Google Censors US Govt Data That Contradicts ‘Climate Crisis’

Earlier this week, we published an editorial arguing that government data didn’t support various claims about ‘climate change’, and we predicted Google would demonetize it

We were right. (See: Heat Wave Sets Off New Round Of ‘Climate Crisis’ Lies.)

Shortly after that article was published, Google’s AdSense informed us that it had “disabled ad serving” on that page because the article contained “unreliable and harmful claims.”

(We have one spot on our pages for AdSense ads, mostly to track Google’s efforts to demonetize content. See the list of related editorials below.)

So what was “unreliable” or “harmful” about that editorial? Google doesn’t say. It just says we have to “fix” it if we want their ads to run on that page.

What we can say is that Google has effectively labeled official government data as “unreliable and harmful,” since all the evidence we provided was from official sources.

The editorial pointed out that claims about more frequent heat waves, tornadoes, hurricanes, and wildfires – claims that get repeated ad nauseam by the mainstream press and by climate activistsare not supported by the official data.

We included charts and cited the sources of the data – sources such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Interagency Fire Center, the government-run, etc.

Here’s how Google defines “unreliable and harmful.”

It’s the last line that Google uses to censor any content that doesn’t tow the ‘climate crisis’ line.

Anything that “contradicts authoritative scientific consensus” just means whatever the climate fanatics say it means, since there is in truth no ‘consensus’ about many of the claims made about global warming.

In truth, the very notion of an “authoritative scientific consensus” violates the basic principle of science.

“Doubt in science is a feature, not a bug,” notes an article in Scientific American.

“Indeed, the paradox is that science, when properly functioning, questions accepted facts and yields both new knowledge and new questions — not certainty.”

See more here climatechangedispatch

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (7)

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    The goog is anti-human.


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    I suspect we will see more of this as AI takes over. Most information presently on the internet will disappear and we will only find what the governments want us to see.


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    Google is a CIA asset, and the world is a worse place because both of them exist. Their blatant violations of the First Amendment result from the panic they feel knowing the gravy train is about to derail. Please continue to sabotage the track every chance you get and we will get this done!


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    One can still apply common sense and most questions can be answered intuitively.
    For example with man made climate change, one can know with a fair amount of certainty that during the 4.5 billion years of earth’s existence climate has not remained constant anywhere on the planet. Unless all evidence of prior ice ages and interglacial periods, which are warming trends, are erased, requiring the elimination of fossil records and ice cores, we can understand human activity has no impact.
    In fact, humans weren’t around for most of the history of life on earth.


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    David Hamilton Russell


    Once you believe the first lie, all the other lies follow. The first lie is AGW.


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    Kevin Doyle


    A public service announcement:
    Nicole Shanahan, now RFK Jr.’s choice for Vice-President was formerly married to one of the Google founders. Thus, she has billions of dollars from her divorce settlement. I.E. – A very expensive prostitute.
    She has advocated publicly that Google should censor and eliminate any comments, questions, or scientific papers which question the “Greenhouse Gas CO2 Theory”. She even advocates punishing those who question the ‘Theory’.
    Welcome back to the ‘Dark Ages’.


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      Kevin Doyle


      It was the great Rush Limbaugh who simply pointed out the Google CEO and top guys visited the Obama White House twice each month for ‘dinner’, over an eight year period. I wonder why Obama would want to be such close friends with the Google Guys?


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