German Health Minister Accused Of Making Up ‘Thousands Of Heat Deaths’
Now that the Corona pandemic has been exposed, for the most part, as being a large-scale vaccine swindle and government overreach, Germany’s federal minister of health Karl Lauterbach (pictured), has now shifted his focus to a new scare story: summer heat deaths
He is accused of making up 300,000 fictional heat deaths, to spread fear in the public about the weather.
The solution: more government control and climate lockdowns.
Recently Lauterbach, who leans in a certain political direction, introduced his National Heat Protection Plan, claiming that there are between 5,000 and 20,000 heat-related deaths each and every summer.
Especially older, chronically ill people, pregnant women, newborns, and small children are at risk, according to Lauterbach.
He says Lockdowns in some form or another may be needed when the weather is hot.
Lauterbach feels that the alleged summer heat death numbers of 5,000 to 20,000 are more than enough to justify the implementation of a drastic nationwide heat protection plan.
However, it turns out Lauterbach has wildly exaggerated the numbers by nearly 10,000 a year!
The newly created here reports on Lauterbach’s gross exaggeration and presents the true figures going back to 1990 (blue bars):
Lauterbach claims 5,000 to 20,000 (orange) die from heat in Germany annually, but the blue-colored bars tell a [different] reality. calls Lauterbach’s figures “completely made up”, and adds:
“In 25 of the past 31 years, there have been fewer than 5,000 heat deaths, and in 17 of those years fewer than 2,000.
So Lauterbach is inventing tens of thousands of heat deaths.”
The [average] mean of Lauterbach’s 5,000 to 20,000 is 12,500.
But the real mean from 1992 to 2022 is about 2,500, which would mean Lauterbach made up some 300,000 fictional heat deaths for the period.
That’s more than 100 deaths per summer day!
When NIUS asked the Federal Ministry of Health multiple times on which [databases] Lauterbach made his claims, they never got an answer.
Perhaps Lauterbach now counts heat deaths like Corona deaths: If a patient dies from or during a heat wave, then the cause of death is heat. adds:
“The figure of up to 20,000 heat deaths would indeed be disturbing – if it were not highly unserious.
“But that doesn’t move the minister at all. Following France’s example, he wants to be allowed to cancel events when it is very hot.”
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