Government vaccine expert witness turns whistleblower
A government vaccine expert is now blowing the whistle on the link between vaccines and autism, and not surprisingly, the mainstream media has chosen to completely ignore this shocking development.
A recent broadcast of journalist Sharyl Attkisson’s Full Measure show was devoted to the story of Dr. Andrew Zimmerman. The pediatric neurologist was once a government expert witness in vaccine court proceedings, testifying that vaccines do not cause autism.
The federal vaccine court was set up in 1988 to allow those who have been injured by vaccines to receive compensation. Most people don’t even know it exists; admitting that enough people are injured by vaccines to warrant such a court would understandably cause more people to hesitate before blindly vaccinating themselves and their children.
The makers of vaccines don’t defend them in the court; instead, the federal government takes care of that. The money that is paid out to victims comes from surcharges that patients pay as part of vaccine costs rather than Big Pharma profits. In this court many claims lose, and lots did so on the testimony of Dr. Zimmerman.
Now, however, he is setting the record straight. He has claimed that during the hearings in which he testified, he told government lawyers privately that he believed that vaccines could and did cause some children to develop autism, but they covered it up.
Environmental attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. convinced Dr. Zimmerman to document what happened. In a sworn affidavit, he says that he told Department of Justice lawyers back in 2007 that he had discovered cases where vaccines could cause autism. For example, in a certain subset of children, he said that fever and immune stimulation induced by vaccines was responsible for causing regressive brain disease in children with autism spectrum disorder features.
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After raising his concern, he says he was promptly fired in an attempt to silence him. He alleges that they continued to misrepresent his opinion after that. In fact, one Department of Justice attorney said in a vaccine court hearing a few days later: “We know [Dr. Zimmerman’s] views on the issue… There is no scientific basis for a connection between vaccines and autism.” Zimmerman called that statement “highly misleading.”
Situation unlikely to improve
Kennedy has filed a fraud complaint over the incident and has passed the affidavit on to Capitol Hill leaders. However, with so many lawmakers getting money from Big Pharma, he doesn’t hold out much hope for anything being done.
Indeed, Attkisson said she spoke to 11 current and former congressmen and staff who said they were subjected to bullying, threats and pressure when questioning vaccine safety. Former Representative Dan Burton, who once headed the House Oversight Committee, said he has no doubt that Big Pharma has great influence over the CDC and the FDA.
Another former Representative who is also a physician, Dr. Dave Weldon, said that if he wanted to hold hearings on the topic of autism and vaccines, it would be “dead in the water” as fellow politicians would be unwilling to even consider discussing it. Even though Weldon is generally pro-vaccine, he said that the opinion in Dr. Zimmerman’s affidavit was consistent with his own experiences as a doctor, stating that some children do get an autism spectrum disorder from a vaccine.
Joseph Olson
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“Ten Lies Told About Mercury in Vaccines” at StateoftheNation2012
this is deliberate, forced eugenics disguised as medicine….
cedars rebellion
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A tiny bit of internet searching would reveal this article is very, very poorly written and researched and one should only use it as a starting point. A few points should have been made (at a minimum)
1. There could be (see below) a small subset of kids that might be effected by negatively vaccinations due to abnormalities/deficiencies in their metabolic processes.
2. It has been recognized and studied, one of the latest papers can be found here
3. The issue has been in the public eye for some time. For example, see this 2008 article in the New England Journal of Medicine
4. Damaged metabolism has been speculated/shown to be a cause of many diseases. For cancer, see
Everyone should understand that there is no “100%” safe anything. The human genome variations and probability set definitions, if done adequately, will always have some people that fall into the fourth, fifth, sixth, etc., standard deviation areas. Even the “one-in-one-billion”. Most simply do not understand absolute risk. For example, given the claims against autism, one should conclude that taking a statin drug is much higher risk than having a vaccination, regardless of age.
The issue is what to do if journalism bothers to supply information to assess the absolute risk. For this article, it would be what percent have had adverse reactions, how many had really serious reactions and how many died — all mandatory reporting to the CDC and evaluated. Then, if the parent(s) wanted to test if their child fit into the subset, describe the tests and where/how to get it.
Once can then decide which prevails: the risk of contracting the disease versus having a reaction to the vaccines. And don’t complain, after the fact, about the choice made if you don’t like the result.
And remember, include, in your risk assessment, the effectiveness of a vaccine. See the mumps outbreak in Seattle Although serious complications of mumps are rare, you need to decide if the risk of complications offset the risk of serious complications of the vaccination. Oh, and not to mention that many outbreaks, if not most, are directly linked to kids that are not vaccinated that provide vectors for it to spread. One wonders, in the law suit happy USA, when vaccinated kids who contract a disease will sue the parents of those that elected to not be vaccinated and can be proven to be a vector.
Nothing in life is 100% except, of course, one thing.
John Doran
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Peer reviewed paper vaccinated kids 470% more autism. is the free weekly news service of G. Edward Griffin, respected author of The Creature From Jekyll Island, re The Fed, (chapter summaries can be read in about an hour). Available online. & also youtube videos on chemtrails.
He is an anti-collectivist.
41 comments on vaccine article on source site.