Germany’s Wind Industry Faces Massive Job Losses & Extinction

minced eagle wind turbine

Online site wind energy proponent site, here presents a commentary telling why Germany is seeing ever-increasing resistance to wind energy projects and how the wind industry could be seeing the final nail in its coffin.

Behind the mounting resistance are hundreds of anti-wind farm citizens’ initiatives across the country, stricter rules for wind projects and powerful anti-wind bureaucrats now heading key government positions.

According to, (Energy the new German draft laws are also calling on wind farm operators “to participate in the costs of grid expansion,” a costly requirement that wind energy proponents say “could ruin the wind energy industry.”

“Actions in the Ministry of Economics show: This is being done deliberately.”

Wind running up against fierce citizens’ opposition

Once welcome with open arms by citizens in Europe, wind projects today are being met with fierce opposition as citizens have come to realize how wind parks horrendously blight the landscape, threaten endangered species, produce unhealthy infrasound and generate electricity only sporadically.

Actions speaking louder than words

While the German CDU/CSU/SPD grand coalition government openly preaches the virtues of changing over to green energies like wind and sun and that they are the future, their actions and proposals, in reality, tell us the opposite.

The German government indeed seems to be ending the free ride that wind energy has enjoyed for more than 2 decades. reports that the planned grid expansion participation regulation “could stifle the construction of new wind turbines in overloaded power grids such as those in northern Germany” and “would lead to incalculable costs for wind farm operators.”

Onshore wind parks are looking less attractive than ever.

Anti-wind citizens groups now a formidable force

Once ridiculed and often ignored, citizens’ initiatives against wind projects now “have great influence up to the highest circles” of federal ministries, acknowledges.

Wind energy proponent attacks the citizen initiatives, claiming their arguments “are often put forward under the guise of environmental protection.” then even claims that wind turbines, in fact, protect species and the environment: “In addition, there is climate change, which severely disrupts and destroys the environment of the animals. The expansion of wind power would bring positive benefits here.”

Anti-wind officials in key positions points out there is another major obstacle that the wind industry is facing in the future: high-level, anti-wind energy officials appointed to key positions, such as Stephanie von Ahlefeldt, head of the “Energy Policy – Electricity and Networks” department.

Because Ahlefeldt is now sitting at the levers of control, “She knows exactly which levers to pull in order to make a difference, and she is pulling all the levers at the same time,” warns.

Bleak future for German wind energy, Bright future for conservationists

The mounting obstacles against wind energy from citizens initiatives, stricter regulations, and powerful anti-wind officials in key positions mean the future for wind energy development across Germany’s landscape looks bleaker than ever. This has real environmentalists celebrating.

Tens of thousands of wind jobs lost

The situation for the wind industry in Germany has been dismal for some two years. writes: “Several 10,000 jobs have already been lost in the wind energy sector” and “many thousands of more jobs are at risk as a result of the planned regulations.”

Read more at No Tricks Zone

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Comments (2)

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    Andy Rowlands


    In a way it would be good if the wind companies did collapse, as that will force the German government to carry on using fossil fuels.


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    Peter Daley


    A storm of protest is due for the release of ways for alternate energy sources like that proposed by Telsa in 1927. Since then other ways using the earth’s magnetism have been suppressed the inventors intimidated and results confiscated.


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