Global Elite Committing Crimes Against Humanity
Over a half dozen years ago I wrote a Global Research article entitled “The Globalists’ New World Order: Soft and Hard Kill Methods. An Unknown and Uncertain Future.”[2] Aside from all-out manmade nuclear war or cataclysmic natural disasters such as enormous volcanic eruptions, large meteors colliding with earth or another Planet X pass-by,[3] the globalists’ latest fast kill method – promised for years by the ambassador of doom and gloom himself Bill Gates,[4] is now unfolding at breakneck speed.
For many years Bill Gates has been near matching the US government as the largest financier of the corrupt and scandalous World Health Organization (WHO), a major player in the Coronavirus debacle.
When in May 2020 President Trump wisely announced that he was “terminating” the government’s relationship with WHO, that by far had contributed more money annually than any other nation in the world, it would prompt Bill Gates to commit another quarter billion to WHO to match his investment in Covid-19 companies,[5] on top of the $5.5 billion he already parleyed to buy influence and power over the planet’s foremost health authority.[6]
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is armed with a supportive cast of villains in this unfolding world stage drama.[7] The Anglo-American-Zionist Empire is front and center in this diabolical criminal operation, starting with DARPA (America’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), DEFRA (UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), further financed by the Wellcome Trust, Britain’s largest charity funding “innovative biomedical research.”[8]
In 1936 its founder Henry Wellcome also started the drug company that morphed into GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), essentially the Wellcome Trust is GSK’s “philanthropic arm.”
The revolving door syndrome between private and public sectors that characterizes the fellow behemoth military industrial complex (MIC) also pervades the pharmaceutical industry. The hop, skip and jump merry-go-round from Big Pharma corporations to the bought and sold Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to nonprofit private research foundations to their lobbyists the Big Pharma band of thieves merrily go, greedily profiteering off their manufactured scamdemic, literally at the expense of humanity.
Aside from the US government’s critical role in the Coronavirus fiasco via its Health and Human Services umbrella that shelters Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the FDA, the EU and China each have also played their vested interest. Finally, to round out this cast of murderous thieves are the Rothschild and British royal bloodline dynasties and their shady links to the Pirbright Institute.[9]
With the “great awakening” of earth’s inhabitants starting to realize that their controlled opposition national governments and their puppet master owners are not our friend, a growing segment of the world population is currently grappling with the very real perception that the ruling elite as planetary overlords have run amok. Long time backers of both sides in all wars, these same figures are the pedo-controllers of the worldwide child sex trafficking network that constitutes today’s real pandemic.
As a result, a murderous ruling class directly responsible for the pedophilia scourge is sensing a seething rage from the global masses and therefore has rolled out its Agenda 2030 plan a few years earlier than first intended. But in doing so with the Coronavirus hoax, they’ve reactively overplayed their hand, and people the world over are now beginning to see their evil for what it is. First the globalists’ rollout of their virus that carries a mortality rate on par with the common seasonal flu – 0.002 percent.
But now the public is catching on that it’s not the virus we need to worry about but their kill shot vaccine mandate.
The rush order on the vaccine rollout was already waiting in the wings with patents galore as the genocidal cabal’s pharmaceuticals like Moderna and Pfizer are providing the hidden bioweapon delivery system with their death jabs.[10] With the innocuous phantom virus quickly followed by the vaccines, the psychopathic cabal set up the panicked public to be on the receiving end of its one-two killer punch.
Gates and Fauci and complicit media spread false panic globally laying the groundwork for the now mandated, forced vaccination agenda that’s the elite’s depopulation bio-weapon of mass destruction.
When early in 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) in collusion with the Big Pharma industry, US National Institute of Health, Dr. Fauci’s NIAID director since 1984[11] and the CDC in collusion with several universities running their false algorithmic models predicting 2.2 million deaths in the US alone,[12] they were able to “sell” the world on their phantom virus, never actually isolated in any lab anywhere or confirmed to even exist by any empirical application of the scientific method, yet through the likes of these lying showmen Bill Gates as WHO’s largest financial backer and Anthony Fauci, the globalists nefariously unleashed bio-weaponized fear porn tactics to malevolently induce the global panic needed for their killer vaccines to be at the rescue ready.
By 2018 as Bill Gates was getting ready to release his co-created virus with chief co-conspirator Anthony Fauci, Gates warned the world that their coming killer virus could kill 33 million people in six months.[13] When the Coronavirus was first breaking out in Wuhan China in October 2019, Bill and his World Economic Forum (WEF) pals were lockstep in Event 201, war gaming their final practice run rehearsal, right when the alleged global outbreak began.[14] Timing is everything.
But then a few months later their original smoking gun blueprint plan – Operation Lockstep was discovered[15] – the Rockefeller Foundation white paper from a decade earlier in 2010.[16]
Right on cue, Coronavirus front men Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci fomented pandemonium worldwide, deceitfully crying wolf after their repeated warnings it was coming, in 2017 Fauci promised the arrival of the “surprise outbreak” erupting during Trump’s first term in office.[17] Thus, they created their long planned fake Covid-19 pandemic, after both had invested millions securing vaccine patents for their “killer virus.”[18]
Their misdeeds constitute RICO racketeering crimes,[19] spawning a virus with a survival rate under 70 years of age between 99.5 to 99.997 percent per CDC,[20] in order to ramrod through their mandated, pre-patented, massive global vaccination agenda with neither individual medical consent to its millions of recipients, all done for the first time without the standard FDA approval, having never even tested Covid-19 vaccines on humans before.[21]
Moreover, the standard protocol of conducting preliminary clinical trials on animals was bypassed in the mad rush to launching the human guinea pig market.[22] Without FDA approval, a contrived Food and Drug Agency’s criminal complicity granting another first – “experimental emergency use,” on a globally distributed inoculation and the lack of transparency in component ingredients of what’s in these jabs all arouse cautious suspicion in and of itself.
Thus, since late 2020, the globalists are carrying out their “Warp Speed” agenda, injecting essentially millions of human guinea pigs around the globe with a potential lethal concoction.
Moreover, claims by La Quinta Columna, a team of Spanish researchers, working with University of Almeria scientist Dr. José Luis Sevillano, have postulated that the Pfizer vaccine contains high amounts of a toxic substance known as Graphene Oxide.[23] Through a press release in late June, this group has allegedly confirmed that the graphene oxide nanoparticles are heavily magnetized in the living organism, which may well explain the phenomenon of metallic objects apparently defying gravity by sticking to vaccinated people’s bodies.
As a known potent electrical conductor, graphene along with the spike protein also found in the mRNA vaccines are believed to be activated by 5G radiofrequency radiation to create a virus-like complex within human cells.[24] This mobilized, agitated SARS-CoV-2-like state, without the presence of the elusive, nonexistent Covid-19 virus, is alleged to then function as the pathogen triggering a maladaptive autoimmune response that begins attacking otherwise healthy cells in multiple vital organs of the body.
Death from the vaccines are manifesting as autoimmune dysfunction in a full gamut of organ failure, in the brain, the heart, lungs and bloodstream. In conjunction with creating this non-novel, relatively harmless SARS-CoV-2 virus, the cabal also made certain it had developed its patented “vaccines” to deliver its depopulation bioterrorism weapon.
While at home on ordered lockdown, installation of 5G technology was going live around the globe, including during the Wuhan outbreak.[25] It was clearly no accident that the pandemic virus rollout unfolded at the exact same time as the 5G technology rollout.[26]
Additionally, another non-accidental anomaly – of the 190 governments out of the world’s 193 UN member states that all signed off enforcing such draconian deadly pandemic measures, involuntarily imposed on the global masses, the 3 nations whose defiant leaders refused to buy into this fake pandemic – the presidents of Tanzania, Burundi and Haiti were all suicided/assassinated.[27]
Meanwhile, through most of 2020 and 2021, the global population of 7.9 billion people have been cruelly forced into isolation and confinement on inhumane house arrest lockdown virtually on a permanent basis.
Additionally, in many places, humans have been forced to continue wearing masks, proven wholly ineffective in preventing Covid-19, breathing in exhaled CO2, decreasing oxygen intake, risking biological infection and pneumonia, all dangerously life threatening to public health, and now have been found to contain the same nano-toxin graphene as in the vaccines.[28]
Additionally, we’re being further harmed by the uselessly invalid PCR tests using cotton swabs dangerously coated with yet more poisonous graphene and a known FDA listed carcinogen, nasally coming into direct contact with brain membrane tissue. By design,[29] this global misapplication of the PCR test produces false positive results of millions who’ve been misdiagnosed, forced into extended quarantines, injurious hospitalizations, and needless, contraindicated ventilators that have caused thousands of patients’ deaths by medical mafia malpractice.[30]
All these invasive, over-the-top, tyrannically deadly interventions resulted in huge spikes in suicides, drug overdoses, depression, domestic violence, child abuse and breakdown in civil society around the world,[31] obscenely killing far more people than the actual fake virus ever did, despite the proven falsified, inflated high numbers attributed to Covid-19, churned out daily by the criminally complicit mainstream media.[32]
Yet another intended consequence is the preplanned global economic collapse, with unprecedented rates of small to moderate size business closures and off the chart unemployment rates. Plus, the so-called vaccines that don’t even meet the legal or medical criteria to be a vaccine, also have proven to be totally ineffective in preventing Covid-19 flulike illness.
Kill shots egregiously render victims with severe autoimmune deficiencies and a host of other serious life threatening medical problems that qualified courageous experts are accurately warning the public will cause debilitating injuries and death in the coming weeks, months or years from the spike proteins causing blood clots, strokes, enflamed hearts (especially in young men), heart failure, miscarriages (82 percent of pregnant women),[33] rampant infertility.[34]
These warnings and predictions are borne out by cold hard facts. An alarming, rapidly growing death toll of 18,928 by EU’s July 2021 database count (per the European Medicines Agency) with an additional 1.8 million injured with half deemed serious.[35]
Meanwhile in America, 11,000 were reported dead from vaccines by US Health and Human Services’ own VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System),[36] as well as nearly a half million reported adverse side effects, and almost 50,000 serious, potential permanent injuries, all racked up between December 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021 alone.[37]
Even prior to the shocking announcements of 30,000 officially reported fatalities in Europe and US from the vaccine, a growing army of honest, whistleblowing doctors have been sounding the alarm throughout, facing professional persecution while silenced by censorship by MSM and every social media platform as accomplices to mass murder.
Brave medical doctors and virologists have warned that millions more will become casualties in the immediate years ahead. This wholesale human slaughter is not only coldblooded mass murder violating the Nuremburg Code constituting crimes against humanity, it amounts to an unprecedented global genocide, monstrously plotted and perpetrated by the psychopathic killing elite.
Moreover, the latest bombshell just out is far more foreboding than what’s been previously been reported. A lawsuit filed on July 19th against the US federal government for malevolently withholding what a VAERS whistleblower revealed, that from just one internal government report out of the total of 11 VAERS daily receives, an incredible 45,000 deaths resulted from vaccines in just three days.[38]
Attorney Thomas Renz is moving forward with legal challenges in his home-based Ohio, New Mexico, Maine and nationally against both the CDC and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Yet the DHHS own VAERS report has admitted that fewer than 1 percent of vaccine adverse events are reported.[39]
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Andrew Pilkington
| #
Nicely said. The Carcinogen on the Contaminated PCR (& LFT) Nasopharyngeal Swabs is “Ethylene-Oxide Gas” ( “EO”), btw.
Many thanks.