow classified Covid-19, alone, as both the immediate and underlying cause of death despite acknowledging contributing co-morbidities, or “conditions”.
This aggregate mortality total indicates, plausibly, that up to 45 percent (6,227/13,920) of Florida’s death certificate recorded “Covid-19 deaths” may not merit that classification.
Dr. Bostom shared this in a tweet:
What a mess the US medical agencies placed the country as a result of the China coronavirus. The numbers make no sense and are over counted in Florida. No doubt the same has occurred across the nation.
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Saeed Qureshi
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Equally valid for vaccines and therapeutics (
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Something definitely seemed wrong. I did research on successive waves for Spanish flu in 1918, and I learned that they weren’t all global. They were in different locations. That’s another piece of evidence I found indicating that the “second wave” of SARA-COV-2 was planned fakery.
Now that I commented on this, I can see some alarmist troll coming and replying with a bunch of lies on this comment since I tend to attract trolls. I don’t know what it is, but they always seem to target me. One of them targeted me today. I commented on one of Tony Heller’s vides to give advice to Mr Heller, but an alarmist troll kept replying to my comment with all these lies. So I had to delete and repost my comment over and over until the troll left me alone.
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I’m no enemy troll mate, just adding my 2 cents..☺
The 1918 Spanish Flu being located rather sparsely is probably due to the speed at which people could traverse the planet, mostly by ocean which took months. By the time a ship finally reached an uninfected community/country, the original infection from where they left was likely over and done, with associated herd immunity.
When it comes to these nonsensical “second waves”, it’s simply them ramping up their useless PCR “testing” to create a “casedemic”, without anywhere near the expected number of alleged “deaths”. As far as I know, there’s no “sunset clause” built into any of these bullsh!t-19 “positive” tests, and 20 years down the track you could be splattered in a skydiving accident and still have “bullsh!t-19” as a cause of your death listed on the certificate. If so, it’s probably true that those institutions doing the autopsies and writing up the death certificates are actually receiving kickbacks, and a no sunset clause means it’s a money grabber for the future.
As an Aussie, an example of what the UN’s mindset was in 1990 means they’ve been planning this for generations. Look at this image:
EVERYTHING regarding this coronavirus (of which there are MANY kinds and the CDC says no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available to them) has been a load of nonsense. Lockdowns, busted economies and fearmongering giving globalists, World Economic Forum, International Monetary Fund, United Nations etc. etc.. capability they never had before to bribe and cajole entire nations and greedy grabbermints into submission for a Socialist takeover of the West. They’ll hang a needle over your arm and if you don’t consent to grabbermint “forgiving” all your debts and owning all your property, you’ll be declared a danger to the public and be locked away, having all your worldly goods confiscated anyway. This will only end when hardware shops run out of torches and pitchforks. Most people will know to use them.