GALT: Science’s Best Kept Secret
The suppression of GALT(Geothermal Atmospheric Liquified Thorium) chemical reactors, has been of paramount importance to a few. Globalists recognized GALT was but another threat to the status quo of their secret dominion over humanity as a whole. GALT would not be permitted to go to commercialization until the day Globalists could directly benefit from it.
Steven Aftergood wrote:
“Whenever disclosure of a new invention is deemed to be “detrimental to national security,” a secrecy order may be imposed on the patent application, preventing its public disclosure and blocking issuance of the patent.”
GALT arose out of WWII’s Manhattan Project in the mid-1940s along with Congress’s Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (JCAE) and the President’s Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). Between the 1950s and 1960s, the knowledge of GALT was held back from the American public. It was deemed such a breakthrough in energy development, it would remain temporarily a national security secret to keep the Soviet Union from benefiting from it. In the early 1960s, with the inventor of GALT as President Kennedy’s scientific advisor, thorium and space exploration were being championed as America’s promising future. This all changed with the assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963.
By the end of FY 2018 (September 30, 2018), shadowy government officials, just over the last seven to eight decades, have issued “5,792 secrecy orders. Just in the last year, since 2017, the American public has been again denied the knowledge and possible benefits of an additional 77 patentable advancements, most of which, the American taxpayers funded.”
It took a decade for the Globalists to finally secured enough clout, in both Congress and the Presidency, to order the demolition of JCAE, the AEC and the final solution to GALT. Similar to Nikola Tesla’s wireless electricity, from the early 1900s, GALT would be secretly entombed. All evidence of its existence erased from history. By bait and switch treasonous congressional legislation, thorium fuels were prohibited from further consideration. The American public had been hoodwinked again.
Foreign Globalists would only permit the inferior nuclear fuels under dangerous pressurized light water reactors (PLWR) to compete against their fossil fuel monopolies.
Without access to the GALT technology, the Globalists knew the nuclear industry would eventually self-implode and no longer be a threat to their petroleum monopoly. Nuclear power would be hated and vilified upon the first accident and world’s addiction to oil would resume for at least another century.
Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), in the 1982 Daniel Ford published the book titled, The Cult of the Atom. The book documented the arrogance of the government officials who refused to acknowledge the dangerous flaws of PLWR.
The minions of the Globalists not only refused to listen to the warnings of the nuclear design engineers, they threatened to prosecute and imprison anyone attempting to leak their fears to the American public. The nuclear accidents at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima assured the world’s continued energy addiction to oil. Interestingly enough, GALT was so well hidden from Daniel Ford, the author never even came across the term, Thorium, to reference it in his book.
Thus, one of the greatest energy innovations of the 20th century would be buried behind a time vault. GALT would be re-discovered, twenty-five years later, padlocked behind a metal door, within a former secret government Manhattan Project laboratory overseen by Department of Energy (DOE) since 1975.
Now in 2018, eighteen years after the re-discovery of GALT, by NASA physicist, Kirk Sorenson, we are finally putting the puzzle pieces together. Like a suspenseful mystery novel, we have bribery, sex, blackmail, and betrayal of our great nation. We have even the murder and expulsion of powerful government officials including 20th century Presidents.
Through the centuries, Globalists use their vast wealth to erase their crimes against humanity from antiquity. This is why Globalists use their looted wealth to control the corporate media, the vast publishing industry, and what historians put to paper. This is why President Abraham Lincoln, from the 19th century remarked, “History is not history…until it’s the truth.”
Nikola Tesla, Dr. Jose Rizal and Charles Chiniquy were mighty foes of the Globalists in the 19th century. Bribed historians and publishing firms have been trying to write them out of American and world history ever since.
Fortunately, under President Trump and websites like American Intelligence Media, the American public is waking up to this deception. The American public must continue to explore alternative information resources including long neglected books published prior to the 1960s if they want a more accurate understanding of American and world history concerning wars against the Globalists.
The images to the right are from classified photographs taken at Oak Ridge National Laboratories back in the late 1960s. A GALT chemical reactor had successfully broken the 6,000 continuous hour of operation test. GALT was ready to be commercialized by the early 1970s. Like Tesla technologies, a century earlier, GALT would have ended the world’s addiction to oil and set humanity on a new path of growth and exploration.
Foreign state Globalists realized the only way to successfully eliminate any future threat involving thorium was by stealthily expanding their active war against the American people and the Constitution. In 1963 and 1974 Globalists removed two U.S. Presidents for challenging their authority. Since WWII, Globalists have dictated their minions to expend $25 trillion of America’s resources on wars around the world while transitioning government treasuries from a gold-based currency to a worthless fiat system.
To the detriment of civilization, the Globalists, who stealthily controlled Congress through lobbying dollars, deemed GALT a national security threat. GALT must be suppressed. The nuclear industry had to be imploded with inferior and more expensive processes.
To permit the world’s addiction to the Globalists’ oil monopolies to continue. All this was finalized in a blink of an eye. Unbeknownst to the American public, we had been pummeled back to the petroleum age…all under the pretense of national security!
In 1973, Globalists ordered the firing of GALT’s inventor and the disbanding of hundreds of engineers under him. Globalists would indirectly oversee the dismantlement of the national government laboratory the GALT director had famously led for decades.
To cover up this treason, in 1974, these same foreign Globalists had to proceed with the abolishment of two U.S. government agencies created originally in 1946. These were the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (JCAE) and the Executive Atomic Energy Committee (AEC). The Globalist also had its minions pass 1974 legislation to prohibit any further GALT research. The Congressional minions who directed all this mayhem and sabotage to America’s future greatness were then ordered to resign from Congress by December 31, 1974.
A sanitized DOE arose in early 1975 to cover up the successful sabotage of American energy innovation. More detail is provided at the American Intelligence Media article titled: Thorium Energy Technology can free the world from nuclear poisons today. Why hadn’t America learned of the perfect crime committed against America until now? It is because our corporate controlled media has been the propaganda tool of the Globalists for centuries. The media’s role is for distraction as oppose to illumination.
GALT is but one of among over five thousand tragic stories. As you may be aware, the American Intelligence Media has also published articles concerning GEET and other energy technology threats to the oil cartels owned by the Globalists. The Globalists will only permit non-competitive technologies, such as wind and solar, which must be subsidized by the tax payer. If the “John Doe” inventor of GEET had not purposely lied and grossly “under-estimated” his invention’s energy efficiency, back in the 1980s, it too would have been another victim of the Secrecy Orders.
As it was, the inventor was imprisoned and tortured and eventually died before his time due to his refusal to sell away his patent back to the Globalists. To learn the full details of GEET and other inventor attacks, readers can click to this archive link :
Summary: Based on the GALT history alone I would rewrite the secrecy order to be defined as followings: “Whenever disclosure of a new invention is deemed to be “detrimental to Globalist corporate monopolies and Deep State agendas,” a secrecy order will be imposed on the patent application, preventing its public disclosure and blocking issuance of the patent until such time the inventor has been either bought off, blackmailed, imprisoned or suicided. Globalists will thereafter be permitted to continue the exploitation of their present monopoly until such time the monopoly’s value has been fully depleted. Thereafter, forty to fifty-years hence, Globalists will anoint one of their direct descendants as the inventor of the next monopoly they had previously suppressed from the past as their next wealth generator.
The article, Invention Secrecy Hits Recent High, provided a reference link to an earlier paper published on May 9, 2018, by Arvind Dilawar. It was titled The U.S. Government’s Secret Inventions (see link: In the paper, Dilawar writes invention secrecy in the U.S. dates back to at least the 1930s, but it really took off in the 1940s, when the development of nuclear weapons was shrouded in classification. It became official policy in 1952 with the Invention Secrecy Act.
Tyla, on November 4 you expressed your passion and personal outrage on the topic of patent suppression in the video found at link: . I wanted to take this opportunity to discuss another woman who experienced a similar outrage about Globalists suppressing and sabotaging American technology. She, too, published an article about it which came out eighty-one years ago. The author’s name is Ayn Rand, the author of Atlas Shrugged (1957).
Twenty-one years earlier, after publishing We the Living in 1936, this brilliant female author felt inspired to write Anthem, a novella concerning socialists’ continual attacks on capitalism and technological innovation in their quest to plunge humanity into the next Dark Age. The thirty-two-year old author had to be very careful how she attempted to expose this revelation to the public. The author was disappointed when American editors refused to print her new novel (only twelve chapters in length). Anthem was eventually published in the United Kingdom in 1938.
Between 1938 and December 1945, did Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, director of the Manhattan Project, read the author’s book during his global travels? In late December 1945, this incredibly busy Oppenheimer, suddenly reversed himself and agreed to a movie studio interview about the making of the atomic bomb with one condition. Oppenheimer wanted to be interviewed by the studio’s new screenwriter, Ayn Rand. What revelations found in Anthem, might have led to Oppenheimer wishing to meet the author in January of 1946?
The original twelve-chapter, Anthem, is now freely accessible on the internet at links such as The Rand Society just released an Anthem Graphic Video Series (see image above).
Anthem is a dystopian fiction novella which takes place at an unspecified future date when mankind has entered another Dark Age after a terrible world war. Technological advancement is now carefully planned and the concept of individuality has been eliminated. A young man known as Equality 7-2521 rebels by doing secret scientific research on many lost technologies, including electricity. When his activity is discovered, he flees into the wilderness with the girl he loves. Together they plan to establish a new society based on rediscovered individualism and unrepressed technology.
Joseph A Olson
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“Before it was born, Thorium was killed by the sins of Uranium”
~Ben Buchwalter
Consolidated Edison built three 275 MW Thorium reactors at IndPoint, New York and operated them from 1963 until 1974. Director of the AEC, Admiral Hyman Rickover decided that it was better for “national security” if all nuclear power was by Uranium, with Plutonium byproducts, so electricity rate payers could subsidize the nuke bomb industry. For more on the Uranium insanity see the US government hush money site on the tens of thousands of US servicemen, tens of thousands of downwindees and atomic workers intentional exposed to toxic radiation….
Atomic Veterans (.) info
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Sorry, but this author hasn’t a clue about “currency” or “economies”.
I would refer you to :
A “gold standard” based system of currency is not a good system to begin with. Our current system is not the answer either, but basing a currency off of a precious metal is a horrible way to base a currency and has always failed. Our “fiat” currency is not the problem with our currency system, many other things are, not the least of which are the Federal Reserve (which is neither Federal or a “Reserve”) and particularly “fractional lending”.