Funding For The Climate Scam Soars As ‘Green Transition’ Collapses
In December 2016, Donald Trump had just been elected President. He had been widely accused of calling the climate scare a “hoax”
In a post titled “The Impending Collapse Of The Global Warming Scare,” I went out on a limb predicting that the change of administration could bring about the rapid demise of the climate scare.
The post reported the then-increasing focus of the environmental movement on the climate issue, and ended with this prediction:
The environmental movement has climbed itself way out onto the global warming limb.
Now the Trump administration is about to start sawing off the limb behind them.
Well, that didn’t happen. In the event, the Trump Administration was mostly a disappointment to us climate skeptics. Yes, they did take on a few significant regulatory matters, like rescinding the so-called Clean Power Plan (which forced the closure of fossil-fuel power plants).
But they never tackled the Endangerment Finding (labeling CO2 a “danger” to human health and welfare); nor did they make any meaningful pushback against the activist bureaucracies or scientific societies; nor did they cut funding for the climate alarm movement to any significant degree. [Except here.]
So we have been left to wait for the climate scare and the energy transition to collapse under the weight of the combination of their scientific absurdity, physical impossibility, and crushing costs. It has been a long wait.
But you have likely seen over just the past few months that the supposed green energy transition — widely hyped and massively subsidized for two decades — has suddenly started to crumble on multiple fronts.
We are rapidly approaching the green energy wall. And yet at the same time, the promoters of the climate scare are not backing down. Not in the least.
To the contrary, the New York Times reports just today that the major environmental NGOs are in the process of cutting their funding for their most basic programs, like dealing with toxic chemicals to double down and focus even more on the one big issue — climate change.
More on that in a minute. But first, a small update on the approach of the green energy wall. Here are just a few of the latest data points on the supposed green energy transition not happening due to issues of cost and physical impossibility:
• From the New York Times, November 2:
“Wind Power, Key to Democrats’ Climate-Change Goals, Faces a Crisis.” The article recounts the developers backing out of four big offshore wind projects off New York a couple of months ago, followed by an overlapping group of developers backing out of two big wind projects off the coast of New Jersey just a few days ago (November 1). (See also my post of October 5 as to other cancelations of offshore wind projects off the mid-Atlantic and New England.).
For New York, where offshore wind is supposed to be the magic elixir that will enable us to close all our natural gas plants and at the same time electrify all buildings and cars, we are left with exactly one offshore project currently moving forward, with all of 12 turbines.
Excerpt from the Times piece:
“Instead of gathering momentum as the long-promised benefits of offshore wind farms are about to be realized, the industry is now mired in an existential crisis. An assortment of recent obstacles to projects in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut are almost certain to delay — and possibly derail — Northeastern states’ grand ambitions to harness the winds blowing over the Atlantic Ocean.”
• The darned fossil fuels just won’t go away. From the New York Times today: “Nations That Vowed to Halt Warming Are Expanding Fossil Fuels, Report Finds.” Excerpt:
“In 2030, if current projections hold, the United States will drill for more oil and gas than at any point in its history. Russia and Saudi Arabia plan to do the same. They’re among the world’s fossil fuel giants that, together, are on course this decade to produce twice the amount of fossil fuels than a critical global warming threshold allows, according to a United Nations-backed report issued on Wednesday.”
• Values of stocks of wind and solar developers have been crashing. Jo Nova reports today that the Invesco Solar ETF is down 40 percent year-to-date. She previously produced this chart of the stock price of Siemens Energy, with two dramatic drops in the past few months tied to announcements of losses in the wind energy business:
• The Germany-focused website No Tricks Zone keeps us updated on Germany’s ongoing deindustrialization due to soaring energy costs resulting from going all-in on wind and solar. Today’s post has the headline “Green Economic Collapse: 1/3 Of Germany’s Automotive Suppliers Considering Moving Abroad.”
This brings us to the other New York Times article from today, headline: “Environmental Groups Cut Programs as Funding Shifts to Climate Change.”
Even as everyone can see that this whole green energy thing is just not going to work, the Times reports that the entire environmental movement is doubling down, cutting other programs and focusing their funding on ‘climate change’ to the exclusion of everything else:
A significant shift in donor contributions to nonprofits fighting climate change in recent years has left some of the nation’s biggest environmental organizations facing critical shortfalls in programs on toxic chemicals, radioactive contamination, and wildlife protection.
The Natural Resources Defense Council is shutting down its nuclear mission and has laid off its top lawyer in the field. …
The NRDC is not alone. The Sierra Club, Defenders of Wildlife and the Environmental Working Group, which have been at the forefront of efforts to clean up wastewater, regulate pesticides and adopt tougher standards for atomic power plants, are facing similar financial problems.
All the funders and the activists care about anymore is ‘climate change’:
Meanwhile, global spending to fight climate change by environmental groups and other nonprofits reached $8 billion in 2021, most of it in the United States and Canada, according to a survey released in September by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. …
“Funders that had a nuclear program or a toxics program have left those fields entirely and have gone to climate change,” said Marylia Kelley, senior adviser and former executive director of a citizens oversight group. …
I’d be surprised if the total annual funding of all climate skeptic organizations is as much as $25 million.
Well, alarmists have religious fervor and fanaticism on their side, but we have reality.
See more here climatechangedispatch
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Carbon Bigfoot
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And this despite the facts I found this on NSPE Daily Designs which never posts anything but subjects that promote the Narrative. The topics are never vetted, nor are opposing viewpoints posted. As a Professional Engineer I find this appalling. But when you realize the money dished out to engineering firms under the guise of sound science you shake your head.
I have been fighting this fight since 1992 and I hope the Contrarian is right.
Carbon Bigfoot
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Who are these CLOWNS:
Herb do you know??
Tom Andersono
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I fully agree with this analysis but find the so-called skeptical opposition pitifully unequal to “pushing back” the narrative. A close look at the dominant “skeptical” sites reveals disorganized, half-informed and often complacent reactions to alarmist doctrine (often taken as acceptable “givens”). These “opponents” are rightly termed “lukewarmers.” Except for a handful of focused hard scientists, mostly physicists, there is no organized, concerted, clear-headed assault on the underlying fictional vacuity of the alarmist narrative.
Stop talking “greenhouses.” The “greenhouse” and its appurtenances are and have always been entirely imaginary. It is a waste of time to discuss this time-waster and its supposed side effects, and pretend this is honestly trying to bring reality to the debate. It is a medieval dwelling on the imaginary. “Skeptics” and and have been tilting at windmills – forget them, bury them.
A reasonable place to regroup and resist is at the foundations as usual: the physics offered for the idea which are bad, or absent. The fraud was exposed in 2009 by physicists Gerhard Gerlich and Ralph Tscheuschner in their 115—page deconstruction. In 2011, Gerhard Kramm and Ralf Dlugi pulled the concealing rug out further after two anonymous party hacks vilified Gerilch & Tschneuschner but did not refute the analysis. Schreuder, Hertzberg, and others have clipped plenty of other feathers as well.
Basic physics? CO2 is an infrared radiation active substance that radiates in a spectral absorption-emission band that is predominantly (over 99%) at minus 80 Celsius degrees, radiating in its dry-ice phase. Studies also identify it otherwise as “overall a coolant.” Try and find an observation or experiment that shows it warming! Read the physics, understand it, promote it.
Allan Shelton
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Right on Tom ?
Kevin Doyle
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Precisely, Tom!
Actual physics and thermodynamics make the ‘CO2 Greenhouse Gas Theory’ completely absurd.
This is why it has never been demonstrated in a laboratory.
If it had been demonstrated, then we would have heard about this novel discovery on every newspaper front page in the world…