Global Warming? Only In The BBC’s Imagination

bbc reindeer decline

The last few days, as temperatures dropped back down to the forties and we all pulled on our overcoats and scarves again, I was amused to hear the BBC call it ‘typical April weather’.

Not, mind you, an example of global cooling, though whenever we have a warm spell (seasonal or unseasonal) the climate warming alarm bells are immediately sounded.

That’s because the BBC, whose mission was once to inform, educate and entertain, now has overriding goals – to blame and to frighten. Especially when it comes to climate. And the facts can go hang.

Don’t expect to hear from them that the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) may have been misleading the public by suggesting that global warming and its impacts are accelerating.

Don’t expect to see Roger Harrabin, the BBC’s environment analyst, dedicating a programme to the climate scientist who’s called out the WMO’s conclusions.

Norwegian Professor Ole Humlum, whose annual review of the world’s climate is published today by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, says the data tells a very different story:

‘You would think that global warming was getting worse. But in fact, it is carefully worded to give a false impression. The data are far more suggestive of an improvement than a deterioration.’

Furthermore, the lack of anything to be alarmed about is clear across a range of measures:

‘After the warm year of 2016, temperatures last year continued to fall back to levels of the so-called warming “pause” of 2000-2015. There is no sign of any acceleration in global temperature, hurricanes or sea-level rise. These empirical observations show no sign of acceleration whatsoever.’

These are the key findings that are not allowed to be spoken on the BBC since it anointed itself the climate god:

  • In 2018, the average global surface temperature continued a gradual descent towards the level characterizing the years before the strong 2015–16 El Niño episode.
  • Since 2004, when the Argo floats [nearly 4,000 measuring devices distributed around the globe producing 100,000 temperature/salinity profiles a year] came into operation, the global oceans above 1,900m depth have on average warmed somewhat. The maximum warming (between the surface and 120m depth) mainly affects oceans near the equator, where the incoming solar radiation is at a maximum. In contrast, net cooling has been pronounced for the North Atlantic since 2004.
  • Data from tide gauges all over the world suggest an average global sea-level rise of 1-1.5mm/year, while the satellite record suggests a rise of about 3.2mm/year. The large difference between the two data sets still has no broadly accepted explanation.
  • The northern hemisphere snow cover extent has undergone important local and regional variations from year to year. The overall global tendency since 1972, however, is for stable snow extent.
  • Tropical storm and hurricane accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) values since 1970 have displayed large variations from year to year, but no overall trend towards either lower or higher activity. The same applies to the number of hurricane landfalls in the continental United States, for which the record begins in 1851.

You can download the whole report here. And while you are about it, how about forwarding the link to the head teacher and the geography and science staff at your child’s school?

Read more at Conservative Woman

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