French rebels massively destroy 5G networks
Rebels in France have declared war on the infrastructure of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
An ever-expanding resistance movement has been sabotaging the widely-hated 5G network.
Says a three-part report on the Reporterre website: “Relay antennae are being torched, fibre-optic cables cut, pylons unbolted. During the night, people burn construction machinery, attack masts with disc cutters or destroy electrical equipment with sledgehammers”.
Vehicles belonging to telecommunications businesses have also been set on fire in at least 140 attacks since the start of the Covid repression, with the cost to the industry running into tens of millions of euros.
Says the report:
“This is a movement which is advancing underground, out of the spotlight, a deep revolt spreading across France”.
Pascaline, a resistance fighter interviewed by Reporterre, says she has been forced into action by a sense of urgency: “We are living in a crossroads period. If we do nothing now, this industry will have permanently taken hold”.
Pascaline says her fellow saboteurs have a wide range of backgrounds, with Gilets Jaunes and anarchists fighting alongside Christians who are equally opposed to the fascistic New Normal grid being built with 5G.
With protests against the Great Reset ignored, smeared and repressed by the French state, dissidents have been forced to express themselves more directly.
Texts have been circulating calling for the creation of a new movement of “concrete, and not just symbolic, resistance”.
Resistance fighter Léon told Reporterre: “We have been pushed towards sabotage by very practical reasons. Since the Gilets Jaunes, the state has tightened the screws and it is harder and harder to push back against power on the streets”.
Given the Covid restrictions, it was also impossible to build a mass mobilisation against 5G, he said, even though the majority of the population are opposed.
As the report notes, the sabotage movement amounts to “a refusal to live in a hyperconnected society” and “full-on resistance to the digitalisation of the world”.
Another saboteur, Margot, says that a web-like prison of cables and masts is being constructed.
“We are told about all the joys of a digital society which in reality only worsens exploitation, surveillance and environmental disaster”.
The telecommunications business is, of course, alarmed by the biggest wave of sabotage in France since the massive struggle against GM crops 20 years ago.
Orange boss Stéphane Richard has even spoken of the need to avoid “an Afghanistan of mobile phone networks, where we will have to fight mast by mast, community by community, to try and install 5G”.
As the saboteurs point out, masts are the nerve centres for the economic flow of the new technocapitalism. Rebel websites talk variously of “umbilical cords” and “Achilles’ heels”.
The revolution is never televised and the mainstream media have been largely avoiding any mention of what is happening, for fear that it will spread even further.
When the saboteurs’ existence is recognised, they are depicted as cranks and “conspiracy theorists”.
Notes Léon:
“Conspiracy theory has always been a rhetorical tool to delegitimise a movement. We saw that with the Gilet Jaunes. After they have played the homophobia, anti-semitism and racism cards, conspiracy theory has become the new catchword of power.
The authorities are trying pass the saboteurs off as lone wolves, as isolated individuals. In fact we are part of a collective initiative across France and Europe”.
Needless to say, the panicked system is also ramping up its traditional rhetoric of repression, using the term “terrorist” to smear all resistance to its technofascist coup.
But can it really do anything to stop what has now become a powerful wave of revolt?
Pascaline explains: “We are targeting this infrastructure because it belongs to the digital industry but also because it is vulnerable.
“There are tens of thousands of masts in the country within an ever-denser network and the authorities are struggling to monitor them”.
Admits Vincent Cuvillier, boss of Ofitem (the body representing the operators of mobile phone infrastructure in France): “It isn’t realistic today to say that we are going to install 66,000 video-surveillance cameras on all the masts. And let’s be clear: anyone who wants to enter and destroy an isolated site could do so”.
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Without my knowledge or consent Telstra, Australia’s largest telco, converted my home modem into a WiFi hot-spot on the Telstra-Air and Fon networks.
It was pumping out a 5G signal so strong it interfered with my home reception on 2.4 GHz.
Telstra grudgingly removed the hot-spot when I complained but never gave me an explanation or an apology. Coincidentally or not, my wife was recovering from cancer at the time, had a relapse and died.
Howard T. Lewis III
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VIVA la France!
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Glad to see it ..the wooses in Australia and New Zealand seem content with their governments ruining their lives (particularly NZ). They are just laying down and taking it up the arse in the Main…sure there are a few thousands objecting but so “patchy” and really in pretty controlled situations …perhaps they are not “desperate” yet and do not see the signs….so many queuing up for the jab I cannot believe it ..sheep are far more intelligent
Michael Castleblack
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I am truly shocked at the state of affairs Down Under! Correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that the Aussies and the New Zealanders do not have guns. That is why they cannot effectively control their authoritarian governments! Here in the USA we have millions of private handguns and rifles, and the U.S. Constitution clearly gives us the right to own and the responsibility to use them to defend our neighbors against the tyranny of government. We have millions of combat veterans in the USA who swore an oath to defend that Constitution and/or fought and bled for our rights under that document; Vietnam, Cold War, 1st Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan. I am one. We are not Russian serfs of the 1920s.
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Vive La France!
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Electricity pylons are very easy to damage and they will cause everyone to get out on the streets.
Len Winokur
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The more 5G infracture that’s trashed the better, In whatever locality.