Good Nutrition Begins in the Soil

Recently, South Seas University partnered with Regenerative International to present a 5-week Online Certificate Course on Regenerative Agriculture.  In addition to co-organizing it, I attended this course as a student to learn more about soil health to grow healthy organic, nutrient-rich food.  As a health educator, I know that good nutrition begins in the soil, and the best agriculture is regenerative organic, including biodynamic!

Nature replicates her sacred geometry, and everything is connected.  Our inner and outer environments are inseparable.  If we pollute the soil, we contaminate our food and body.  If the soil is deficient, our food will be inferior, and our health will suffer.

The causes of all diseases are deficiencies, toxins, or trauma.  Sometimes, it can be a combination of two or more of these.  Over 54% of American children suffer from chronic diseases.  The only way to stop this decline and heal the body, mind, and spirit is to address the cause of these diseases.

This leads us to look into how our food is grown and what chemicals are in food production, our environment, homes, schools, and public places.

Current studies show that regulatory agencies set up with our tax dollars to protect us and our children have failed miserably because of special interests and corruption.  Hence, we are all harmed by massive amounts of GMOs, cancer-causing, endocrine-disrupting pesticides, herbicides, and other toxic chemicals.

Babies in the womb and future generations are the most vulnerable.  The horrific birth defects in Vietnam, Laos, and other SE Asia areas, where the military sprayed Agent Orange (paraquat) to defoliate the jungles, are good examples of the consequences of abuses of power and soil/water degeneration.  We now have fracking and PFAS/PFOS contaminating our soil and groundwater.  Military bases are among the worst polluters with no accountability.

Making matters worse, people continue to destroy the soil around their homes by killing their weeds with well-known toxic cancer-causing and endocrine-disrupting sprays!

This SSU/RI-RA course changed how I look at and deal with weeds and nourish the soil around my home and in my pots.  While I did not use toxic chemical sprays to kill weeds, I laboriously removed them by hand.  However, nature put them there for a reason.  So now, I will cut most of them off at the ground level instead.  Roots and decomposed biomass feed the soil just as grass cuttings do.  Instinctively, whenever I cut off dead flowers, I put them back into the soil around the plants.  Plus, I use worm castings instead of fertilizer.

In a rainforest or jungle, dead leaves and branches fall to nourish the soil as part of nature’s recycling system for new life to thrive.

Soil is a living organism with a microbiome.  It must have sufficient daily sunshine, carbon dioxide, water, and bioavailable nutrients (e.g., minerals) in balance to be healthy.  It must also be free of harmful chemicals and toxins, just like the body’s microbiome.

This course also taught:

  • the role of photosynthesis in farming systems;
  • successful tactics for ground cover and weed management;
  • soil health and nutrition principles;
  • ways to build functional biodiversity;
  • implementation and execution tactics.

Whether you are a home gardener feeding your family or a farmer growing crops, this online course provides vital knowledge and business opportunities.  Being online makes it easy to do and affordable.  For anyone interested, the next SSU/RI-RA 5-week Online Certificate Course starts on January 23, 2024.

Another way to learn about regenerative agriculture is to read Growing Life by Professor Dr. André Leu, D.Sc., BA Com., Grad Dip Ed. and go to the Regenerative International website.  Dr. Leu is the International Director of Regeneration International and featured in the August 2022 issue of Masters of Health Magazine.  He defines regenerative as the opposite of degenerative.

Regenerative agriculture and animal husbandry is the next and higher stage of organic food and farming, not only free from toxic pesticides, GMOs, chemical fertilizers, and factory farm production, and therefore good for human health; but also regenerative in terms of the health of the soil.”  Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers Association (OCA)

The book Forward by Dr. Vandana Shiva, PhD, is also a must-read, as are all her books.  Dr. Shiva was the Masters of Health Person of the Year in 2020 for many reasons.   31:49

The Attack on Food Symposium + Solutions to Fight Back.  Dr. André Leu on CHD

In the course, Dr. Leu pointed out that many governments and economists have their priorities backward when they push for corporate or factory farm food exports above the health of their citizens.  He believes governments should first focus on creating regenerative, organic agriculture to produce healthy food, which promotes healthy, productive citizens.  This would immensely lower the cost of sickness care, reduce crime, boost production and the economy, and create a demand for healthy, organic food exports.  This simple common sense is so lacking in most current leaders, many of whom are ‘industry implants.’

Benefits of Organic Regenerative Agriculture

Food grown in organic regenerated soil

  • improves the environment and nature’s ecosystems;
  • improves gut microbiome and strengthens the immune system;
  • helps to prevent obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and other degenerative diseases;
  • detoxifies and nourishes the body;
  • balances hormones and helps to maintain and elevate our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being;
  • ensures the health and survival of future generations and keeps us in harmony with nature.

When you buy fresh produce, each color represents different minerals, so go for variety and darker colors, richer in nutrients.  Check if it was grown at a farm that practices regenerative organic farming.  When you start looking, you will be surprised how many organic regenerative farm products are available.

Inspiring Examples of Successful Regenerative Agriculture Farms

Dr. André Leu, D.Sc., BA Com., Grad Dip Ed., D.Sc., BA Com., Grad Dip Ed. is the International Director of Regeneration International, an organization that promotes food, farming, and land use systems that regenerate and nourish the health of the planet, people, communities, culture, local economies, democracy, and peace.  From 2011-2017, Dr. André Leu was the President of IFOAM, the world change agent and umbrella body for the organic sector.  He lectures and teaches at universities, institutions, and workshops around the world. He meets with governments, industry, farmers, consumers, and NGOs on the multi-functional benefits of regenerative organic agriculture.

Dr. Leu is the Author of Growing Life, Poisoning our Children, and The Myths of Safe Pesticides.  André and his wife, Julia, have an organic tropical fruit farm in Daintree, Australia, where Julia is also the local Mayor.

Video: “André Leu – Scaling up Regenerative Organic Agriculture can reverse environmental degradation LSSM

Meet Your Farmer – Mark  & Lucy Doudlah & family

Owner of Doudlah Farms, LLC dba Doudlah Farms Organics; Mark Doudlah is a 6th generation farmer. Leader in Agriculture, Research & Development.  Past President of Agrecol Corporation, a Native Seed Company.  Here, Mark led Agrecol’s Research and Development team for their new product lines. Key Consultant on pellet mild design and for major bioenergy projects. Co-Author of “Growing Wisconsin Energy – A Native Grass Pellet Bio-Heat Roadmap for Wisconsin.” Keynote speaker educating other farmers about organics and regenerative soil health as it relates to human health across the United States and Canada. Mark starts by saying, “I do not want Doudlah Farms legacy to be about cancer, a toxic world & environmental damage, but about making a change. A Positive Change for our future generations.”

Doudlah Farms Organics believes in wholesome, nutrient-dense, rich safe foods farmed right.  Doudlah Farms are advocates for organic, regenerative, and biodynamic farming practices (fancy names for growing nutrient-rich foods that are good for you, our planet, and the future of human health). By farming this way, they keep their soil healthy, and it does the same for everyone who consumes their food – and will for generations to come!

What is your farmer providing for your family?

Regenerative Soil Health = Plant Health = Human Health.

What does this exactly mean for your table?

Learn More

Island Harvest Macadamia Nut Farm

Island Harvest was founded in 1991 to help manage Kohala’s agricultural lands in the post-sugar era.  Island Harvest took over the macadamia orchards planted in the 1970s and 80s when sugarcane production became less feasible and shut down throughout the Hawaiian Islands.

Island Harvest was an early adopter of sustainable farming methods.  In 2015, they began transitioning all the macadamia orchards to be eligible for full organic certification.  With sustainable farming methods and inputs, Island Harvest seeks to increase soil life, reduce erosion, and grow healthy trees to produce a healthy crop for its community.

Their MISSION is to steward Kohala’s agricultural lands, promote community well-being, and provide quality food through organic and natural farming of macadamia nuts.

Farming Nature’s Way  by Stephanie Seneff, PhD

Hawaiian Organic Noni Farm on the North Shore of Kauai.  Steve Frailey and his wife Richele have been harvesting Noni (Morinda citrifolia) on this 20-acre farm since 1982.

Noni is not the only crop on Steve’s farm. He also harvests apple bananas, papayas, and mangoes, all certified organic.

The noni fruit was prolific and highly valued in the Cook Islands for its medicinal properties.  Almost everyone  grew noni trees in their yard.

Noni Fruit Tree

I saw and experimented with its many uses when I worked in the Cook Islands with my late husband (Sir Thomas Davis, MD KBE), the only private medical doctor on the island at the time.  After independence, he became the Cook Islands’ first Prime Minister.

                                                Banana trees, Steve & Rachael’s farm

Navdanya International

Navdanya and the Navdanya movement were created by Dr. Vandana Shiva 30 years ago in India to defend Seed and Food sovereignty and small farmers around the world. Navdanya pioneered the movement of seed saving and seed freedom, which began in response to the crisis of erosion of agricultural biodiversity and the introduction of GMOs and patents on seeds through intellectual property rights (IPRs) and so-called ‘free trade’ agreements.  It has long fought against biopiracy, the patenting of indigenous knowledge by self-interested multinational corporations, and won cases related to Neem, basmati rice, and wheat in India.

Navdanya promotes a new agricultural and economic paradigm, a culture of food for health, where ecological responsibility and economic justice replace the present greed, consumerism, and competition that have become dominant in society.  It aims at regaining the common good as a foundation for a renewed sense of community, solidarity, and a culture of peace.

Through its Earth Democracy project, Navdanya International works to promote a new vision for Planetary Citizenship, an alternative worldview rooted in caring and compassion for the Earth and Society, where ecological responsibility and economic justice, based on the Law of Return, are central to creating a livable future for humanity.


FLOR DE LA PAZ is a 100 % organic and sustainable agricultural model that creates dignified employment.  Their agricultural communities heal the soil with the most advanced organic production techniques, respecting all their plants’ life cycles, no exceptions allowed.

100% of the profits from product sales go to the development and proliferation of FLOR DE LA PAZ FOUNDATION, which does not depend on donations.  Instead, it generates employment and promotes a healthy agricultural culture, contributing to education, and health in the countryside and marginalized areas of Mexico.

FLOR DE LA PAZ strives to create and spread knowledge derived from the respectful and kind relationship of humans with their environment.  They seek to inspire.  To make this world a better place. To sow their seeds.

Regenerative Systems Use Complete Fertility (Excerpts from Growing Life by Dr. André Leu, D.Sc., BA Com., Grad Dip Ed.)

Regenerative farms  generally avoid many nutrient deficiencies because they get the fertility they need from the decay of plant and animal residue that bioaccumulates minerals in the right proportion.

However, because of climate variations and soil types, some soils can be grossly deficient in some minerals, which are difficult to correct by recycling organic matter through cover crops, compost, etc.  For example, it is not easy to maintain sufficient levels of boron in heavy rainfall areas.  This explains why certain crops or trees don’t grow well in some areas.

Heavy clay soils are usually constantly deficient in potassium.  Adding more potassium (K) alone doesn’t help, as it settles in the clay platelets.  The solution is to add more calcium, which breaks up the clay platelets, releasing the potassium and improving the soil texture, making potassium bioavailable.

Microbiome Complexities

Human and soil microbiomes have similar complexities.  When toxic chemicals contaminate the microbiome, they lose the ability to absorb nutrients because toxins either compete with the nutrients or damage the pathways for absorption.  Glyphosate in the soil and fluoride in drinking water are good examples.  Toxic Legacy by Stephanie Seneff, PhD reveals the massive harm from glyphosate.  FAN (Fluoride Action Network) and FFA (Fluoride Free Australia) expose how fluoride added to drinking water or food hinders the uptake and production of iodine, contributing to many ailments such as lower IQ, obesity, depression, dry skin, bone loss, hypertension, heart disease, and cancer to name a few.  It is no wonder that thyroid disease is an epidemic in fluoridated areas.  Drug companies love this because it provides them with a medical financial bonanza.  Create the problem, cause a reaction, and then offer the solution!

When doing hair analyses, I noticed many farmers had high levels of manganese.  No one could figure out where it was coming from.  Then, I read that glyphosate prevents the body from absorbing manganese, among other minerals.  This could explain the high levels in their hair, indicating that it was bio-unavailable.

Agriculture chemicals damage or destroy the gut and soil’s microbiome.  The gut is our second brain, with more nerves than the brain.  The gut microbiome controls 80% of the body’s immunity.  Do not destroy it with drugs!

Deficiencies, toxicities, or trauma cause disease.  If you want to get well, address the cause(s).  To maintain good health and longevity and produce and raise healthy children, always remember that good nutrition begins in the soil.

Further Reading : Growing Life, Poisoning our Children, and The Myths of Safe Pesticides by Dr. André Leu, D.Sc., BA Com., Grad Dip Ed  Toxic Legacy, by Stephanie Seneff, PhD and What’s Making Our Children Sick by Dr. Michelle Perro, MD Pediatrician.

GO TO: Children’s Health Defence  Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, MD  Dr. Michelle Perro, MD  FAN  FFA

Global Energy Parliament   Moms Across America  Neighborhood Food Network  Nourishing Basics

Organic Consumers Association  Regeneration International  South Seas University

© 2023 Lady Carla Davis –

Source: Masters of Health – You can get it through this link or by scanning the QR Code below.

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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    New age beliefs.

    I dare say there are visitors to PSI who do not need a course in order to know what improves soil despite the “affordability” (grrr) of such a course. I suggest these visitors are of a “knowledge is power” mindset and find out what they need to in order to progress by their own means.

    “Instinctively, whenever I cut off dead flowers, I put them back into the soil around the plants.”
    Yes, mulch, green manure, compost…
    The Bible teaches to burn the tares…

    “So now, I will cut most of them off at the ground level instead.”
    A hoe makes it simple but doesn’t address the root problem.

    “However, nature put them there for a reason.”
    Since spirit is mentioned, I’ll say this: The Bible claims it is to make life harder as punishment for Adam’s mistake. So, what is your reason?

    “everything is connected.”
    Human behaviour clearly violates this notion.

    “If we pollute the soil, we contaminate our food and body.”
    The usual method is to pollute somebody else’s soil though, isn’t it.

    “If the soil is deficient, our food will be inferior, and our health will suffer.”
    “The causes of all diseases are deficiencies, toxins, or trauma.”
    Again, as ‘spirit’ was mentioned, prove to me that ‘spirit’ is not the true cause due to nature’s ‘great plan’ or something.

    I have checked it before, and this is why I ignore the ‘masters of health’ publication entirely, but it goes much deeper than this.


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