Free book: ‘The Mathematics of Physical Reality’
The main subject of this book is a purely mathematical model of physical reality. The book acts as a
survey of the Hilbert Book Model Project. The project concerns a well-founded, purely mathematical model of physical reality.
The project relies on the conviction that physical reality owns its own kind of mathematics and that this mathematics guides and restricts the extension of the foundation to more complicated levels of the structure and the behavior of physical reality.
This results in a model that more and more resembles the physical reality that humans can observe. The book treats several subjects that are directly related to the main subject. The book introduces new physics and new mathematics.
“Reviewers are always biased, and they are never omniscient. The peer review process is expensive and often poses barriers to the renewal of science.” – Hans van Leunen
1 The initiator of the project
The Hilbert Book Model Project is an ongoing project. Hans van Leunen is the initiator of this project. The initiator was born in the Netherlands in 1941. He will not live forever. This project will contain his scientific inheritance.
The project is introduced in a Wikiversity project [1]. In the opinion of the initiator, a Wikiversity project is a perfect way of introducing new science. It especially serves the needs of independent or retired scientific authors.
The initiator maintains a ResearchGate project that considers the Hilbert Book Model Project. The ResearchGate site supports a flexible way of discussing scientific subjects [2] [3].
The initiator has generated some documents that contain highlights as excerpts of the project, and he stored these papers on his personal e-print archive [4].
The private website contains most documents both in pdf as well as in docx format [5]. None of these documents claims copyright. Everybody is free to use the content of
these papers.
“Theoretical physics still contains unresolved subjects. These deficiencies of the theory are caused by the way that physics was developed and by the attitude of the physicists that designed the current theory. Scientists take great care to secure the trustworthiness of their work, which ends in the publication of the results. They take measures to prevent that their publications get intermingled with badly prepared publications or even worse, with descriptions of fantasies. For that reason, they invented the scientific method [7].”
Read more and download the free book at
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