Get Ready For The Super blood moon on May 26th

Image: Signs & Sigils

Get ready for a rare and lovely cosmic phenomenon. Parts of the world will experience a total lunar eclipse on May 26, but you can watch the celestial festivities from anywhere thanks to livestreams.

A lunar eclipse happens when the moon moves into the Earth’s shadow, which blocks the sun’s light. Unlike with a solar eclipse, you can look directly at the moon with the naked eye. This month’s total lunar eclipse has all sorts of names associated with it. We can sum it up as the “super flower blood moon.”

There are reasons for the exotic-sounding nicknames. Total lunar eclipses tend to give the moon a reddish hue. That’s the “blood” part. The Farmers Almanac ascribes various nicknames to full moons for each month. The May moon is typically called the “flower moon.” This moon will also be among the closest to Earth on its elliptical path, making it appear a little brighter and bigger than usual. That’s the “supermoon” bit.

NASA says the eclipse will be visible across parts of the Americas, Australia, New Zealand and Eastern Asia. Residents of Hawaii and Alaska should have a great viewing opportunity, but much of the western US will be in position for the show.’s viewing guide lets you dial in the time for your location and will tell you how much of the eclipse you’ll be able to see. For example, the total eclipse will be at its maximum for me in New Mexico at 5:18 a.m. local time on the morning of Wednesday, May 26.

You don’t have to be in a prime zone to catch the action. The Virtual Telescope Project will provide a live feed starting at 3 a.m. PT on May 26. is hosting its own global streaming event in partnership with astronomers in Australia, Hawaii, California and Arizona. The feed kicks off around 2:30 a.m. PT.

And if you plan to sleep through the eclipse (or if the clouds don’t cooperate), you can always catch the rerun later. For more on how eclipses work and the best ways to view them, check out our solar and lunar eclipse guide.

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Comments (11)

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Herb, James, and other frequent PSI commenters,

    What is the NATURAL PHENOMENON that causes the moon to have a reddish hue??? I doubt, but do not know, if many NASA scientists know the answer to this question. So here is your chance to prove that you are smarter than a NASA scientist!!!

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      I thought it was something to do with red light being reflected from our atmosphere onto the Moon during an eclipse?


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Andy,

      Thank you for your answer! Anybody else?

      Have a good day, Jerry


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      Hi Jerry,
      Same principle as during red sun-set and orange sun-rise. Only longer wavelengths could reach the moon hidden from the Sun behind the Earth; all higher frequency light gets scattered or reflected.
      (Sorry Andy, it is refracted not reflected.)
      Cheers, JaKo


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      Herb Rose


      When the moon is in the Earth’s shadow no light from the sun is reaching it. Since it is night on the side of the Earth facing the moon no light from the Earth is illuminating it.Up until the full moon enters the shadow it is absorbing radiation from the sun and being heated to 250 F. When it enters the shadow it emits that energy as red or infrared as it begins to cool to -250F.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Herb:
        Might have got a little hot and cold for those Apollo ass tronauts don’t you think Herb? And now all of those amazing NASA films (front screen projection) and photos of mankind’s greatest technical achievement ever have been lost. I wonder how that could happen? I especially like the video of Jewmerica;s flag flapping in the wind. I didn’t even know they had wind on the moon.

        Good video below by one of those disgusting moon landing deniers, although they are not near as bad as the shameless holohoax deniers that our wonderful ADL Jew Tube monitors are always warning the goyim about. Also short clip on “seeing the stars.”


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Mark,
          The problem for satellites and men in space or on the moon is one of cooling not heating. Since there are few molecules heat transfer is done by slow radiation instead of convection. Since men and electronics generate heat there needs to be an air-conditioning system to transfer that heat to a shaded area where it can be radiated. Incoming heat can be blocked by a reflective coating.
          When a solar panel on Skylab did not fully deploy it failed to block solar radiation from striking the station making a portion uninhabitable. To solve the problem they deployed a thin reflective sheet that blocked the radiation but added no insulation. The air conditioning could then handle the heat produced by men and machine.
          When the astronauts walk to the space craft on Earth they carry portable air conditioning units to prevent overheating on Earth.
          If you read the account from the astronauts on the moon the flapping of the flag is from them purposely agitating the flag pole to make it flap, not from any wind.
          As for seeing the stars, they are still in the sky during the day on Earth. You can’t see them because the light is brighter making them invisible. On the moon the sunlight reflecting off the surface would make it impossible for the cameras to have a light setting where they could see the stars and any objects on the moon. If they were pointed up then, because there is no atmosphere to scatter the light, stars would b visible during the day with the right aperture.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi JaKo,

      I read that’s a popular answer but … . I just scanned 4 or so Chapters of “The Feynman Lectures On Physics’.beginning with refraction and ending with scattering and the only thing I understood was that Feynman lectured about fields so I have to accept that Herb isn’t so crazy after all when he writes about fields. Except I still understand nothing except the last four pages where it seems everything hangs on the fact that the movement of electrons in atoms and molecules and particles is chaotic so two cases of light (radiation–photons) scattering occur which depend on the relationship between the size of the scattering particle and the wavelength of the photon. Rayleigh scattering where the diameter of scattering particle is much less than the wavelength of the photons where the intensity of scattering decreases as the size of the particle decreases. And the other scattering phenomenon, ‘Feynman scattering’ where the particle size (diameter) increases to that of the photon’s wavelength as the numbers of atoms in condensed matter particle rapidly increases until the particle diameter reaches the wavelength of the photon.

      However, I see there seems to be one difference between ‘refraction’ and ‘scattering’. It is that refraction bends light in one direction and scattering scatters photons in all directions. Hence, a portion of the shorter wavelength photons are scattered from the direct solar ‘flux’ which is only refracted. So while we see the disk of the sun in the morning a few minutes before we should and a few minutes after the sun should have set, we see twilight (scatted photons) hours before sunrise and after sunset. And even in the daytime there is diffuse solar radiation and direct solar radiation

      I only know what I see and I certainly do not understand how Feynman got from the refraction phenomenon to the scattering phenomenon. However, I understand how the ‘Feynman scattering’ by CONDENSATION NUCLEI should enhance the Rayleigh Scattering in causing the Blood Moon

      Have a good day, Jerry


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    Mark Tapley


    Greetings Herb:
    You really should apply with the MSM as a technical analyst so the next time the Zionists do a 911, Gulf of Tonkin, WMD’s, Los Vegas, fake Floyd, capitol riot or all the other many other false flags, and Rachael Maddow or Anderson Cooper need a technical expert, Herb Rose could be ready in 30 minutes.

    The fake moon landings were another major Zionist money laundering operation for the insiders. As with the fake virus today you use technical jargon to obfuscate and hide the obvious common sense problems. You did not address the fact that NASA has conveniently “lost” all the mountain of video and photogaphic damning primary evidence. What a surprise. Kubirik’s front screen projection studio techniques were a dead give away of the fraud so they had to get rid of all the evidence. I did not mention that all of the perfectly centered pictures could never have been taken by an ass tronaut on the moon with no access to a view finder nor would the film have withstood the radiation or the extreme temperatures. Neither would people in those paper thin “space suits” even in a no atmosphere condition. Notice also there is no condensation emitted from their respiration. In a vacuum their suits would haven also been puffed up like ballon. If they had been on the moon there would have been plenty of opportunity to get a brilliant shot of the stars away from the sun. They never did in all of the hundreds of photos for obvious reasons. In this era it would have been too difficult to get the star alignment correct. As far as the flag business there is one example where the ass tronaut bumps the flag. That is the one the MSM uses. The one in the video I pasted is obviously flapping in a breeze (air conditioning).

    Now NASA has said that they have to resolve the Van Allen radiation issue before going to Mars (another money laundering using Zionist shill Musk). They failed to mention how they traversed this zone over 50 years ago. In another video they claim that technology has been lost. Herb you’re going to have to go over there to NASA and straighten this situation out. Have you ever taken a close look at the so called liner module. It looks like some kids got out their sheet metal and tin foil to make this piece of crap in the back yard. Your telling me this junk went 240,000 miles, orbited the moon at 4,000 mph landed on the moon and returned to earth?

    In a real situation the ass tronaut would be sitting on top of a 10,000 lb. thruster jet engine that would have made all audible communication on landing impossible. Also notice the feet of the module don’t have a spec of luner dust nor is there any blast zone blown out under the fake module.

    You evidently did not watch the video taping of the subterfuge of the ass tronauts and NASA coordinating the “far away” earth shot with the camera in the window. If you watch Neil Armstrong’s last cut short speech, it shows a man emotionally torn by the desire to end the lie and the realization he could end up like Grissom, White and Chaffee.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Mark,
      The difference between us is that you see the government and its workers as smart and capable and able to carry out a sophisticated long term plan. I have never seen any evidence of this and believe them to be continuously screwing up and trying to hide their gross incompetence. Do I believe they could have lost the pictures? Easily. Could it be that a government employee stole them? Since government employees believe the government exist to benefit them and the public be damned, yes.
      The cameras were not controlled by the astronauts but by ground control here on Earth so choosing centered shots was not difficult especially since they could be cropped..
      The space suits are designed to be light but strong and have to withstand expansion. I believe on the first space walk a problem arose when the suit inflated in the vacuum and the astronaut had difficulty re-entering the capsule. There is no condensation because the space suits are a closed system where the temperature, humidity, and gas content is continually adjusted, just as there is no condensation on the windows of submersibles.
      The lunar lander was not the same as the space capsule. It was deployed after lunar orbit was achieved and jettisoned before re-entry. If you recall Apollo 13 the crew had to abandon the capsule and seek refuge in the lunar lander until it was time for re-entry when they re-entered the capsule, activated it, and jettisoned the lander. The treason the capsule has no lunar dust on it is because it remained in orbit and never landed on the moon.
      Since the moon has no air there is no noise, so you wouldn’t hear either the thrusters (rockets not jet engines which need air) when the lander was landing on the moon or taking off.
      The camera was not in the lander looking out the window but mounted on the exterior and that was how it was able to show the lander blasting off from the moon to rejoin the orbiting capsule.
      I understand that you will never believe but look for reasons not to believe but this is the same as those who look at the pyramids and Inca cities and claim these primitive cultures could never have done this so it must be the work of aliens. Men find a way to do things with what they have available.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Herb:
        The government has been able to maintain documents for decades. the only ones that go missing are the ones that are inconvenient for their narrative. Are you telling me that all the pictures that were supposedly taken on the moon by hand held cameras were in fact controlled form Houston? If that is the case why was the astronaut holding the camera in front of him to take a picture? You still have not addressed the videos where the front screen projection was clearly evident. There are several cases where on different days and even different missions the same studio backdrop was used and cases where the moon rover was positioned with no tracks evident. It is really asinine to suggest that the photographic evidence of what is purported to be the greatest technological feat in history would be lost.

        The men wearing paper thin suits could not have withstood minus 250 or plus 250 degrees or anything remotely close to that. Submarines have sophisticated air-condition and air dryer systems. Men walking around on the fake moon in 1969 did not. Neither did they have computer systems that would carry out a landing on the moon that did not happen then or since.

        NASA has given hints for years now that the whole thing was fake as I havre mentioned their back tracking on the Van Allen Belt issue and even publishing a picture of the reflection from the “space mans” visor. You also did not address the issue of the pirated video sent out by someone from NASA exposing the coordinated fraud of faking the picture of a distant earth from low earth orbit.

        The lunar lander had no debris or dust as it set in the studio (moon). That is what I am referring to. Neither was there a blast area from the rocket engine at the base. The fake moon landing was just another insider money laundering scheme by the same ones that did 911 and the fake “War on Terror.”

        The ridiculous comments you made referring to the pyramids are superfluous to this debate. We both know that they were built using an ancient form of concrete and lots of manual labor. Men do use what is available. And deception has always been a big part of those government tools available. Not just in the current fear campaign of medical propaganda now being deployed against their citizens but also over 50 years ago on a mission to the moon that never happened.


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