Geoengineering: Political Games and Toxic Encounters

Geoengineering, the artificial modification of earth’s climate, is an issue that concerns us all

In this article we’ll discover what it has to do with expanding wireless technologies and the international drive to transform our society, our atmosphere – and our world.

A technology for modifying our planet

Geoengineering has a propensity to cause confusion and division, as well as misunderstanding. Yet, in the era of ‘Net Zero’ (a political drive for net zero CO2 by 2050) ever more extreme climate modification methods are being considered.

If you are familiar with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which demand “climate action”, you might already know that geoengineering programs are hastily being rolled out by governments of member states in “climate action” policies and mandates related to the SDG agenda.

More than ever before, geoengineering and weather modification programs are receiving coverage in the news. However, for all the reporting, is there enough transparency about geoengineering – which concerns artificial and speculative measures (of more political than scientific value), for “fixing the climate”?

Governments around the world are taking baby steps towards officially justifying using aerosolised particulates (like sulphur dioxide, silica, and silver iodide) to support “climate change action”.

Such stratospheric geoengineering can generate synthetic cloud formations in our skies, which proponents believe will bring benefits. New cloud formations (noticed over the last 30 years) have now been officially documented by the UN, are covered by various publications, and are being classified with new features, behaviours and properties – all while the controversial subject of geoengineering is carefully managed by the media.

Some “climate” solutions may involve “nano-materials” to modify the atmosphere and environment. Nanomaterials present environmental and health risks, and are a problematic issue for law. Yet, they are sold as part of “a sustainable future”.

These types of “climate” projects undoubtedly present opportunities for wireless and nano-scale technological transformations of our environment through Industry 4.0 so that the Internet of Things (IoT) can make deeper roots to transform society.

Climate action is often being sold alongside a concept known as “Society 5.0, where all people and things are connected with the Internet of Things (IoT).”

The message couldn’t be clearer that climate ideology and smart technology developments go hand in hand to transform our society, and in the end, us. We shouldn’t be surprised, because the UN’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation spells it all out and aims for “Universal Connectivity by 2030.

As governments digitally and chemically transform our lives in the name of tackling “climate change” and at the same time hasten the Internet of Things (IoT) into being, the remarkable pace of geoengineering research and technological developments gravitates into controversial territories, gambling with the future, diversity and sanctity of life on earth.

Every breath we take

There is without question an international political-industrial desire to enhance the atmosphere (and environment) with highly conductive, aerosolised particulate matter that evidently promotes electromagnetic transmission.

At the same time, ‘carbon’ is “vilified” as our biggest “climate problem” and is being removed from the atmosphere and environment.

A highly conspicuous fact, in the context of all of this, is that Carbon is not considered a good electromagnetic conductor. We find it is being removed (often buried) in rapid “climate change action”.

This is part of a geoengineering process which helps to produce an anthropogenically modified atmosphere favouring an emerging wireless, sensing environment. Such changes to the quality of our atmosphere will also inevitably alter our bodies, and impact our health (especially our respiratory health).

All of this hastened “modification” is integral to fully achieving the IoT – a goal of the UN and various corporate stakeholders who are rapidly rolling out smart technologies, and nano-technologies, supported by Industry 4.0 (a.k.a. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, as coined by Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF)).

In the context of ensuing IoT developments, Geoengineering fulfils more than the generally understood, mainstreamed purpose of tackling “climate change” so it is important to consider the implications for our world.

A change of atmosphere

Some say “Life on planet Earth is under siege” because of “climate emergency.” Weather events such as the “unusual storm” of the Atlantic, the “category five” Hurricane Beryl, come to dominate the media and these unusual weather events are portrayed as the inevitabilities of ‘climate change’ as defined in climate agendas and politics of the UN.

The BBC reports that, “only two other Atlantic hurricanes in history have intensified more rapidly – Felix in 2007, and Wilma in 2005 – and only 4.5 percent of named storms in the Atlantic have grown to a category five in the past decade.

There is a history of ongoing weather modification in hurricane hotspots (and UN member states in general) that is being ignored while we hear more about “cases of rapid intensification as the climate continues to warm.”

The Guardian, for example, has reported with “Cloud spraying and hurricane slaying: how ocean geoengineering became the frontier of the climate crisis” that “around the world, dozens of ingenious projects are trying to ‘trick’ the ocean into absorbing more CO2…[and] Nobody knows if these concepts will work, or what consequences there could be.”

We can do our own research on the long history of weather modification/geoengineering, which has evolved from military experimentation and is heavily financed and ongoing internationally today in the name of avoiding droughts and “fixing” the climate, for example. Weather modification and geoengineering are utilised in “the developing world” and in advanced societies. In China for example “large scale weather modification plans continue to grow.”

Meanwhile, the very golden sun that heats our world, gives life, is now so often vilified as an existential threat within the narrative of “climate change.” In thrall of technology and witnesses to the intergovernmental wars against nature, the too-often pixelated face of the human family turns away from the radiance of our natural world to the radiation of screens in Wi-Fi saturated “smart technology” environments.

Not just the sun, but the human race itself is vilified as an equal threat within the politics of “human-caused climate change” guided by UN officials, stately figures, celebrities, politicians and industry magnates today, often in the same breath that human-caused AI and smart technology is praised by them.

Owing to the sun’s political reputation as a radiation force to be technologically tamed, the sky above us becomes the target of copiously funded research to alter the climate and reduce earth’s atmospheric sunlight by chemical and other means – a process which may irrevocably alter our climate and life on earth as we know it, “forever”.

On this controversial issue a report from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in the US called Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth, was published in 2015. This review of “peer-reviewed literature” was compiled for “leaders to be far more knowledgeable about the consequences of albedo modification approaches before they face a decision whether to use them.”

The publication covers technologies for reflecting sunlight away from earth and it can be read here. It focuses on utilising aerosols of known toxic pollutants (associated with respiratory health problems and carcinogenesis) and releasing the payloads from high altitude aircraft into the stratosphere (where the ozone layer is formed from incoming solar radiation).

This is a highly controversial approach to altering the course of so-called “anthropogenic climate change” and in terms of it being considered a “climate solution”, beggars belief.

Chemical weather/climate modification (a.k.a. atmospheric modification) is nothing new, yet is something the public knows very little about. Most of us are very familiar with so-called “chemtrails”, however.

We might, after perusing the aforementioned publication, find no distinction between the concept of “albedo modification” in the stratosphere and the concept of “chemtrails” (which the media regularly describes in terms of a “conspiracy theory”).

As aerosolised chemical “spraying” to alter our atmosphere is a real issue, and no longer is tethered in the realm of fantasy or so-called “conspiracy theories.” We all deserve to be more informed about it.

The potential for irreversible damage from such “radical” geoengineering methods cannot be underestimated.

On the trail of climate impacts

The Met Office in the UK introduces the public to the concept of “atmospheric modification”, but stresses that it does not “promote any atmospheric interventions” such as aircraft “…injecting aerosols into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight back into space.”

Many of us will be familiar with the idea that illegitimately, certain controversial aerial geoengineering programs may have been happening for years. What does the Met Office think?

“There is misinformation on social media suggesting the condensation trails (contrails) from high-altitude aircraft are…attempts to alter the atmosphere…” It is an expected refutation of the possibility of weather modification and serves to inhibit the ongoing conversation about the issue.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), an agency of the United Nations (UN), classifies contrails as new clouds called Cirrus homogenitus in its Cloud Atlas.

According to an article published in the journal Reviews on Environmental Health, “Persistent aircraft trails seem to be a “natural” and unavoidable consequence of aviation. However, other documents referring to a weather modification technology must be taken into account in order to better understand the problem as a whole.”

The Met Office, a trusted source, has disputed the possibility weather modification as a consequence of aviation. However, it cannot always be trusted. Weather modification has a history, and the Met Office has played a part in denying it – and possibly still does.

As the UK’s DevonLive news resource reports:

“Operation Cumulus was the name of the experiment being carried out by the RAF and an international team of scientists in August 1952. On…August 15 1952, the cloud seeding [weather modification] experiments came to a sudden end, official documents have confirmed.

It was also the same day that Devon experienced the biggest, most tragic, flooding event the region has seen in more than 300 years….[in which] thirty four people died…Witnesses described the ‘purple black’ clouds that accumulated over Exmoor – some even said the threatening skies had a weird greenish tinge….

The meteorological office [Met Office] had previously denied there were any rainmaking experiments conducted before 1955, but a BBC Radio 4 history investigation, broadcast in August 2001, unearthed documents at the public record office showing that they were going on from 1949 to 1955.

RAF logbooks and personnel corroborate the evidence.”

Editor’s note: the incident referred to here is that which befell Lynton & Lynmouth. Some of the large boulders washed down the valley are still on the beach at Lynmouth. Following the BBC broadcast in August 2001, the Ministry of Defence admitted the RAF had been cloud seeding over Exmoor the day before the flood.

Today, Google’s Project Contrails states that aircraft contrails are produced:

“…when water vapor in the air condenses around tiny particles of soot” and “…contrails can persist as cirrus clouds for minutes or hours, depending on the conditions…

At night natural clouds and airline contrails trap heat. During the day, they also reflect back incoming sunlight and warmth.”

We are clearly given the impression that aircraft emissions are altering the climate.

Google – a start up funded by the US Department of Defense (long involved in experimental weather modification programs) – shares with us the idea that the contrails we’re seeing in the sky are generated “only…when planes fly through humid regions” and believes Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help pilots avoid flying through them and creating more contrails (which Google states contribute to global warming).

Working with American Airlines, Google wants to strategically influence commercial flight paths, by integrating AI insights into pilot workflow, with plans to “extend our models to geostationary satellites over Europe, Africa, the Indian Ocean (Meteosat Third Generation), East Asia and Western Australia (Himawari).”

Interesting that Google wants to prevent global warming but relies on satellites that contribute massively to ‘GHG pollution’!

Fuelling climate modification

Google’s line of thinking is based on “A recent IPCC report [which] noted that clouds created by contrails account for roughly 35 percent of aviation’s global warming impact.” It is interesting to note that Google’s long time sponsor, “The US military has been at the forefront of aviation fuels development“, and also weather manipulation research.

We could say that the military has been responsible for the climate impacts caused by aircraft contrails all along, tailoring the chemical composition of jet fuel. What can Google get from all of this contrail concern?

Public image enhancement (after Project Maven controversy, etc), climate action kudos, more applied and profitable data-generating AI surveillance (via satellite imagery, weather and flight path data) and the greenwashing of Google’s “carbon footprint.”

(According to Statista, “Google’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions increased by 13 percent in 2023, to 14.31 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO₂e).”)

This is taken from a long document. Read the rest here

Header image: News Channel 6 Now

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Comments (5)

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    Why has no one flown through the contrails and collected air samples to tell us exactly what is there other than water vapor?


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      D. Boss


      Because the notion is batsh*t crazy and completely devoid of any semblance of objective realities – that’s why no one has undertaken getting samples from condensation trails.

      To put a point on it, Jet-A, the fuel of airliner engines is composed of C12H26. And combustion adds O2 from the air. The result is CO2 and H2O. The specific ratios are as follows:

      340 grams of Jet-A consumes 1184 grams of O2 for a total of 1524 grams into combustion.
      This results in 1056 grams of CO2 and 468 grams of H2O for an output from combustion of 1524 grams. Chemistry 101 folks.

      So for every kg of Jet-A burned the engines exhaust 3.1 kg of CO2 and 1.38 kg of water vapor.

      A 747-800 burns approximately 9500 kg of Jet-A per hour at cruising altitude and a speed of 495 knots. This means it is spitting out 13110 kg of water per hour, or 3.64 kg of water vapor per second from it’s 4 engines. And the air temperature at 35000 feet altitude is from -35 to -60 degrees C. This water vapor emission freezes into ice particles rapidly as the hot exhaust is exposed to the cold air.

      You simply cannot add much concentration of any additive to the fuel, without compromising it’s flammability. We’re talking a few parts per million. That and you simply have no volume or weight capacity of airliners to house extra “chemtrail” tanks. The notion of airliners doing geoengineering is tinfoil hat nuts. Worse than flat earth believers in my view.

      Besides, how can the hundreds of thousands of airline pilots, mechanics and ramp workers worldwide keep a massive “chemtrail” conspiracy quiet? (there is projected to be 40 million airline flights in 2024, globally)

      Watch some of this airline mechanic’s videos, he routinely shows you inside airliners, behind the doors and panels and there are no extra tanks. And how could you hide a chemtrail conspiracy with people like this with unfettered access to the inner workings of airliners? (and who must document everything they inspect, repair or replace) ( Stig Shift #40 (Aircraft Maintenance Adventures) )


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        Thank you for your great explanation.


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        Good see you are aware it is water vapor.


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    Mario M


    Governments say that we went to the moon and we will go to mars, therefore they can say that we can change the weather, but we can’t do this. Yes, aerosol and metal powder can create an obstacle to the sun’s rays, but you have to spread milions and milions tons of material, as Tambora volcano in 1815, which caused a year without summer, but just one year.


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