German Cities Remove E-Buses From Service After They Burst Into Flames

E-buses in Germany are now a “fire hazard” as batteries can heat up to 1000°C, and German cities are taking them out of service as a precaution.

Even after years of fine-tuning, electric vehicle manufacturers still seem unable to get e-vehicle technology to work as safely as it needs to for personal and public transportation.

German media, for example here, report that currently electric buses are being withdrawn from service in cities because they pose a fire hazard. Earlier in June of this year in Hanover, Germany, a major fire  destroyed nine buses belonging to the Üstra transport company and so the company took the remaining buses out of service until the exact cause is determined.

“Not just the case in Hanover, it is becoming increasingly common for electric vehicles to be removed from service in cities, and the reasons are often down to a common cause: Fire safety,” reports the online MK.

Stuttgart withdraw buses from service after fire

The Stuttgart transport authority also took buses out of service after an electric bus fire destroyed 25 vehicles. The MK also reports that the city of Regensburg also removed the same kind of electric bus from service for fear of fire.

According to the MK, the problem is the extremes heat generated by the vehicle’s batteries, which can reach temperatures of 1000°C due to  “thermal runaway”.

15-meter safe parking distance

“In the process, the lithium-ion batteries release energy in an uncontrolled manner,” reports the MK. “For the same reason, electric cars also repeatedly catch fire. The first e-cars are now only allowed to park at a distance of 15 meters because of the risk of fire.

Also in China e-buses were recorded bursting into flames as they charged:

Even e-scooters can burst into flames. The following example also shows how difficult it can be to extinguish e-vehicle fires.

See more here:

Bold emphasis added

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Editor’s note: What is most concerning here is how quickly the fires start. Anyone inside an E-bus that ignites will be killed in seconds. This video shows how dangerous lithium batteries can be. Wind it forward to 4:40 to see the first ignition. It continues exploding for several minutes, scattering sections all around, which then also ignite:

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Comments (4)

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    It is almost like the Governments are determined to kill people any which way. The second video is especially disconcerting, as it keeps going like a almost perpetual firework.


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    Eric the Red


    Reality be damned, the narrative reigns supreme…

    If electric vehicles catch on fire so suddenly that people inside them can’t escape, well that’s too bad, but they gave their lives for Holy Mother Gaia.

    If Covid vaccines maim or kill millions of people, well that’s too bad, but they died protecting everyone in the name of collective morality.

    If reducing CO2 shuts down half the world’s food supply, and hundreds of millions die from starvation, well that’s too bad, but they gave their lives fighting anthropogenic global warming.

    The globohomos and their leftist minions are hell bent on creating monumental disasters out of normal situations. They don’t have any valid problems to be solved, instead they just make one up out of whole cloth and create a crisis, simply because it doesn’t match some nebulous, Utopian ideal floating around in their tiny minds. Then they seize power to instigate a holy crusade, forcing endless fixes without ever solving anything. These people are not only insane, they have no qualms about dragging the rest of us down into hell along with them.


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    Geraint Hughes


    I can see traffic jams worth of cars lighting up.


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    Green energy…you gotta love it if you’re a pyro. When these green idiots start building giant warehouses for batteries, it should be fun.


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