Frequency Part 1: Introduction, Music Therapy and Specific Frequency Benefits

This is the first in a series of lectures on frequencies, their physiological and psychological effects. First the series will discuss sound, then light, and finally electromagnetic frequencies. The video below is an introduction to the topic and then will discuss Music therapy as a beneficial practice. Finally the video will finish up this lecture starting to discuss specific frequencies and their beneficial effects specifically 40 Hz.

This first lecture is going to look at beneficial effects such as music therapy and the medical literature surrounding its effects, both physically and psychologically. It is also well known that throughout history there are benefits to exposure to music and that the people operating the levers of powers have known for an extended period of time that they need to control the art. Not just the visual representation but music itself, in order to control the minds of the population.

The video spends the first portion of the video explaining the different types of wavelengths and frequencies in order to build the foundation for the remainder of the lecture.

Source: Bitchute

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