GlyphoWHAT? The Daily Poisoning of Our Children

Our children are consuming a daily dose of poison. Parents are unaware of the great harm befallen our most vulnerable. And for those parents who attempt to thwart the daily dose of poison, children consume it at school.

If you are awake and aware of the harm of glyphosate, the declared main ingredient in Roundup, now a household word thanks to the dissemination of toxic seeds by Monsanto-now-Bayer, skip on down to the, “…So what do we do now?” section. If you need to be convinced, read on.

Monsanto’s product history includes DDT (think Rachel Carson and The Silent Spring), Agent Orange, GMOs, saccharin, PCBs, nuclear weapons, polystyrenes, aspartame, bovine growth hormone (rBGH), etc. Certainly healthy children did not make the Monsanto’s Who’s Who list.

Fun glyphosate facts:

•Nearly 1 lb of glyphosate for every person in the US is sprayed per year
•It’s water soluble, so our rain and groundwater are also contaminated
•It’s a patented antibiotic by Monsanto, killing off the beneficial microbes and promoting the growth of the pathogens
•It binds crucial biologically important metals, such as zinc, magnesium and manganese
•It’s used off-label as a crop desiccant (drying agent) which means at harvest, crops like oats, wheat and legumes take up whopping amounts of glyphosate
•Roundup-Ready crops are GMO and do not die when sprayed – that’s the only reason for the development of GMOs: They will not save the world ?
•Once farmers get on the Monsanto/Bayer hamster wheel, it is difficult to get off

What you may not know is how the GMOs and their associated pesticides show up other than on the dinner plate. Gauze pads? Sanitary products? Infant formula? Yes, yes, and yes.

Are Regulators Regulating?

The EPA says glyphosate is safe, yet the literature says otherwise. A study published in 2019 showed how glyphosate caused autism in lab animals. The offspring of moms exposed to ambient pesticides showed an increased rate of autism as well. The courts also disagree with the EPA. Bayer has had significant financial losses and payouts to the victims of glyphosate-based herbicides.

Do You Know Someone Who Doesn’t Have a Gut Problem?

Glyphosate destroys the gut by interference with the gut tight junctions. This disruption causes intestinal leakiness and is responsible for toxic substances entering into the bloodstream, causing inflammation and oxidative stress, and disrupting hormones. What happens in the gut doesn’t stay in the gut.  There is a two-way pathway called the gut-brain axis. Injury to the tight junction membrane in the brain by glyphosate can also disrupt the blood brain barrier and create neurologic mayhem.

However, as we end the glyphosate assault, the trick is not to let Big Ag introduce equally or more toxic substitutes, like 2,4-D. The combo of this one-two knock-out punch has been shown to have non-targeted effects on wildlife.

So What Do We Do?

1. Stop and Shop!
Stop our daily poison and shop organics! Avoid processed foods and stick to the outer aisles of the supermarket.

2. Go Italian!
Think onions and garlic and Include a rainbow of veggies, bone broth soup, apple cider vinegar and fermented foods in your diet.

3. Get dirty!

Get outside in nature and move away from the screens.

4. Grow your own!

Plant herbs, microgreens or veggies in your window or garden.

5. Filter your water!

Decrease the toxic tap water load and your body will thank you.

6. Shake the tech addiction!

Shut off the router when not in use.

Make Health Regeneration Your Health Hobby

Everywhere you turn, more folks are moving away from the Pharmacy to the Farmacy, which concurrently supports your local farmer! Be part of the movement where the regeneration of your health and your family’s health is your hobby.  Here are some links to help you get started:



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