Gaslighting Ivermectin, vaccines and the pandemic for profit

In 1994, the CEOs of the seven largest American tobacco companies testified before Congress and stated under oath that nicotine was not addictive.

Today, we know they lied to us because it was in their financial interests. They conducted a classic gaslight. Gaslighting is a form of deceit used by habitual or pathological liars. They will often lie to your face and never back down even when confronted with proof of their deception.

The Congressional hearings were held by Chairman Henry Waxman in 1994 on television in full public view. Tobacco executives were called upon to answer publicly for the poisoning and killing of millions of Americans with cigarettes.

When Representative Ron Wyden questioned James Johnston, the Chairman, and CEO of R.J. Reynolds, in 1994, he got the answer that flew in the face of known science and reality:

“Cigarettes and nicotine clearly do not meet the classic definitions of addiction…”

However, the world would see through this gaslight. R.J. Reynolds would be one of the tobacco companies called upon to pay damages in a $206 billion Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement.

Nonetheless, despite this, R.J. Reynolds has continued to profit and only grow larger. It purchased Lorillard Tobacco for $27 billion in 2014 and paid $49 billion to merge with British America Tobacco in 2017.

Americans know that cigarettes cause cancer, heart disease, stroke, emphysema, and COPD. In addition, they cause seven out of every ten cases of lung cancer. And cigarette smoking is highly addictive.

But currently, we are witnessing an even greater gaslight than from the cigarette executives. We see in 2021 gaslighting about vaccines, Ivermectin, and public health. We are lied to daily by corporate interests who seek to protect a much greater industry than tobacco.

Unlike tobacco, which was plastered all over the television with Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man, today we are bombarded with video clips of overflowing hospitals and dying patients. Rather than tobacco’s message of glamor, we relentlessly hear Big Pharma’s marketing message of doom. First, this was rehearsed with Ebola, later with Zika, and now Big Pharma has perfected it with COVID-19.

The public may be aware that the Pharmaceutical companies profit handsomely from new drugs and that there is a very cozy and cooperative relationship between FDA, NIH, and Big Pharma. Still, almost no one realizes they are gaslit daily with a coordinated marketing campaign.

Most Americans think that morality and ethics would suspend the profit motive just this once for the sake of saving the world from COVID-19. But, unfortunately, many continue to believe the vaccines are “free” and being offered as a public service out of the goodness of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s hearts, with Dr. Fauci being the fatherly voice of wisdom helping steer us through this deadly but unplanned pandemic.

“He only wants the very best that science can offer the human race regardless of any profit motive. In short, Dr. Fauci is like us, a man with a family and loved ones; he only wants a swift end to this pandemic with whatever treatment works the best and quickest.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

What most do not understand is how Dr. Fauci can and does profit directly from the vaccines. The Bayh-Dole Act – a law passed in 1980 – allows scientists involved in developing a drug to SHARE IN THE ROYALTIES on sales of the drug.

This fact was publicly disclosed in 2005 when Dr. Fauci was involved in an Interleukin trial gone wrong. Patients were getting sick and dying of toxicity and complaining that Dr. Fauci had failed to disclose he had a financial interest in the drug. Dr. Fauci, along with an NIH physician, Joseph Kovacs, was a co-developer of Interleukin-2.  Under Bayh-Dole, this was one of the many patents from which Dr. Fauci could derive drug royalties.

The test subjects might have felt differently about their decision to enroll in the trial had Dr. Fauci informed them he would benefit with a portion of the $8.9 million in royalties.

Today, it is unknown exactly how many patents in which Dr. Fauci has a direct or indirect financial interest. But, according to David E. Martin, PhD, a Batten Fellow at the University of Virginia and an expert on Intellectual Property rights (patents), the answer could be as high as 3,500.

Dr. Martin has testified before Congress. He founded M-CAM, the largest underwriter of Intellectual Property globally, and he is as credible an expert as you will find.

As you review the 100+ patents created on the coronavirus, you are struck by the timeline. So many of these patents were obtained years, even decades before the onset of COVID-19.  You cannot help but realize, as I did, that this was all manufactured, and we have all been deceived. This pandemic is all about Big Pharma and greed. We are victims of gaslighting by the best in the business.

They make the tobacco CEOs look like amateurs.

The most unbelievable portions of Dr. Martin’s deposition testimony have to do with the timing. Multiple patents on both coronavirus and its treatment were filed years before anyone should have known about the disease – before it even officially existed.

While the SARS outbreak occurred in Asia beginning in November 2002, Dr. Martin discovered a patent for the causative virus, SARS, filed seven months earlier. Therefore, it should not have pre-existed the outbreak UNLESS there was foul play.

US Patent number 7279327 was filed in conjunction with the NIAID (Dr. Fauci) and Dr. Ralph Baric (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) on April 19, 2002.

This pre-existing patented pathogen was described as an infectious coronavirus that afflicted human lung tissue and involved a Spike protein and an ACE-2 receptor. Dr. Martin considers this conclusive evidence that “we made SARS,” and it did not arise out of nature from zoonotic transfer as we have been led to believe.

See mark 8:35

Dr. Martin states, “The NIAID built an infectious, replication-defective coronavirus. It was specifically targeted for human lung epithelium. In other words, we made SARS. And we patented it on April 19, 2002 – before there was ever any alleged outbreak in Asia – which followed that by several months…

That patent clearly lays out in very specific gene sequencing the fact that we knew the ACE receptor, the ACE-2 Binding Domain, the S1 Spike Protein, and other elements of what we have come to know as this scourge pathogen that was not only engineered but could be synthetically modified in the laboratory, using nothing more than gene sequencing technologies, taking computer code, and turning it into a pathogen or an intermediate of the pathogen.

And that technology was funded exclusively in the early days as a means by which you could harness coronavirus as a vector to distribute HIV vaccine.”

Please feel free to search the US patent database yourself to confirm what Dr. Martin states is accurate. I did, and it is.

It is all too easy to generate a mutant coronavirus using recombinant techniques. The artificially constructed virus is termed a “chimeric.” Simply look at the abstract of this 2008 article, “Manipulation of the coronavirus genome using targeted RNA recombination with interspecies chimeric coronaviruses.”

It explains how to graft a spike protein onto a coronavirus to infect a different species, whether you wish to infect a mouse, a cat, or a human. Baric used HUMAN LUNG TISSUE.

This article represents 2008 technology. So when you read a USA Today or Wikipedia fact check of my writing, please use your common sense. Don’t be gaslit. The technology is available, and our agencies had the means, motive and opportunity to use it.

Search US patent number 7279327, and you will see Dr. Ralph Baric’s name. In addition, you will notice that the CDC describes the official timeline of the (Asian) SARS outbreak and lists it as BEGINNING on November 16, 2002, with the first case of atypical pneumonia occurring in Guangdong province in southern China.

The CDC does not mention the Ralph Baric patent of April 19, 2002, funded by the NIAID, giving financial property rights to its funders and inventors. Thus, the world remains unaware of US patent number 7279327 that Dr. Martin discovered, a smoking gun, and evidence for a criminal conspiracy.

Like the perpetrator’s DNA being found at the scene of the crime, the existence of a patent on an infectious human coronavirus seven months BEFORE the SARS outbreak is irrefutable evidence.

On April 25, 2003, in the middle of the SARS outbreak in Asia, the CDC quietly filed US patent number 7220852 for what was then known as SARS-CoV in the public domain.  This patent includes up to 99% of the gene sequence for what is now known as SARS-CoV-2.

A curious patent filing by Sequoia Pharmaceuticals followed just three days later, seeking to patent treatment for the as yet, unpublished patent number 7220852. The application requests a US patent, number 7151163, for “Antiviral agents for the treatment, control, and prevention of infections by coronaviruses.”

Dr. Martin points out correctly that there would have had to be inside information for Sequoia to know about the CDC’s filing three days prior as it was not yet published. See Mark 22:25

This Sequoia Pharmaceuticals patent later became subsumed under the proprietary interests of Pfizer, Crucell, and Johnson & Johnson. The NIAID and Sequoia are both headquartered in Maryland. Sequoia was founded in 2002.

Dr. Martin quotes Peter Daszak, President of Eco-Health Alliance. You may recall that Eco-Health Alliance was an intermediary between the NIAID and the Wuhan Institute of Virology in funding gain of function research conducted jointly by Ralph Baric and Zhengli-Li Shi.

Zhengli-Li Shi is known popularly as the “batwoman.”

Peter Daszak was discussing ways to monetize the coronavirus vaccine as early as 2016. On February 12, 2016, Daszak stated,

“We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”

See mark 30:00.

Peter Daszak of Eco-Health, thus, the marketing mastermind, plays an integral role as a liaison between Dr. Fauci and the false narrative of the COVID-19 Pandemic. For example, one can see a photo showing Daszak and Zhengli-Li Shi toasting wine glasses together in an “Emerging Viruses Group” photo published in the Taiwan News on February 04, 2021. In addition, the article highlighted Daszak as a member of the WHO inspection team charged with “investigating the origins of COVID-19.”

He was also a member of the prestigious Lancet’s inspection team and appointed the lead inspector. So I guess it pays to be Anthony Fauci’s friend.

The Lancet was coincidentally the same medical journal that published the fraudulent study that “killed” hydroxychloroquine. So it was pretty convenient for eliminating a competing treatment; however, the study provided fake data to imply HCQ was dangerous and was later retracted in shame. Causing the publishing of phony research speaks to the power and reach of Big Pharma and Big Regulators.  This paper tarnished both Lancet and lead author Mandeep Mehra, but only after HCQ was dealt a death blow.

Peter Daszak personally thanked Dr. Fauci for publicly stating that the origin of COVID-19 was not through a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute and that Dr. Fauci had his back by supporting the story that the outbreak occurred naturally.

On April 18, 2020, Daszak wrote, “I just wanted to say a personal thank you on behalf of our staff and collaborators for publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin for COVID-19 from a bat-to-human spillover, not a lab release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology… From my perspective, your comments are brave, and coming from your trusted voice, will help dispel the myths being spun around the virus’ origins.”

On July 20th, 2021, Dr. Fauci bristled when he was questioned under oath by Senator Rand Paul about his funding of Eco-Health. Eco passed the grant money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where gain of function research was being conducted with Dr. Ralph Baric.

See mark 2:55

Dr. Ralph Baric’s collaboration in gain of function research with China’s Zhengli-Li Shi is well documented, and its description of funding from the NIH and its characterization as gain of function is apparent beyond any debate.

When one observes Dr. Fauci deny the obvious, one is struck by his defiance, involuntary gestures, hand shaking, pursed lips, and double finger-pointing. One must be reminded of the description of a person who gaslights.

See mark 3:00

“Gaslighting is a form of deceit used by habitual or pathological liars. They will often lie to your face and never back down even when confronted with proof of their deception.”

This 2015 paper that was published in Nature Medicine in November of 2015 reflects “GOF research” under the Acknowledgement section. It further reflects funding from the NIAID and Eco-Health. It involves a joint effort between Dr. Ralph Baric and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Dr. Zhengli-Li Shi and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Furthermore, as if to begin the media-hype process, Dr. Baric got the public used to the idea that SARS might re-emerge. On November 10, 2015, Baric published this paper, “New SARS-like virus can jump directly from bats to humans, no treatment available: Findings provide an opportunity to develop drugs and vaccines for coronaviruses before they emerge from animals to cause a human epidemic.”

Baric fails to mention that he and the NIAID own a patent (US patent #7279327) on this “new SARS-like virus” filed thirteen years earlier in April of 2002.

In a January 8, 2015 interview, Dr. Fauci admits that a successful vaccine had already been developed against SARS.

Fauci stated, “SARS essentially disappeared. SARS came, we isolated the virus, we started to make a vaccine, which was successful. It looked pretty good in an animal model.”

Dr. Fauci failed to mention a canine coronavirus Spike protein vaccine had already been invented and patented by Pfizer on January 28, 2000. It was approved as US patent number 6372224.

See mark 6:10

However, with Operation Warp speed, we were led to believe a spike protein coronavirus vaccine was brand new.

On February 11, 2021, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced deals between the United States government and Pfizer and Moderna to purchase the vaccine. To date, more than $10 billion has been committed in payments for the COVID-19 vaccines.

With the soon-to-be-implemented booster shots, Bloomberg estimates the COVID vaccine market will emerge as a $100 billion industry in 2021 alone.

And if the industry gets its wish, there will be no end to the Pandemic. COVID-19 will become an endemic virus with hundreds of variants requiring hundreds of new drugs and new patents and new royalty checks to all the doctors and scientists involved – not the least of whom is Dr. Anthony Fauci.

This is taken from a long document. Read the rest here:

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