Free Beer, Donuts, Cash and More if You Get the Jab!

If the pandemic and ‘deadly virus’ was so bad then surely no government would need to resort to bribery to get us to take those experimental vaccine shots. But across America government and businesses are coordinating incentives such as free beer, donuts and money to entice the gullible to risk their lives.

As weekly deaths/injuries from COV19 ‘vaccines’ keeps rising, even scholarships and marijuana are now being put on offer as freebies in a bid to get the stupid vaccinated as soon as possible. According to

“Do you like free stuff? We already know the answer to that. And boy, do we have good news for you: Not only will your COVID-19 vaccine help protect you from the virus, but it can get you so much free stuff. Companies, organizations and state and local governments are offering incentives to people getting their coronavirus vaccines — just show your vaccine card.

These incentives are especially helpful in urging more people to get both doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. As of this week, 64% of US adults have received at least one vaccine dose, but recent data has shown that some people are skipping the second shot.”

A vaccine that is so good that they have to threaten care workers with losing their job if they refuse to have it, the article goes on to tell the terminally stupid:

“Aside from brands offering incentives, some employers are also offering a perk, whether it’s paid time off or a cash bonus. If you aren’t sure whether there’s a perk, ask your employer — you might be pleasantly surprised.”

But what and other shills to Big Pharma and the mass de-population movement aren’t telling you is that these jabs are not bona fide and approved vaccines, they are experimental gene therapy with a high risk of side effects, according to VAERS numbers and independent medical analysts.

Principia Scientific International (PSI) researchers, including Albert Benavides are making a name for themselves exposing the monumental fraud and consider that this is nothing short of genocide – crimes against humanity on a global scale in the name of reducing global population as per UN’s Agenda 21.

Albert Benavides told PSI:

“We should have stopped giving these experimental vaccines in January if we knew we had 2000k+ deaths per 36 million jabs by January 31, 2021. What has been done in the name of science is unforgivable.”

Albert knows what he is talking about. He has over 25 years working as a professional systems data analyst, auditor and manager. Board certified with the American Academy of Professional Coders and CPCMedical Insurance Coding Specialist/Coder (CPC), he is gaining prominence as a respected VAERS data analyst exposing COVID19 vaccines adverse reactions in the official Adverse Events Reporting System.

Below we name and shame the companies that have teamed up with the discredited CDC to shamelessly dupe the stupidest into getting the deadly shots:


Support to help you get your vaccine

Bright Horizons

Free child care for 10 million workers at participating organizations to get vaccinated and recuperate — call 833-545-1081 or visit the Bright Horizons website for details


Free child care to help parents and caregivers both get vaccinated and recuperate — call (866) 337-3105 or visit the KinderCare  website for details

Learning Care Group

Free child care to help parents and caregivers both get vaccinated and recuperate — call (833) 459-3557 or visit the Learning Care  website for details


Free child care for parents and caregivers during vaccination appointments — contact your local YMCA  to confirm availability


Free rides to vaccination sites


Free rides to vaccination sites

Rewards after you get your vaccine


10% off your purchase after you get vaccinated at one of their locations


10% off your purchase after you get vaccinated at one of their locations


Will boost the profile of users who show their vaccination status on the app


Premium content to users who show their vaccination status on the app


10% off your purchase after you get vaccinated at one of their locations


Will boost the profile of users who show their vaccination status on the app


Sweepstakes to win free cruises, tickets to Super Bowl LVI, and cash prizes


$2 million in gift cards to community health centers to incentivize vaccinations

Drop Technologies

$50 in points to the first 10,000 people who post an Instagram selfie of your vaccine sticker or getting your shot and #DropCOVID


10% off your purchase after you get vaccinated at one of their locations


Premium content to users who show their vaccination status on the app


10% off your purchase after you get vaccinated at one of their locations

Krispy Kreme

A free donut to customers who show their vaccination card to prove they are fully vaccinated


Sweepstakes to win $1 million and free groceries for a year

Major League Baseball (MLB)

Free tickets in June

Major League Soccer (MLS)

30% discount for in-stadium merchandise purchases and a sweepstakes to win a trip to the 2021 All-Star Game


Premium content to users who show their vaccination status on the app


Thousands of Xboxes to Boys and Girls Clubs in hard-hit areas to help promote the importance of vaccinations


A sweepstakes including 2022 DAYTONA 500 tickets

National Football League (NFL)

25% discount on merchandise and a drawing for a chance to win 50 tickets to Super Bowl LVI


10% off your purchase after you get vaccinated at one of their locations


10% off your purchase after you get vaccinated at one of their locations


10% off your purchase after you get vaccinated at one of their locations


10% off your purchase after you get vaccinated at one of their locations


Sweepstakes to win tickets to Independent Music Venues

Star Market

10% off your purchase after you get vaccinated at one of their locations


$5 off your purchase after getting vaccinated in a CVS based in a Target store


Premium content to users who show their vaccination status on the app

Tom Thumb

10% off your purchase after you get vaccinated at one of their locations

United Airlines

“Your Shot to Fly” Sweepstakes for Mileage Plus members to win a year of free flights or a roundtrip for two in any class of service

United Supermarkets

10% off your purchase after you get vaccinated at one of their locations

Vitamin Shoppe

A free healthy snack or beverage


10% off your purchase after you get vaccinated at one of their locations

Employees of these companies are also eligible for additional vaccination support


Four hours of paid time off to get vaccinated


Paid time off and onsite vaccination clinics


Four hours of paid time off to get vaccinated and a raffle drawing where five employees can win $500


$100 to associates


Four hours of paid time off to get vaccinated


Paid time off to get vaccinated


$80 to front-line employees

American Airlines

An extra vacation day and $50 of points in the company’s recognition platform


Two hours of paid time off to get vaccinated


Credit toward medical premiums


Paid time off to get vaccinated


Paid time off to get vaccinated

Ardent Mills

Paid time off to get vaccinated


Paid time off to get vaccinated



Bank of America

Paid time off to get vaccinated

Best Buy

Paid time off to get vaccinated

Bolthouse Farms


BRIA Health Services





Four hours of paid time off to get vaccinated


Six hours of paid time off to get vaccinated


Paid time off to get vaccinated


Paid time off to get vaccinated

Darden Restaurants

Four hours of pay to get vaccinated and 85 sweepstakes drawings for cash prizes totaling $500,000


Paid time off to get vaccinated


Paid time off to get vaccinated and financial incentives


Four hours of paid time off to get vaccinated

Dollar General

Four hours of paid time off to get vaccinated

General Mills

Paid time off to get vaccinated

Houston Methodist



Paid time off to get vaccinated


$25 to its workers — known as “shoppers”


Paid time off to get vaccinated

JBS USA and Pilgrim’s


JPMorgan Chase

Eight hours of paid time off to get vaccinated

Krispy Kreme

Four hours of paid time off to get vaccinated




Four hours of paid time off to get vaccinated and onsite vaccination clinics in select locations


Paid time off to get vaccinated




Four hours of paid time off to get vaccinated

Martin Marietta

Paid time off to get vaccinated


Paid time off to get vaccinated


Four hours of paid time off to get vaccinated


$100, eight hours of paid time off to get vaccinated, and onsite vaccination clinics in select locations


Up to four days of paid time off to get vaccinated and on-site vaccination clinic at their headquarters

Minuteman Press

Paid time off to get vaccinated


Paid time off to get vaccinated

Petco Health and Wellness Company


Pitney Bowes

Paid time off to get vaccinated


$125 gift cards


Up to eight hours of paid time off to get vaccinated


Paid time off and $50 to its workers — known as “shoppers”


Paid time off to get vaccinated

State Street

Paid time off to get vaccinated


Paid time off to get vaccinated


Four hours of paid time off to get vaccinated

Tractor Supply Co

$50 and as much time as needed to get the COVID vaccine

Trader Joe’s

Four hours of paid time off to get vaccinated

Tyson Foods

Four hours of paid time off to get vaccinated

United Airlines

13 hours of paid time off to get vaccinated

United Health Group

Paid time off to get vaccinated


Paid time off to get vaccinated and onsite vaccination clinics in select locations


$75 and up to four days of paid time off to get vaccinated

Wells Fargo

Paid time off to get vaccinated

*This list is for informational purposes only and should not be inferred as an endorsement by CDC/HHS of the products, services or companies listed. CDC/HHS has posted the information provided to us voluntarily by third parties or public sources and does not guarantee the availability or value of the incentives listed.

The full list of co-conspirators in the mass genocide of the American people can be viewed at:

About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

Please Donate Below To Support Our Ongoing Work To Defend The Scientific Method

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 



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Comments (9)

  • Avatar



    It is truly saddening just how far humanity has fallen. Words can’t describe how I feel. I don’t blame the victims, and i do not believe ‘stupid’ is fair as a description. People ‘lose their way’ all the time.


    • Avatar



      I completely agree with you, Howdy. It is a tragic loss of value for the human life.


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      Tom O


      You know, I will agree that people will lose their way, but “stupid” people refuse to learn. I used to say ignorant or uneducated, but not any more. Stupid is the correct term when you are shown the truth and still push your child, friend, or family member to do what you did so you can feel safer. Being fooled is one thing, but stubbornly refusing to learn is “stupid.”


      • Avatar

        Herb Rose


        Hi Tom,
        Being ignorant is not knowing something and is true for everyone, but is a fixable condition. Being stupid is not being able or refusing to think about what you learn and is a permanent condition. Being a fool is believing that you know everything and everything you know is right. It generally invokes broadcasting your beliefs loudly and often believing volume and repetition make them true.The world today seems populated with the stupid and the fools.


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    Joseph Olson


    Houston Methodist Hospital had near zero uptake for WuFlu JAB in January 2021, so started the $500 bonus (taxpayer funded) program. Still below 50% they then FORCED JABS as requirement for employment. The director and his wife are big pharma puppets.


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    judy Ryan


    Stupidity is positively correlated with arrogance. They boast and bluster in their loud voices When you ask them to provide evidence to support their statement they say they listen to the experts


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    If big pharma could ever be trusted, they would not need to bribe the population to take their poisons. Lemme know when they offer $25 million guaranteed to myself or my heirs and I will think about getting the injection…the price will only go up from there. But pharma can afford it with the $100’s of billions in profits they are making while thinning out the world’s populations.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi John O’Sullivan and Tom and hopefully PSI Readers,

    I have to ask: Why has no one linked John O’s article about stupidity back to ( page 6 now??? However, this article was posted only a week and one day ago. Are you more forgetful than me because I did not forget this previous article which is certainly related to this article of John O’.

    Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD began her article: “One of Albert Einstein’s many aphorisms, “three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed,” is particularly apt in the Covid era.”

    Tom (I assume Tom is always the same Tom) you even made a comment about Marilyn’s article and some editor of PSI had to have posted Marilyn’s comment. Comments can be a conversation and should be a conversation because we learn from each other.

    For Galileo is said to have stated (translated by someone): “I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn’t learn something from him.”

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Leonard Winokur


    Anyone who eats donuts (doughnuts in the UK) which contain sugar (digests to glucose which spikes blood glucose and to fructose, a liver toxin), or who ingests alcohol (which, like glucose and fructose are substances for which the human body has NO nutritional requirement but is toxic), is already risking their health without any ‘help’ from the offer of, or an actual’ SARS-CoV-2 ‘vaccine’.


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