Global Warming? Nullius in Verba!
The opportunity to write articles for PSI came about through a chance encounter on a Facebook Climate Change debating page with John O’Sullivan who is the co founder of the organisation. He and I found ourselves debating someone with much more scientific credentials than ourselves and he liked the things I had to say enough to offer to share them with his readers.
John doesn’t spend the amount of time that I do testing his intellect against Greenhouse Effect believers on debating forums. I’ve literally done it every day for the last five years. Often spending hours a day, going back and fourth with an opponent. Most people simply don’t have the amount of free time available that I do to troll for arguments. It could be worse, I could be spending that time watching mainstream TV!
Since we met I’ve exchanged an entire books worth of arguments with the same person we debated together. Our opponent is VERY credentialed and to say I feel out of my depth is a massive understatement. It’s been very daunting without having someone like John to back me up in the debate.
My nemesis is well aware of this and constantly uses appeals to his own authority and denigration of my formal academic achievements to try and intimidate me into accepting his assertions:
“In your case, you have no idea, because you truly don’t understand radiative heat transfer. Or science for that matter.”
“Since I have worked with radiation propagating through the atmosphere in a professional setting (high energy laser weapons) I am quite comfortable that I am on the side of physics”.
Time for me to just bow down to this superior being, wouldn’t you say? “Trust the experts” and all that. It is true, for example, that he has an answer for literally every single thing that I thought I had learned about the theory of radiative physics over the last five years. I am David in front of an intellectual Goliath.
The trouble is Joseph E Postma, (physicist published with PSI) is also an intellectual giant in comparison to me. How do I discover which of the two is the king of the Titans? Both assert that the other is intellectually inferior. Both assert that the other is pushing discredited pseudoscience.
I have locked horns with both. You see I took the Royal Society’s motto of “Nullius in Verba” as universal and advice for everyone. Including me. “Nothing in words”, take nobody’s word for it. I argue. I troll, because I am sick to death of people cleverer than I am assuming I should just accept the things they are telling me.
Their IQ and their education mean diddly squat to me. Both can be used to illuminate or deceive those of lessor intellect and education.
If you’re a scientist, which one are you?
I don’t know who to trust, so how about I trust no one? How about the 90{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}-99{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of people who’s education is far less than Postma or the person quoted above (who shall remain nameless) stop trying to compel those less educated than themselves to accept their assertions? I’ve not had a problem with Joe Postma. He hasn’t relied on his credentials to convince me. But I’m yet to meet a single Greenhouse Effect Scientist believer who doesn’t feel compelled to ram their PhD down my throat.
This guy has done a great job of proving that I’m his intellectual inferior in physics. Whoop te do for him. There are probably 100 million people on the planet that could do the same. What he has utterly failed to do is convince me that his assertions are correct.
It continually astounds me that when people make insults about my lack of education or knowledge that they think they are saying something that I am unaware of, or trying to hide. That I am suffering from the Dunning Krueger Effect and think I am cleverer than I really am.
Let me assure all you brainiacs our there of something. We, who are dunces. We, who look like complete and utter failures in life to you. We are acutely aware of our shortcomings. We are under no illusions about our abilities. If anything, we have spent our whole lives undervaluing ourselves and putting ourselves down.
It’s like life has naturally done to us, what the first part of traditional military training does to new recruits. It broke us down. It took away our ego. It made us feel worthless, so that no matter what an enemy put us through on the battlefield, we had already experienced bottom.
Lack of self and of self worth. We are just waiting for life to put us through the second part of the training. Where we are built up again. Made to be something greater than we were before.
That comes when you take on someone you know to have better intellectual weapons than yourself and are not cowed. What more can they say about you anyway? When you stubbornly resist and push back with simple logic and demands for evidence. When your opponent fails to provide it and you feel victory. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain and that is empowering.
The opponent that John and I took on, kept coming back and I’ve had to tackle him alone. I’m outmatched, out classed and out gunned. But it is still up to him to provide evidence to me, not vice versa. It is up to him, not me, to demonstrate how his evidence overcomes my objections. It is not up to me to simply accept his assertions that his evidence is sufficient. Nullius in Verba.
So what is the dispute? What is the crux of the issue?
He asserted to me that it is possible for natural recycling of radiation to result in an object achieving a higher temperature than the natural heating potential of the energy that the sun provides directly.
Now I am a dumb, uneducated non scientist illiterate, so what would I know? Joseph Postma (pictured right) might have deceived me when I read his blog and Papers, or maybe I am just too dumb to have understood him properly. I have certainly been corrected many times over the last five years. In fact there were many other details and red herrings thrown at me during this debate, that I tackled head on and made a complete idiot of myself on. It was in fact Joseph Postma who showed me where those errors were and thus helped me expand my broader knowledge on physics, to a smidgin more than my grade B ‘O’ Level provided. For example, if a system has a higher absorption coefficient than its emission coefficient, it will achieve a higher temperature than the blackbody temperature of the energy absorbed. Don’t I sound all intelligent now?
This has absolutely nothing to do with any of the claims of a greenhouse effect, but it was a great red herring to use against me to make me out to be an idiot on everything else.
But at the end of all the back and forth, I simply asked my opponent for one thing: SHOW ME!
Show me where man has made an object get hotter than the natural heating potential of the sun’s energy without concentrating the sun’s energy onto a smaller surface area (such as a magnifying glass or mirrors for thermal solar power). Show me where energy is amplified above the value given for the sun at full strength at noon above the equator so that back radiation causes higher energy and higher temperatures.
Do you think he obliged? Do you think he enlightened and educated and showed the evidence? Did he heck!
Instead I get this:
“My discussion of emission and absorption coefficients did not claim any amplification of power in and out.”
Funny because every textbook in undergraduate degrees across the world including Harvard and every google search on the earth’s energy budget diagrams will show those from Kiehl and Trenberth that do precisely that. Hence the thing being a complete Red Herring and thanks to Joe Postma for teaching me about them.
“Another thing you need to jettison is the idea that “the sun’s energy” has a temperature. Photons have no temperature. All you are working with are flows of power, and power has no temperature. Depending on whether a surface is dissipating power by radiant emission, that surface will have a temperature, but it arises from its circumstances, not from some reference outside itself. I did describe to you how you could make an object that would equilibriate at higher than black-body temperature. It has no practical use, so no one has made one, but the description is bullet-proof. You would have to reject the Stefan-Boltzmann law in order to reject the example.”
No, I find spending trillions on climate change “research” has no practical use. I could think of a hundred uses for raising temperatures of the sun’s energy beyond its blackbody temperature without having to build hundreds of mirrors to concentrate it from an area the size of a village onto a small tower killing every flying creature for miles that fly in the vicinity!
What he is basically acknowledging is that he has zero experimental evidence to give me. Because the only evidence he could give me, is for the red herring and not for the Greenhouse Effect.
You CAN get a higher temperature from the same energy output by lowering the emissivity of the object/system. You CAN’T get a higher power output than input by doing so. Why is this important?
First, because the energy budget diagrams for the Greenhouse Effect explicitly show power at the surface being amplified, not emissivity being lowered.
Second, both Carbon Dioxide and water vapour have a higher emissivity than Oxygen and Nitrogen, so replacing an atmosphere with “greenhouse gasses” would do the exact opposite of what my opponent was claiming was occurring! He carried on:
“At some point you have to accept the fact that there is down-welling IR radiation. That is the crux of the theory. Would you ask for experimental evidence for the behavior of a tornado or hurricane? There is no way those phenomena can be studied in a laboratory. And you have to accept the fact that CO2 and H2O have absorption/emission spectra, which leads inescapably to their behavior in a Greenhouse Effect. “
What is lacking? All the pieces are there?
“You can’t reasonably demand an experiment that cannot be performed in practice. My thinking is that one might construct a reflective tube with a target surface at the end, and a window at the other end, and fill the tube with about a ton of air (for a cross-sectional area of 1 square foot).
I don’t have the time to work the numbers, but that would either be a very long tube at high pressure, or a very heavy one operating at higher pressure. And, if you wanted to create an acceleration gradient to compress the gas into layers, it might have to be spun at the end of a centrifuge arm. A pretty expensive experiment, if you ask me, for results that are easier to confirm by observation.”
“So, you have no ability to put the pieces together and judge the validity on the basis of facts and logic—you demand “an experiment.” But just because you demand something probably highly expensive and maybe impossible in practice doesn’t mean I am wrong; it only means you can’t assess the information I have given you. It wouldn’t hurt to take it by steps.”
So it would be too expensive to demonstrate heating beyond the natural potential of the power source of radiation, via “back radiation” and to do it we would need to create high pressures and simulate gravity! Because, apparently “back radiation” doesn’t work without external forces.
These are the same forces that are the basis of the alternative theories to the greenhouse effect. He is saying that we need to add these forces, at great expense, before his assertions can be experimentally demonstrated.
What a coincidence! The same forces that we do ALREADY have experimental evidence of causing a temperature gradient (vortex cooling tube, experiments with fluids) without regards to IR absorption properties of gases.
These are the forces that he can’t do without.
Where is the force of gravity in the Kiehl Trenberth diagrams (see above)? My opponent requires we simulate gravity to validate the diagrams! So why isn’t the force of gravity actually included in the diagram already? How has the force of gravity got anything to do with the claimed ability of “back radiation”, to take the power of an object beyond the power of the incident radiation shining on it, according to the theory?
Surely there is indeed a secondary force acting on the system. The energy isn’t being amplified by natural absorption and emission. It’s being amplified by the force of gravity that is required before this guy can provide an experiment that might actually work.
He also wants to make sure we compress some gas with it as well. You know. Because heating via compression of a gas isn’t a thing we’ve ever observed in the lab or in an air conditioning unit, either!
It’s all to do with “back radiation”. Trust me I have a PhD in lasers.
All this guy can actually give me of evidence of the hypothesis to explain the observations about the atmosphere, is observations that the atmosphere behaves like the atmosphere. Well DUH! I might be a complete Dunce, but I still know what circular reasoning is.
As for explaining tornadoes and hurricanes, we actually have tons of small scale lab and layman’s examples of the behaviour of them. Just pour cold cream into a cup with hot coffee and watch the two fluids turn about one another. It’s like some people with PhDs just don’t believe people without them ever notice things in the real world.
The simple fact is we have direct, man made experimental evidence for every hypothesis that graduates to a valid theory. Or at least science used to. Nullius in Verba. It’s time we applied that to the assertions of scientists once more. Then we wouldn’t have to concern ourselves with how supposedly stupid and uneducated we are!
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James McGinn
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Superstition, group-think, and institutionally motivated ignorance completely dominate all of the atmospheric science. There are many different levels and factions of pseudoscience. Many people realize that global warming is nonsense. But there are a few who also realize that most of what we get from meteorologists is just as bad or worse than what we get from climatologists.
Meteorologists are experts at pretending to understand what actually doesn’t make sense.
As for explaining tornadoes and hurricanes, we actually have tons of small scale lab and layman’s examples of the behaviour of them. Just pour cold cream into a cup with hot coffee and watch the two fluids turn about one another.
Actually, tornadoes and hurricanes are a complete mystery to current science. But that is because they have not figured out the water-based plasma that emerges on wind shear boundaries and that comprises the sheath of vortices–allowing them to exist. And that is important because vortice activity is what provides global thermal equilibrium.
The ‘Missing Link’ of Meteorology’s Theory of Storms
Stephen, only when you realize that meteorology’s theory of storms is phoney, manufactured nonsense will you begin to realize that global warming hysteria is part of a larger trend of professionals in the atmospheric sciences pretending to understand what actually does not (and never has) made a lot of sense.
James McGinn / Solving Tornadoes
Steve Dembo
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The fact that Meteorologists can hardly forecast the weather a few days in advance illustrates the lack of understanding of dynamic systems. Unfortunately, the whole climate discussion has become a religion. And like religion, one is expected, by the high priests, to accept theory based on one’s faith.
James McGinn
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Not only is meteorology equally ignorant about the physics of the atmosphere but all climatologists became credentialed in the phoney non-science of meteorology before they became credentialed as climatologists.
jerry krause
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Hi Stephen,
Have you read:
These are my most recent 7 essays beginning with the most recent. If you have not read them, why not?
If you have read them, why have you not made any comments?
In an essay which I have submitted to John O’ for his consideration to possibly post (which, as I write this, hasn’t happened), I wrote: ” There are now maybe hundreds of thousands facts (data) about meteorology from maybe a thousand locations which (the data) did not exist 25 years ago, which need to be brought together and arranged in a systematic way. The fact of the air temperature inversions, Figure 1and Figure 2 of the previous essay (, is irrefutable evidence that longwave infrared radiation is being freely transmitted through the atmosphere to space.”
The foundation of Science is observations, not words. Only observations can accurately define the systems and phenomena which ‘real’ Scientists study and try to understand (explain).
Have a good day, Jerry
Julian Fell
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Amusing to read of others in verbal combat with PhDs who consider themselves to be the smartest person in the room, and thereby have no obligation to revisit their Physics 101 notes. The “Miracle Radiation” component of the GHG pontifications have to be the most obviously absurd component of their construct. I call it miracle radiation because it operates in defianceof the natural laws of physics. Taken to extreme, reducto ad absurdum, it would have us melting steel with a flashlight. I find myself puzzled as to how gravity would help the GHG theory of back radiation. Would it not work against this? Gravity causes adiabatic (lapse rate) compression which results in higher temperatures due to the concentration / densification of the kinetic gas particles. The amount of heat remains the same as measured in heat per mass. The warmer air would spontaneously radiate more photons per stefan-boltzmann and Wiens laws, and could not absorb photons coming from cooler air above. Stefan-Boltzmann accelerated radiative heat loss would mitigate against (make impossible) the kind of 3 to 5 degree heat rises being predicted by the alarmists. I have not yet met in person an GHG true believer who has heard of stefan-boltzmann let alone been aware of its implications.
Shawn Marshall
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1) Construct 2 identical 1m2 earth boxes 6?in. Deep. Fill with desiccated sand.
2) construct a darkroom inside an unconditioned building(ambient T around 70° F?) to contain the 2 earth boxes and to shut out all light and other radiation; also a wall is needed between the boxes to block possible IR from CO2 interfering with the other box
3) construct 2 helical coils of flexible water tubing fixed at ?3in from the bottom of the boxes
4) connect input ends of tubes to a hot water tank with identical length tubing
5) connect the output end of tubing to a set of valves, one to return hot water to source, the other to fill identical catch basins to measure the volume of water
6) install 2 ‘clouds’ constructed of non-infrared blocking glass; 1m2 x ?6in.( or polyethylene film?)
7) Locate the clouds at a height of 2? meters above the sand boxes to avoid restriction of convection; the dark room should be well ventilated at the top of the walls by large apertures covered with shrouds
8) saturate the sand boxes with identical quantities of distilled water ?20gal
9) place thermocouples in the center of each box, (thermocouples in clouds, pressure gauges?)(chart humidity?)
10) Hreat each box with embedded resistance grids until a steady temperature of 90° F is achieved
11) fill one cloud with CO2 ; the other with a natural air mix (20/80%) of Oxygen and Nitrogen; (saturate the room with Oxygen and Nitrogen to drive out water vapor and trace gasses?)
13) maintain the temperature in each box at 90° F by regulating current whenever the temperature declines by 0.1° F, all the while charting the temperatures for both boxes. Meter energy consumption.
14) Maintain experiment for x? Hours, weeks ??
15) premise – if the CO2 can warm the box beneath it by back radiation then that box will require less energy to maintain temperature; (convection may heat the ‘clouds’; can be diverted with a clear poly film). May any physicist who maintains warming effect of back radiation from CO2 calculate the warming effect please at equilibrium.
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“But just because you demand something probably highly expensive and maybe impossible in practice [a scientific experiment] doesn’t mean I am wrong;”
The fact is, the “greenhouse effect” hypothesis has been tested in the open atmosphere and has been falsified by the empirical evidence that contradicts it.
This experiment has been and is still being run on the “most potent greenhouse gas” water vapor by weather balloon soundings. You see, if water vapor were a “greenhouse gas” that causes an increase in surface level air temperature it would cause the temperature lapse rate seen within Tropospheric air to increase, but virtually all of the 100’s of thousands of weather balloon soundings that have been taken over the past century show that water vapor decreases the lapse rate.
The experiment: The “greenhouse effect” hypothesis asserts that water vapor–“the most potent greenhouse gas”–traps thermal energy in the lower Troposphere, which is where most of the water vapor is. For example, weather balloon soundings show that by ~5 km in altitude most of the water vapor content of the air is gone because air at -18 °C (the average temperature at ~5km according to the ISA, the “International Standard Atmosphere”) is not able to hold very much water vapor and, indeed, what one sees in weather balloon soundings is a precipitous drop in absolute humidity with altitude.
When looking at the temperature lapse rate what is seen in weather balloon soundings is this: In the upper Troposphere between ~5km in altitude and the Tropopause (~11km in altitude) the temperature lapse rate is ~8 °C/km. In very arid climates, like the one above Las Vegas, Nevada, that ~8 °C/km lapse rate continues all the way to the ground. Above very humid climates, on the other hand, like those in the deep South, i.e., Mississippi, Louisiana, etc., because of the high water vapor content in the lower Troposphere the lapse rate below ~5 km can be as low as 5 °C/km.
Just do the math. What one observes in these weather balloon soundings is that the air temperature at ~5 km above Las Vegas is nearly the same as the air temperature at ~5 km above Mississippi. Ergo, if one were to skydive from ~5km in altitude above Las Vegas one would experience a ~40 °C the increase in air temperature by the time one reaches the ground. Whereas, if one were to skydive from ~5km in altitude above Mississippi one would experience only a ~25 °C the increase in air temperature by the time one reaches the ground. This is why the average yearly air temperature in very humid climates is predictably lower than the average yearly air temperature in very arid climates that lie along the same latitude once compensation is made for altitude. The fact that water vapor decreases the temperature lapse rate of the lower Troposphere drives down the average surface-level air temperature in very humid climates.
Can water vapor be rightly called a “greenhouse gas” that is causing a “greenhouse effect” if it does not actually cause an increase in surface-level air temperatures, but actual decreases them? The fact is, if the “greenhouse effect” hypothesis was real and water vapor was a “greenhouse gas”, the presence of water vapor in the lower Troposphere would have the opposite effect—it would increase the lapse rate of the lower Troposphere instead of decreasing it. Since it doesn’t, the “greenhouse effect” hypothesis is falsified by the 100’s of thousands of weather balloon soundings gathered over the past century that show that water vapor decreases the lapse rate of the lower Troposphere. Anyone interested can access these weather balloon soundings at the University of Wyoming web site:
jerry krause
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Hi Carl,
Not sure to whom you are responding. But the fact that the phase transition from water vapor to water liquid has a significant latent heat of condensation is the accepted explanation for the decrease of the atmosphere’s temperatures lapse rate. But I expect you probably know this and chose to ignore this some unknown reason.
Have a good day, Jerry
Al Shelton
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Hi Jerry……
I am confused.
If WV condenses in the upper atmosphere, it releases the latent heat of condensation. Right?
Please explain how that decreases the atmospheric lapse rate.
jerry krause
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Hi Al,
The fundamental cause of the lapse rate, as I understand it, is due to the earth’s gravity upon the individual atoms and molecules and, yes, condensation nuclei, which have a tendency to move together as an independent ‘parcel’ of atmosphere as evidenced by the observable formation of cumulus clouds due to cooling, which has occurred as the gaseous molecules had a portion of their kinetic energies converted to a greater potential energy because of their greater distance from the earth’s center of mass.
And until condensation of the water vapor of the parcel began, there was nothing to offset the cooling which resulted at the parcel rose. But as soon as the condensation began, the released latent heat of condensation, intuitively reduced the rate (not of time but of distance) of cooling which previously had been occurring as the parcel continued to rise by the long observed principle of buoyancy and continued to rise until the density of the parcel became equal to the density of the surrounding atmosphere (its environment).
Have a good day, Jerry.
Peter C
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Can the persistent Climate Adversary be Named? Has he (I think you said he) requested to be anonymous?
Peter C
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“Nullius in Verba”: Don’t believe anything you are told!
jerry krause
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Hi Peter C,
I had missed what you did not miss. I missed it because as soon as I read there is an debate (argument) I know I am not reading about science. I know I am reading about what Aristotle and his fellow philosophers did so long ago and as a result got so many critical fundamentals about the natural world absolutely wrong.
How do we know they got so many fundamentals wrong? MY answer: We have observed that they got it wrong.
But thanks for giving me the opportunity to review this simple fact again.
Have a good day, Jerry