FULL REPORT: The COVID19 Plan To Control The World
This is not just an article, but a unique in depth overview of the globalist’s strategy to use Covid-19 as an excuse to create global tyranny.
You will see how they suppress every effective cure for Covid-19, so they can enforce a very dangerous vaccine onto all of humanity.
This vaccine will contain nanotechnology that connects us to artificial intelligence and start the process of transhumanism, making us hybrids that lose the ability to think freely. If you think that’s insane, you’re right. It is pure madness, but it’s nevertheless the hidden agenda behind the vaccine for Covid-19.
Nothing is about your well-being, but everything is about creating a world of control. Read the entire report to see the facts for yourself.Â
You will also see abundant evidence that the pandemic has been planned for decades and how everything is orchestrated with mass fraud, global bribery, unprecedented censorship and extreme corruption in media, and governments.
Don’t read this if your time is limited. Choose a shorter topic here if you are in a hurry. If you want to get the full scope of what is happening in our world, and see all the evidence, then proceed.
Cures for Covid-19 are Forbidden
While humanity is facing the worst nightmare in her entire existence, suddenly a sound of deliverance resounds: there is healing for Covid-19! Thousands upon thousands of patients recovered from this horrible virus in a matter of days, without any side effects, without hospitalization and virtually without any deaths. This incredibly powerful cure is an age old anti-viral medicine that has been used worldwide for more than 60 years: hydroxychloroquine.
‘This is the end of the pandemic’ exclaimed one of the world’s most renown scientists, professor Didier Raoult from France.
Professor Raoult is the global expert on infectious diseases and personally treated more than four thousand covid patients with this safe, cheap and amazingly effective drug combo: hydroxychloroquone combined with azitromycine. Virtually all of his patients healed in a short period of time. (1)Â
In his footsteps followed medical doctors like Dr. Zelenko from New York (2) who healed over a thousand Covid-19 patients, and Dr. Stella Immanuel from Texas who saw 350 patients recover (78) without a single death. All over the world tens of thousands of covid patients recovered rapidly, thanks to this amazing treatment.
Several scientific studies confirmed how powerful HCQ is in defeating the coronavirus, especially in combination with zinc and azithromycine. (3)
Study from 2005 proved
anti-viral effect of HCQ on SARS-CoV
The strong anti-viral effect of chloroquine on SARS-CoV had already been proven by an extensive scientific study by the NIH (which is directed by Dr. Anthony Fauci) in 2005. The conclusion of this study was:
‘Chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture.’Â (79)

Professor Raoult, Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Emmanuel and many other medical doctors around the world saw thousands of covid patients recover in days, after being treated with HCQ + ZINC + AZ.
Hiding the Cure from Humanity
This should indeed have been the end of the pandemic, right there and then. So why is the world still suffering from this health crisis? Because something insane happened, which may be too absurd to believe… yet it’s the sad reality we must be aware of. After the tremendous success of this powerful anti-viral drug combo, several so called ‘health’ organisations’ or ‘medical’ institutions around the world did someting nobody could have imagined, in even their wildest imaginations:
they conducted studies to prove to the world that this safe drug is no good and is in fact dangerous. They did everything in their ability to hide the cure for Covid-19 from humanity.
Fraudulent Studies Disqualify
a Safe Drug for Covid-19
One such fraudulant study was released by one fo the world’s most renown scientific institutions: ‘The Lancet’ from the United Kingdom. They published a paper that supposedly ‘proved’ how ineffective and actually harmful HCQ is. Result? The whole world started to reject this cure.
Shortly after the release of this study, several scientists exposed this report as a shameful scam. It was full of false data and had no scientific validity at all.
Mass Murder by the World Health Organization
Another trial was done by the World Health Organization who tested HCQ on 3,500 patients in 400 hospitals worldwide. To everybodies horror as many as one third of all the patients… died!
As a result hydroxychloroquine was banned across the world.Â
One intelligent medical expert, Dr. Meryl Nass thought to herself:
‘How strange… in the hands of real medical practioners HCQ heals tens of thousands of patients, with virtually no deaths, and in the hands of the WHO it kills a thousand people…’
She took a good look at this study and discovered something horrendeous: the World Health Organization gave their patients absurd, lethal doses of HCQ. Dr. Nass revealed: (4)
The WHO tests use excessive, dangerous HCQ doses. These tests are not testing the benefits of HCQ on Covid-19, but rather testing whether patients survive toxic, non-therapeutic doses.

‘WHO and other organisations have conspired to administer excessive doses of HCQ in order to increase the number of deaths. By doing this they rob billions of people of a safe and cheap medicine.’
America’s Frontline Doctors Censored
AÂ group of physicians called ‘America’s Frontline Doctors’ gave a national press conference, in which they openly declared:
‘The media have been lying to you about Covid-19. We are here to tell you there are effective and safe treatments. Nobody needs to die. Nobody needs to go to hospital. Most people who are treated with HCQ+zinc recover quickly. There is a cure, hydroxychloroquine works!’
The video of their press conference was viewed over 20 million times in one day… and was then removed by Facebook and YouTube. Their entire website was even taken down from the internet!
Massive censorship was applied to Americas Frontline Doctors, who told the world about safe and effective treatments for Covid-19. (5B)Â
‘Stop healing these people, or else…’
In the Netherlands the family practitioner Dr. Rob Elens was treating his own dying patients with HCQ+zinc. They recovered in a matter of days. (6)
The government stepped in and commanded him to stop healing his patients with HCQ, or his license would be removed. Dr. Elens had to let his patients die…
He made several videos in which he informed the people about what was going on… but they were removed right away. In one video he gave scientific information about several effective treatments for Covid-19. In less than a day YouTube got rid of it.
2,500+ experts sound the alarm
The silencing of this physician however came too late. Hundreds of thousands of people had seen his messages and a storm of awakening was raging through their minds. More than 2,500 medical experts and over 18,000 other people sent a letter to the government, expressing their deep concern about the suppression of a safe, cheap and effective treatments for Covid-19. (7)Â
‘The current shaming, blaming and censorship of doctors who oppose government policy – which is to reject alternatives to a vaccine route – is extremely concerning.’
More doctors are silenced
In California two medical practitioners, Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, examined over six thousand people and revealed their findings during a press briefing, that was viewed 5 million times. (17) YouTube removed their video… and removed it again, and again, and again, and kept removing it as hundreds of people kept uploading it on different YouTube accounts.
Top scientist is silenced
The world renown epidemiologist Dr. Knut Wittkowski studied the lockdowns and revealed how they did nothing to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This internationally respected scientist shared his findings in a video, and was censored immediately. (7A)
Medical blog is removed
Dr. David Brownstein from Michigan succesfully treated over 120 corona patients using intravenous vitamin C, nebulized hydrogen peroxide, along with oral administration of vitamins A and D. (7B)
We’ve treated over a hundred patients and they’re all better. No one has been hospitalised or ventilated. We had a 100% success rate with this. We treated patients who were very old and very sick and we thought they were dying. But these patients are getting better with these therapies.

Dr. Brownstein healed 120 corona patients. He was rebuked by the FTC and his entire medical blog was removed.
Free speech is gone
During this pandemic something very dangerous is happening: suddenly free speech has vanished from planet earth. Only the narrative that is pushed by the big media is allowed. It’s what the Nazis used to do. It’s what happens in communist China. It’s what Russia was known for. But it’s not what the free world is used to….
Keep reading to see why they do this, so you can protect your life…Â
‘If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.’
500 corona patients healed
A respected medical doctor from Texas, Dr. Richard Bartlett, successfully treated over 500 Covid-19 patients with a 100% succes rate, using an well known asthma medicine Budesonide. This is also used in Taiwan, Japan and Iceland, where only a handful of people have died from Covid-19, in populations of tens of millions of people!
In an interview with ‘America can we talk’ (7E) he shares how a lady who was already suffering from two cancers and whose body was weak from the chemo therapies, got Covid-19 on top of that. She was dying…
He treated her with Budesonide and a few days later she worked eight hour shifts again.
This effective medicine is however completely ignored by ‘health organizations’, governments and the media and is even denounced.
Why did the WHO murder a thousand patients so they could ban an effective medicine for Covid-19? Why are medical doctors around the world being censored?
Vaccines are Pushed as ‘the Only Answer’
The answer can be heard loud and clear throughout the media all over the world: humanity must be vaccinated against Covid-19. Governments are announcing a mandate to force every single person to accept this rushed vaccine, that has been hastily developed without proper safety testing.
The main voice calling for this, is the worlds leading vaccine dealer, Bill Gates. He became a billionare through his company Microsoft, but increased his fortune to over one hundred billion dollars by dealing vaccines. He said:
‘Investing in the vaccine industry is the best business investment I have ever made’. (29)
Right before the outbreak of the pandemic Gates tweeted:
‘I am particularly excited about what the coming year could mean for one of the best buys in global health: vaccines.’

A Whole New Level of Global Control

Bill Gates now wants to make sure the entire world population will buy his vaccines, by calling for a control system that will blackmail humanity.
According to this vaccine dealer only people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 should be allowed to travel, go to school, attend meetings and work. (32)
Digital vaccine ID’s are already being developed (34) and Gates has a patent on the technology that makes it possible to trace an individual’s body anywhere. This technology is called WO2020-060606 (33). In addition, Gates wants to set up a global monitoring network, which will track everyone who came into contact with Covid-19 (34B).
Read the full document (with links) at www.stopworldcontrol.com
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.Â
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I find it difficult to believe that the vaccines will contain nanotechnology.
Tom O
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Why is that difficult to believe? I find it difficult to believe that it won’t.
Finn McCool
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Vaccines use nanotechnology in the form of nanoparticles.
Whilst it’s entirely possible to fit a few thousand transistors on a chip which would fit into a cell, you are left with other more serious problems.
Data storage
Data communication
Quantum effects
You can make smart matchboxes but you can’t make smart dust. Yet 🙂
I’m more worried about existing technology which will turn people into data pits.
The powers that be already know how much money you have, where you spend it, what you spend it on, where you are, where you have been, who you have been in contact with, who your friends are, what your genome is, what your pet’s name is etc. etc. That is frightening enough.
Phil Inman
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I’m not convinced either way as far as nano contaminated injections and trans humanism control mechanisms. Coming? If/When they can! I’m reading about designed bits of purposed genetic material that are apparently injected as contaminant in vaccines. But are in fact not lab production remnants, and certainly not for healing, but for permanently and irreversibly altering our genes. Incapacitating our children forever. Targeted to vulnerabilities that facilitate control. Use your imagination, I’m sure the bad guys have. Maybe they are exploiting one or two vulnerabilities that combined with threat, fear and intimidation will help them secure the compliance of the masses. Isn’t that what it has been about for a hundred years? A knowledgeable and determined population is the one force that can destroy them.
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Agenda 21 control of everything from land to animals to humans. Research it!
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The current push is to keep propagandizing ‘cases’ as defined after a positive PCR test.
As pointed out here https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/infectious-positive-pcr-test-result-covid-19/ unless the PCR tests are calibrated against other tests their results are not very useful.