Global CO2 Concentration 1958 – February 2025
The header image shows the monthly atmospheric CO2 concentration measured at the Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, Latitude19.5E N, Longitude 155E W, elevation 3397m, for the 67 year period from March 1958 to February 2025
The source file lists the data in 10 columns. The columns used here were columns 3 and 4, the date in Excel and decimal format and column 9 being the measured CO2 concentration with missing values in-filled from a smoothed fit to the data.
The monthly CO2 concentration had an average rate of increase over the 67 year period from March 1958 to February 2025 of 1.64 ppm pa.
For the four year period March 1958 to March 1962 the rate was 0.65 ppm pa and for the four year period February 2021 to February 2025 the rate was 2.53 ppm pa, that is, the rate of increase has steadily accelerated over time to be 3.9 times greater than it was 63 years earlier showing that the ‘Net Zero’ policy to reduce human emissions has had no measurable effect on the natural rate of generation of CO2.
The concentration range was from a minimum of 312.41 ppm to a maximum of 427.01 ppm.
The amplitude of the seasonal variation was estimated to range from 5.51 ppm to 8.43 ppm, increasing in amplitude over time, in an irregular fashion. The maxima occurred, on average, in early May, which is the beginning of Summer, and the minima in late September, at the end of Summer.
The greatest seasonal variation took place between September 2015 and April 2016. This means that the CO2 concentration rose during the cool of Winter and fell during the heat of Summer, which is out of phase with the UN IPCC claim that increased CO2 concentration causes an increase in temperature.
Nor does the UN IPCC hypothesis provide an explanation for the steady increase in the rate of increase of the CO2 concentration. The annual seasonal cycle of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter is due to the yearly orbit of the Earth around the Sun so it is ‘climate change’ that is the cause of the seasonal variation in CO2 concentration which again is contrary to the UN IPCC claim that CO2 causes ‘climate change’.
The UN IPCC claim that the mis-named “greenhouse gases” cause additional warming of the Earth’s surface. A greenhouse is a physically closed volume that allows radiation to enter and warm the interior surfaces but blocks the normal convective cooling of the enclosed atmosphere.
Contrary to that, the “greenhouse gases” are structured to have natural vibration modes that cause them to absorb and re-radiation energy at these vibrational wavelengths in all directions be it from the Sun or the Earth’s surface.
The direction of re-radiation is random so more that 50 percent must be directed away from the curved Earth surface below thereby cooling the Earth, not warming as claimed by the UN IPCC.
The reason for the erroneous claims by the UN IPCC is to induce fear of climate catastrophe in the population at large so that the UN can take control of the World’s Nations on the notion that they will solve this imaginary problem, and many others, for the World.
The 62nd Plenary Session of the IPCC was held in Hangzhou, Communist China, for the week beginning 24 February 2025 to consider and agree on draft outlines for the 7th Assessment Report and Methodology Report on CO2 Removal Technologies, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage none of which appear to be necessary according to current data.
Yet this is part of the UN Pact for the Future which promotes Global cooperation, coordination and coherence. For some reason the phase “One World Government” appears to have been removed from an earlier version ?
Perhaps the UN could be informed that in 4.5 billion years nature has taken the Earth from a barren rocky planet to the first forms of life in warm shallow seas and on to the incredible diversity of life forms we have today without human effort to control development.
The satellite lower troposphere temperature data is freely available from the University of Alabama, Huntsville, on Dr Roy Spencer’s Web site at:
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Gary Brown
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Dec 11, 2024 TITLE: The Benefits of Carbon Dioxide – CO2 By Friends of Science
Carbon dioxide – CO2 – it demonized by climate activists as something dangerous. In fact, we could not survive without CO2, and there are many benefits of increased CO2 that hardly anyone talks about. This video gives you a few insights.
Bevan Dockery
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Please note the Reference at the end of the above article should read:
The CO2 data is freely available from the Scripps CO2 Program Web site at:
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The annual natural variation seems to be at least two orders of magnitude greater than the supposedly life threatening increase from humanity. Which means the warmists are claiming that the comparatively tiny additional amount of CO2 from humanity is somehow magically more potent than the natural variation.