Four Society “types” To Be Aware Of

Navigating society requires a good knowledge of the “type” of person you are dealing with.

I wasn’t going to post this because it is way out of my subject matter but then my friend, Doug Brodie’s latest missive hit my inbox so I thought I would do all the same.

Take this with a massive pinch of salt! This is nothing but a personal musing. How you take it reflects as much on you as it does me! I’m not saying I’m right, or even near the mark.

I’m not a psychologist but… this is how I see people in the last couple of years:

  1. Lambs. The majority – the wage slaves and those who don’t pay taxes but feel entitled to their vote. Think they live in a free democracy. Like their parents (sheep), they do as they are told, blindly trusting authority, doing things that make no sense but because they are told it’s the right thing to do. They live a reasonable life (because they don’t think too much about how things could be better or anything for that matter). As lazy as they are ignorant. Referred to as the “useless eaters” by the Elite. Eventually they are slaughtered, victims of the system.
  2. Dunning Krugers1. The Piers Morgans, Dom Jolys and Jeremy Vines. Also trust authority but think they know stuff. Unfortunately, the stuff they know is typically handed down to them by trusted authority (government agencies, state TV, the “education” system). More dangerous than lambs because they actively support the system and get in the way of the aliens’ good work. They are the henchmen of the Elite but are despised by them as much as the Lambs. As arrogant as they are ignorant.
  3. Aliens. The Doug Brodies of the world. Don’t feel like they belong. Always searching for the truth, honed skills in critical thinking, not necessarily academic, in fact quite often not. Take personal risk and put an awful lot of effort into being “right” but not for obvious personal gain. Often rebellious. Ironically, often accused of the Dunning Kruger effect by the Dunning Krugers!
  4. Elites. You know who these are! The ones at the top who control everything but rarely the smartest ones and certainly not the most intelligent. Particularly adept at exploiting the Lambs and the Dunning Krugers. Haven’t really got a clue how to deal with the Aliens so they just try to intimidate and censor them into silence.

Any real psychologists out there care to chip in, please do?!

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Comments (16)

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    Well, that proves it! .. just as I have told my wife a thousands times (and she agrees)…
    I’M AN ALIEN !!!


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    Robert Beatty


    It is not the society types that is the problem, but our system of ‘democracy’. We have a Top Down system which allows those at the top to virtually do whatever they like. To change this we have to develop a Bottom Up political system. In this model the spenders are always in close contact with the payers. So no out of control government. And where do we find such a system of leadership – try Switzerland where they have a form of direct democracy.
    The current mid term election debacle (and previous 2020 POTUS election) in the US are a good examples of how democracy can become irrelevant over time when nurtured under a Top Down system of government.


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      John Bakkila


      Your statement makes no sense in that America is not a ‘democracy’ and it never was. You and, seemingly the rest of the population of America, and indeed the world, should learn and understand American history. It’s freely available so there is no excuse.


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        Hi John Bakkila.

        Robert Beattie is an Australian citizen voicing on a British based blog. He is well informed on an array of issues and clearly would like to see the evolution of democracy rather than voting in a changed set of tyrants every few years.
        I fully endorse his wishes for democratic evolution and adoption.
        You will note Mr Beatty’s name is in red. If you tap on his name you may learn something.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Robert and PSI Editors,
      Robert, sSeveral times you you have written this at PSI about the Swiss government but you never (to my knowledge) write the about the fact that the SWISS government sat on the sidelines as a World War was going on around them. Some people are all TALK and no ACTION. One needs to stand up against the evil actions of one’s neighbors. There is no doubt that Russia invaded the Ukraine and has destroyed some of its valuable infrastructures. The leaders of the Russian government need to be taken out with minimum damage to ordinary citizens which have no power relative to the power of the evil leaders.

      PSI Editors, I am reasonably certain that some of my comments are not being posted even 24 hours after I have submitted them. This is censorship. And you seem to claim ignorance because you do not how to correct the problem that most, not all, the time my comments the comments I submit are “awaiting moderation”

      mod·er·a·tion | ˌmädəˈrāSH(ə)n |
      1 the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behavior or political opinions. (New Oxford American Dictionary)

      So I have no idea that this comment will ever be posted When composed my comment there were only two comments, now when I come here to submit it, there are 2 more and I have no idea how many more there will be before this comment is posted, if it will be posted.

      Have a good day, Jerry

      (How many more times do I have to explain to you that your comments are automatically sent to moderation because YOUR IP is a listed spam generator, you were sent an e-mail about it, you were told several times that I have been approving your comments as they show up in the moderation bin not a single time have, I deleted any of your comments) SUNMOD PSI Administrator


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        “How many more times do I have to explain to you that your comments are automatically sent to moderation because YOUR IP is a listed spam generator,”

        Rather interesting. I guess my IP must have also been then. Yet since I spam nobody, and have had no such problems previously with PSI, I find it hard to believe It just happened the once if my IP, which I’ve had for years, is a noted spam relay? I emailed immediately and my moderated post was deleted.

        Jerry, Though I would expect a whitelist table, do yourself a favour and ask your internet service provider for another IP, as yours is apparently being wrongly blacklisted through no fault of your own. That will stop it, unless you get another blacklisted IP (highly improbable).

        (You have 8 spam check failures out of 314 checks a very good result, while his spam checks have been over 30 failures which is bad!) SUNMOD PSI Administrator


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          Jerry, Check here for info if your IP is blacklisted by certain organizations:

          This doesn’t implicate anyone at all, but can be an eye-opener.

          In case you don’t understand why you may be blacklisted, it could be a previous user of your IP was malicious, a spammer, maybe had a computer infection that was abusing remote machines, or something like that. You can plead your case to the maintainer of the blocklist and ask for removal, but some won’t do it. Easier to ask for a new IP.


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Howdy,

        Have tried to do what you suggested and this is a test if I was successful.

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          Jerry Krause


          The answer is I failed.


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    Robert Beatty


    Thanks John, and MattH.
    You have given my comments some thought. President Biden keeps talking about how ‘democracy’ in the the US is under threat. Is his terminology incorrect?
    The important issue is the Top Down government position. That is not disputed, and the US, like Australia, Russia and China, have the same problem – the wishes of the people are never requested on important specific issues.
    My book on this subject is available at If you would like to draft a book called CIR-America, I am happy to help where I can.


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    Robert Beatty


    If you read pages 5&6 of the referenced book, you will get the Swiss story on war.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Robert and Howdy,

      First Howdy, thanks for the information and I will try to act upon it.

      Robert, Thank you for your information and I begin with a couple of definitions,.

      Scholar: schol·ar | ˈskälər |noun a specialist in a particular branch of study, especially the humanities; a distinguished academic

      Honest: hon·est | ˈänəst |adjective. free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere

      Robert, you are an honest scholar except your branch of study is the universe. Nothing escapes your attention. And you bring the world to us PSI readers.

      Comprehension: com·pre·hen·sion | ˌkämprəˈhen(t)SH(ə)n |noun 1 the action or capability of understanding something 2 archaic inclusion

      You are human and I know I cannot immediately comprehend everything I read. And I believe you might have the same human problem.

      I read pages 5&. 6 ( But I first focused on Fig. 2.1: “Relative Standing of Great Empires” on page 4. I had never read that the Netherlands was a GREAT EMPIRE in the 16th and 17th centuries before the UK. And I did not know that the China Empire begun to decline in the 15th century. And I see that Fig 2.1 does not review the great empires that are written about in the Holy Bible which rose and fill in the earlier times.
      But coming back to the figure I ask: Do you comprehend the inclusion of the Netherland Empire of which I was unaware of having ever existed?

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Robert Beatty


        Yes Jerry,
        I am aware of the Dutch East Indies company, and its major influence over world affairs at that time, as well as the great port redoubts they created around the world. It is worth noting that their tulip investment strategy brought the economic power of their elites undone. Do you see any parallels in todays happenings?


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          Jerry Krause


          Hi Robert,

          You ask: “Do you see any parallels in todays happenings?” Certainly, if you do not learn the mistakes of historical events you will repeat and repeat the mistakes. If one does not know thee definition of what a SCIENTIFIC LAW is, you cannot understand why the observed fact that the measured air temperature has never be observed to be less than the air’s dew point temperature when both are measured at the some place and time absolutely proves that the air temperature can never be less than that measured and the air’s dew point temperature has nothing to do with the atmospheric’s carbon dioxide. And when onemakes a reproducible measurement, the measurement is not influenced by what one thinks.

          And I have no idea something as simple as this, seemingly cannot be understood by some intelligent people.

          Have a good day, Jerry


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    Projection: Sword of the Left
    Reviewed by Psychology Today Staff

    Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another.

    How do narcissists use projection?
    Narcissistic people often resort to projection to protect their self-image. Complaining about how someone else is so “showy” or “always needs attention” is one example of how a narcissist might project. They may also blame others for things that have gone wrong, rather than taking responsibility themselves. As the narcissist projects more shame and criticism onto another person, that individual’s self-doubt often grows, leading to a self-reinforcing cycle.

    How do you respond to projection?
    Setting boundaries can help you respond to projection. Responding with clear statements such as “I disagree” or “I don’t see it that way” can deflect the projection and may prompt the person to reflect or take responsibility. It can also prevent you from internalizing unfair criticism or blame. But if the person continues to project, and seems unable to move forward, it may be necessary to remove yourself from the conversation.


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