Global Warming Projection is the Great Scientific Blunder Of Modern Times
Global warming scientists continue struggling to find an explanation for the nearly two-decade-long global warming pause that has taken hold of the planet since the late 1990s.
The most recent temperature spike was due to the natural El Nino event at the equatorial Pacific, and that has disappeared over the last months. Alarmists claim that the global temperature is still 0.5°C above normal, yet it’s been that way for the past 20 years!
Cooling signs abound
The search to explain the unexpected lack of warming is about to get a little tougher as 2018 is poised to see a further cooling across the globe. Signs of this cool-off are showing up in Greenland, the Arctic, Antarctica, Greenland and all across the northern hemisphere. A huge swath of North America has started 2018 with record cold.
La Nina to persist until spring
Another major reason cooler global surface temperatures are expected in 2018 is the now strengthening La Nina event taking place as equatorial Pacific surface temperatures have plummeted by 1-2°C since June of this year. This means that global cooling lies ahead for the planet in the months ahead. The latest forecast sees La Nina conditions extending into next spring:
There is a lag of about 6 months between the ocean surface temperature and satellite global lower troposphere temperatures. That means the la Nina low forecast for January 2018, will start showing up in the temperatures by late spring (NH).
Cooling Pacific and the Indian Ocean far more significant
Alarmists also like hollering about the current unusual warmth at the poles. But veteran meteorologist Joe Bastardi tweets here that the “warmth” at the poles is not what we need to be looking at, writing that “far more significant” is the cooler area from the Indian ocean through Africa, the Atlantic, South America and the Pacific.
Cooling where it’s warm and humid a bigger deal in future global temp considerations.”
In a nutshell, a cool square kilometer over the equatorial Pacific far outweighs a warm square kilometer over the North Pole. All that red coloring scientists like to use to make the poles look hot is mostly hype.
Solar activity near 200-year low
In the current solar cycle 24, sunspot activity is now at the lowest level in almost 200 years. In the early 1800s the Earth found itself in the grips of the Dalton Minimum, a cold period with similarly low solar activity:
The accumulated sunspot anomaly from the mean of the previous 23 cycles – 107 months into the cycle.
A number of distinguished scientists and dozens of scientific publications warn that the planet may, in fact, be entering a period of global cooling. There were 7 such papers in 2017 alone.
One of the great scientific blunders of modern times
The upcoming solar cycle 25 also is expected to be a weak one, which bodes ill for the planet for the next 10 to 15 years. The current solar cycle 24 is the third weakest since the systematic observation of solar cycle activity began in 1755. Only solar cycles no. 5 and 6 (1798 – 1823 during the Dalton Minimum) were weaker.
As the above chart shows, weak solar cycles are linked to cool periods and come in bunches, alternating with the warm solar cycle bunches. It’s little wonder that the last 100 years have seen a warming, as cycles 17-23 were all above normal. If the pattern holds, cycle 26, and possibly even cycle 27, will also be below normal, which points to a cooling 21st century.
Ironically, policymakers—in typical inept fashion—might be erroneously preparing societies for the completely wrong scenario and thus be unwittingly committing one of the great scientific blunders of modern times.
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“Corollation of Seismic Activity and Recent Global Warming” by
Dr Arthur Viterito posted at Principia Scientific. There is a direct correlation
of ENSO (Nino/Nina) and variable volcanism expressed in earthquakes.