German Govt Agency Plans To Ration Electricity As Power Crisis Worsens

Nowadays it seems that Germany is doing everything possible to warp-speed its own ruin

If today’s German leaders were driving a car and wanted to go faster, they would ease off the gas pedal and slam on the brakes  – and hope it works!

That’s basically how they’re handling the country’s energy crisis. Some would understandably equate it all to lunacy.

Going electric while shutting down power plants

While leaders demand citizens quickly switch over to electric mobility and heat pump systems, placing ever huger demands on the power grid, they are reacting by shutting off nuclear and fossil fuel power plants and making electricity even more scarce than it already is.

Rationing becoming unavoidable

As Germany’s energy shortages intensify, it’s no surprise that rationing is becoming the only way out.

And so the Federal Network Agency now proposes that grid operators be allowed to ration electricity in the future to avoid possible overloads caused by charging e-cars and heat pumps.

This is how grid overloads are to be avoided in the future.

Nightmare for companies

Companies planning to set up shop in Germany may want to think again if they plan on using electricity.

Firstly prices have soared and are among the highest in the world, and secondly: don’t expect the supply to be reliable as brownouts are now in the plans.

Even worse for private citizens

For private consumers, it gets even worse.

According to the plan, beginning in 2024, grid operators are to be empowered “to temporarily restrict electricity purchases from private charging stations and heat pumps to avoid peak loads,” reports Blackout News.

Have blankets ready

“If it is proven that the grid could be overloaded, the distribution grid operator has the right to reduce the power,” said Klaus Müller, head of the Federal Network Agency in an interview with BR24.

In other words, if it’s January and -10°C outside, your heat pump may be remotely switched off. Have blankets ready.

Power grid totally inadequate

Another problem is the lack of power grid upgrades that are necessary to handle the huge extra demand for power that heat pumps and electric cars will create.

The result: severe supply bottlenecks and overloads. Again, the only measure available for the challenge will be rationing.

Lower electric rates for those who have to freeze

“In order to avoid delays in the connection of heat pumps and charging stations, an additional control option by the distribution grid operator is necessary, reports Blackout News.

“In the end, a corresponding control means nothing other than rationing of electricity purchases. As compensation for the affected consumers, it is envisaged that they will receive a reduction in their grid fees.”

Criticism mounts (finally)

A number of industry associations have widely criticized the “unilateral and unlimited throttling” of the power supply and warned this would mean “considerable restrictions for consumers and thus also limit consumer acceptance of heat pumps and electric cars.

Unless Germany radically changes course in its energy policy, citizens who heat their homes with heat pumps and travel with electric cars may find themselves often stranded in unheated homes in the wintertime.

Greatest energy folly of all time?

No one could have imagined a folly of this scale less than two years ago, just before the current Socialist-Green government took over the reins of power at the end of 2021.

Other countries may want to avoid the idiotic German path.

See more here climatechangedispatch

Header image: TwentyTwenty Wandrew

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Comments (2)

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    Imagine a government so stupid that its practices and existence helps to destroy the country it is governing. Well, that’s the norm at this time in history.


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    Baerbock, the WEF puppet that actually mimicks the secretary of foreign affairs for Germany once said: “I think in Germany the standard of living is quite high and I want to change that”… and she got elected!


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